
  1. bytes

    Types and traits for working with bytes

    v1.10.0 13.1M #byte-buffer #buffer #zero-copy #io
  2. serde_bytes

    Optimized handling of &[u8] and Vec<u8> for Serde

    v0.11.15 3.3M #serialization #serde #byte-slice #serialize-deserialize #byte #no-std #no-alloc
  3. byteorder

    reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian

    v1.5.0 12.1M #read-write #endian #endianness #byte #codec
  4. bytesize

    Semantic wrapper for byte count representations

    v2.0.1 1.2M #human-readable #byte #utility #format
  5. wasm-encoder

    A low-level WebAssembly encoder

    v0.226.0 1.2M #wasm-module #section #wasm-bytecode #encoder #low-level #byte #encode
  6. byte-unit

    interacting with units of bytes

    v5.1.6 364K #byte-size #byte #unit #gb #kb #mb
  7. smol_str

    small-string optimized string type with O(1) clone

    v0.3.2 1.3M #string #string-interning #stack-allocated #clone #byte #immutability #allocation
  8. rmp

    Pure Rust MessagePack serialization implementation

    v0.8.14 2.0M #binary-encoding #serialization #messagepack #byte #binary-data #byte-buffer #error
  9. scroll

    A suite of powerful, extensible, generic, endian-aware Read/Write traits for byte buffers

    v0.12.0 1.0M #byte #endianness #immutability #endian #pread
  10. bytemuck

    mucking around with piles of bytes

    v1.22.0 4.4M #byte-slice #byte #cast #casting #transmute
  11. os_str_bytes

    Lossless functionality for platform-native strings

    v7.1.0 2.9M #osstr #osstring #byte #path
  12. const-hex

    Fast byte array to hex string conversion

    v1.14.0 637K #hex-string #hex #string-conversion #byte #compile-time
  13. human_bytes

    convert bytes into human-readable values

    v0.4.3 169K #convert-bytes #byte #conversion #convert #utility #format #value-formatting
  14. self_encryption

    Self encrypting files (convergent encryption plus obfuscation)

    v0.31.0 9.6K #encryption-decryption #file-encryption #encryption-key #chunks #obfuscation #data-security #byte
  15. atomic

    Generic Atomic<T> wrapper type

    v0.6.0 1.2M #generic #atomic-t #types #no-std #libcore #no-uninit #byte
  16. bytestring

    A UTF-8 encoded read-only string using Bytes as storage

    v1.4.0 1.1M #encoded-string #string #utf-8 #byte #web #utf8
  17. writeable

    A more efficient alternative to fmt::Display

    v0.6.1 6.2M #sink #display #unicode #localization #icu4x #traits #byte
  18. tls_codec

    A pure Rust implementation of the TLS (de)serialization

    v0.4.2 229K #tls #deserialize #serialization #mls #zeroize #rfc #byte
  19. ubyte

    complete, const-everything, saturating, human-friendly, no_std library for byte units

    v0.10.4 301K #unit-conversion #byte #units #si-units #conversion #integer #human
  20. parse-size

    Parse byte size into integer accurately

    v1.1.0 225K #byte-size #size #byte #parser #human #humanize
  21. bstr

    A string type that is not required to be valid UTF-8

    v1.11.3 5.8M #byte-string #byte #string
  22. bytes-utils

    Additional utilities for working with the bytes crate

    v0.1.4 1.6M #byte-buffer #byte #buffer #byte-string #zero-copy #buffers
  23. unicode-bom

    Unicode byte-order mark detection for files and byte arrays

    v2.0.3 655K #endianness #byte-array #bom #order #unicode #byte #utf
  24. tokio-io-utility

    Some helper functions for tokio::io

    v0.7.6 151K #tokio #async #byte #reading #vec #helper #container
  25. atomic-maybe-uninit

    Atomic operations on potentially uninitialized integers

    v0.3.6 2.1K #atomic #uninitialized #operations #integer #no-alloc #copying #byte
  26. bytebuffer

    networking and binary protocols

    v2.3.0 6.0K #protocols #byte #buffer #network-protocol #networking #binary-data #protocol
  27. hexyl

    A command-line hex viewer

    v0.16.0 1.0K #binary-data #command-line #hex #command-line-tool #viewer #byte #ascii
  28. bytes-varint

    variable-length integer encoding (protobuf-style) for the bytes crate

    v1.1.0 531K #byte #integer-value #protobuf #varint
  29. dhat-to-flamegraph

    Convert dhat JSON output to a flamegraph

    v2.1.0 #flame-graph #output #json #convert #dhat #trace #byte
  30. tendril

    Compact buffer/string type for zero-copy parsing

    v0.4.3 1.0M #string-parser #zero-copy #reference-counting #compact #byte #heap-allocation #thread-local
  31. string

    A UTF-8 encoded string with configurable byte storage

    v0.3.1 71K #encoded-string #utf-8 #configurable #byte #storage
  32. cobs

    Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) algorithm. COBS is an algorithm for transforming a message into an encoding where a specific value (the "sentinel" value) is not used…

    v0.3.0 581K #serial-communication #communication-channel #byte #overhead #consistent #stuffing #encoding
  33. bufsize

    bytes::BufMut implementation to count buffer size

    v1.0.9 5.6K #byte-buffer #byte #size #buf-mut #count #size-counter #requires
  34. arrow-ipc

    Support for the Arrow IPC format

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #arrow #ipc #serialization #byte #file-format #read-write
  35. loupe

    Profiling tool for Rust

    v0.2.0 13K #memory #profiling #memory-management #size #recursion #byte #tool
  36. file_type

    File type detector

    v0.7.3 3.8K #file #format #file-extension #byte #detector #apache #wikidata
  37. blobby

    Iterator over simple binary blob storage

    v0.4.0-pre.0 9.3K #binary #iterator #byte #numbers #stored #sequence #entry
  38. datasize

    A simplified heap memory size estimator

    v0.2.15 18K #heap-memory #memory-size #size-optimization #estimation #data #byte #performance
  39. serde-bytes-repr

    Serde adapter for controlling the representation of bytes

    v0.3.0 10K #binary-data #byte-array #byte #serde #adapter #binary-encoding
  40. bytecodec

    A tiny framework for implementing encoders/decoders of byte-oriented protocols

    v0.4.15 70K #codec #encoder #serialization #decoder #async-io #byte #decode
  41. midi2

    Ergonomic, versatile, strong types wrapping MIDI 2.0 message data

    v0.8.2 440 #midi #message #data #data-structures #audio #byte #versatile
  42. human-repr

    Generate beautiful human representations of bytes, durations, and even throughputs!

    v1.1.0 23K #byte #duration #convert-bytes #convert #format #throughput
  43. guacamole

    linearly-seekable random number generator

    v0.11.0 47K #key-value-store #numbers #constant-time #byte #byte-stream #data-stream #generator
  44. imsz

    Get width and height from an image file reading as few bytes as possible

    v0.4.1 10K #dimension #image #file-format #metadata #byte #reading #file-metadata
  45. wambo

    All-in-one binary to convert decimal/bin/oct/hex + interpret data as i8-i64, u8-u64, and f32/f64

    v0.4.0 1.0K #hex #binary #converter #ieee-754 #binary-data #byte #unsigned-integer
  46. keket

    Database-like Asset management on top of ECS storage

    v0.12.3 230 #assets #management #byte #path #top #ecs #fetch
  47. biodiff

    Compare binary files using sequence alignment

    v1.2.1 #binary-file #sequence-alignment #bioinformatics #reverse-engineering #side #byte #compare
  48. linkedbytes

    linked list of Bytes and BytesMut

    v0.1.8 4.2K #linked-list #byte #rpc #volo #writev #ioslice
  49. nu_plugin_file

    a nushell plugin called file

    v0.13.0 #file-format #nushell-plugin #byte #magic #system #binary #information
  50. octseq

    Abstractions for types representing octet sequences

    v0.5.2 97K #byte-sequences #memory-management #byte #octets #generics #byte-buffer
  51. cbored

    CBOR exact reader and writer

    v0.4.2 #cbor #reader-writer #serialization #codec #representation #data-stream #byte
  52. serde_json_bytes

    a JSON Value object with strings backed by Bytes, parsed by serde_json

    v0.2.5 10K #json #json-parser #byte #parser
  53. jppe

    byte stream structured serialization and deserialization library

    v1.1.1 750 #byte-stream #serialization #packet-parser #byte #stream #parser #networking
  54. endi

    endian-handling library

    v1.1.0 378K #endianness #endian #byte #read-write
  55. rustdb

    SQL database

    v5.2.114 #sql-database #page #database-table #byte #transactions #data-access #index
  56. jetscii

    A tiny library to efficiently search strings and byte slices for sets of ASCII characters or bytes

    v0.5.3 19K #byte-slice #string-search #string #ascii #byte #simd #character-set
  57. autonomi

    client API

    v0.4.0 240 #data #decentralized-storage #p2p #wallet #build #byte #autonomous
  58. countio

    Byte counting for std::io::{Read, Write, Seek} and its async variants from futures and tokio

    v0.2.19 6.2K #async-io #read-write #io-read #byte #tokio #future #io-write
  59. include_bytes_aligned

    macro that embeds the bytes of an external file into the executable and guarantees that they are aligned

    v0.1.4 10K #byte #aligned #alignment #include-bytes #align #macro #embed
  60. byte

    A low-level, zero-copy and panic-free serializer and deserializer for binary

    v0.2.7 7.2K #binary-data #binary-encoding #binary-parser #binary #serializer-deserializer #parser #scroll
  61. endian-num

    Byte-order-aware numeric types

    v0.2.0 2.0K #endianness #endian #byte #binary #no-alloc
  62. whitehole

    fast, intuitive parser combinator framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 380 #parser-combinator #byte #framework #wrap #heap #intuitive #next
  63. zncat

    Command line relay for Zenoh

    v0.3.0 #zenoh #command-line #relay #byte #rate #buffering #publication
  64. walle_mqtt_protocol


    v0.1.14 600 #mqtt #qos #byte #mqtt-message-builder #user-name #client-id #password
  65. rustkey

    — rust library for tillitis TKey application development

    v0.4.3 110 #applications #t-key #tillitis #setup #devices #byte #basic
  66. av-bitstream

    bit writer/reader

    v0.2.1 430 #bit #byte #byte-reader #fixed-size #reader-writer #bitstream #stream
  67. include_data

    Include typed data directly in your executable

    v1.0.1 110 #data #binary-data #data-file #static #byte #casting #include
  68. tcp-handler

    Conveniently transfer data in chunk through tokio TCP stream

    v1.0.2 #tcp #byte #data-stream #data-transfer #async-io #compression #networking
  69. arrow-row

    Arrow row format

    v54.2.1 1.1M #apache-arrow #arrow #row #format #array #sorting #byte
  70. cheetah-string

    A lightweight, high-performance string manipulation library optimized for speed-sensitive applications

    v0.1.6 3.3K #byte #performance #rocketmq-rust #fast #fast-string #rust
  71. tegra_swizzle

    Tegra X1 block linear texture memory tiling

    v0.4.0 650 #memory-layout #texture #byte #block #linear #tiling #tegra
  72. timely_communication

    Communication layer for timely dataflow

    v0.18.0 12K #timely-dataflow #dataflow #timely #communication #byte #system #channel
  73. print_bytes

    Print bytes as losslessly as possible

    v2.0.1 850 #byte-sequences #byte #path #print #osstr #string-conversion #output-stream
  74. const-serialize

    A serialization framework that works in const contexts

    v0.6.2 15K #serialization #const #memory-layout #enums #byte #context #buffer
  75. octs

    Finally, a good byte manipulation library

    v1.0.0 330 #read-write #byte #io #networking
  76. watto

    parsing and serializing Plain Old Data

    v0.2.0 15K #byte #serialization #plain #old #pod #parser #string
  77. byte_reader

    A minimal byte-by-byte reader for parsing input

    v3.1.1 750 #byte #parser #light-weight #parse-input #text-parser #minimal #nom
  78. oem_cp

    that handles OEM code pages (e.g. CP{437,737,850}) for single byte character sets

    v2.0.0 38K #character-encoding #character-set #oem #encoding #charset #pages #byte
  79. humanize-bytes

    Format byte sizes in human readable form

    v1.0.6 700 #byte-size #unit-conversion #byte #conversion #format #human #units
  80. minicdn

    Static files, compressed for efficiency

    v0.2.4 1.3K #brotli #compression #file-path #byte #gzip #run-time #webp
  81. hyper_byte

    An unsafe, near-zero cost (1-2 instructions) byte transmuter to numeric types with fast byte reader

    v0.2.0 #byte-reader #byte-slice #byte
  82. caracat

    A fast ICMP/UDP IPv4/v6 Paris traceroute and ping engine

    v1.4.2 500 #ping #traceroute #port #packet #paris #was #byte
  83. tokio-util-codec-compose

    Building blocks for composing tokio-util codecs

    v0.1.2 100 #tokio-util #codec #decoder #decoding #step #header #byte
  84. byteordered

    Abstraction for reading and writing data with implicit byte order awareness

    v0.6.0 623K #endianness #binary-data #endian #file-format #byte #binary
  85. stupidfs

    More files per file: hide files by storing them in the metadata of other files

    v0.2.1 #file-metadata #hide #per #data #storing #byte #input
  86. line-wrap

    Efficiently insert line separators

    v0.2.0 204K #line-ending #line #wrap #separator #byte #line-wrapping #insert
  87. simple-bytes

    A small and easy crate to mutate or read u8 slices

    v0.2.14 5.6K #read-write #byte-slice #byte #endianness #read #write #io
  88. anybytes

    A small library abstracting over bytes owning types in an extensible way

    v0.19.2 1.2K #byte #zero-copy #extensible #source #owning #abstracting #different
  89. vc_8bit

    This project is a virtual computer that takes a vector of bytes and runs it as instructions. Also included is a complete assembler and compiler.

    v0.1.12 #assembly #byte #computer #virtual-machine #compiler #bit #instructions
  90. aligned-buffer

    A buffer with controllable alignment, that can be sealed and shared by reference count

    v0.2.0 5.1K #reference-counting #buffer #byte-buffer #rkyv #byte
  91. libhydrogen

    A modern and easy to use cryptography library

    v0.4.6 #cryptography #curve25519 #libsodium #modern #byte #low-memory #zero
  92. compact_bytes

    A memory efficient bytes container that transparently stores bytes on the stack, when possible

    v0.1.3 10K #byte #memory #compact #mutable #small #borrow
  93. toktrie

    LLM Token Trie library

    v0.6.30 850 #token #byte #trie #stack #string #recognizer #collapse
  94. parquet-format-safe

    Safe Parquet and Thrift reader and writer (sync and async)

    v0.2.4 52K #parquet #reader-writer #thrift #async-read #async-write #read-write #byte
  95. density-rs

    Superfast compression library

    v0.16.2 #density #unit #ratio #data #speed #byte #benchmark
  96. shared-buffer

    An abstraction over buffers backed by memory-mapped files or bytes in memory

    v0.1.4 106K #memory-mapped #memory-buffer #abstraction #byte #backed #api
  97. tick-encoding

    encoding scheme to encode binary data into ASCII strings

    v0.1.3 500 #binary-data #binary-encoding #data-encoding #binary #byte #percent #encoding
  98. wasm_dep_analyzer

    Wasm module dependency analysis for module resolution

    v0.2.0 26K #wasm-module #analysis #resolution #deno #javascript #byte #typescript
  99. neofile

    linux file command for windows. PATCH 4.

    v0.1.5 230 #file #command #linux #byte #append #newlines #show
  100. mcp2517

    CAN controller

    v0.2.0 110 #can #controller #frame #standard #fd #byte #message
  101. bytes_parser

    wrapper to parse primitive Rust types from a slice of bytes

    v0.1.5 #byte-slice #binary-data #parser #byte #binary-parser #primitive-types #wrapper
  102. timely_bytes

    Disjoint mutable byte slices from a common allocation

    v0.13.0 13K #byte-slice #timely-dataflow #byte #dataflow #timely #memory-management
  103. hi-doc-jumprope

    fast rope (fancy string) library built on top of Skiplists - hi-doc fork

    v1.2.0 150 #string #rope #jumprope #built #offset #fork #byte
  104. varuint

    Variable length signed and unsigned integer types

    v0.7.1 2.2K #unsigned-integer #signed-integer #variables #length #types #byte #encoding
  105. rjiter

    Streaming JSON parser on top of Jiter

    v1.1.2 220 #json #json-parser #streaming-json #buffer #jiter #top #byte
  106. bytelines

    Read input lines as byte slices for high efficiency

    v2.5.0 3.6K #byte-slice #read-line #line #byte #byte-stream #file-reader #read-input
  107. jbytes

    byte stream structured serialization and deserialization library

    v0.2.0 #byte #byte-stream #parser
  108. show-option

    displaying Options

    v0.2.0 2.8K #options #show #displaying #byte #formatting #value #default
  109. sfbinpack

    read Stockfish Binpacks

    v0.4.1 130 #position #read #stockfish #binpacks #chess #byte #reader
  110. base64-serde

    Integration between rust-base64 and serde

    v0.8.0 49K #base64 #serde #byte #integration #rust-base64
  111. binocle

    A graphical tool to visualize binary data

    v0.3.2 #binary-data #reverse-engineering #binary-file #visualization #elf-binary #byte #pixel
  112. polars-row

    Row encodings for the Polars DataFrame library

    v0.46.0 209K #polars #row #dataframe #byte #row-column #encoding #format
  113. syxpack

    Helpers for processing MIDI System Exclusive messages

    v0.17.0 #midi #data-processing #exclusive #system #messages #parser #byte
  114. columnation

    Unsafe columnar containers for native Rust types

    v0.1.0 11K #columnar #container #allocations #types #region #byte #experimental
  115. human-units

    Size and duration serialization and formatting library designed for configuration files and command line arguments

    v0.2.0 #format-duration #command-line-arguments #duration #configuration #serialization #byte #format
  116. scuffle-bytes-util

    working with bytes

    v0.1.1 380 #byte #utilities #bits
  117. twoten

    human readable digest tool

    v0.2.1 #human-readable #digest #data #byte #formatted #tool #word
  118. bytey

    convenient and easy to use byte storage

    v0.4.0 320 #byte-buffer #byte #io #buffer #endian #utility
  119. loro-kv-store

    Key-value store component for Loro, a high-performance CRDTs framework

    v1.4.1 500 #key-value # #key-value-store #block #byte #byte-offset #
  120. mser

    v2.0.3 360 #mser #utf-8 #byte
  121. bool_vec

    A crates that exposes a vector called BoolVec which allows you to store a boolean in a single bit

    v0.3.0 #boolean #bit #single #bool #bit-vector #vec #byte
  122. abomonation

    A high performance and very unsafe serialization library

    v0.7.3 10K #serialization #binary-data #encode-decode #unsafe #byte #performance #pointers
  123. hd

    Hex Display: A modern xxd alternative

    v0.1.0 #hex #byte #pretty #viewer #xxd
  124. polars-parquet-format

    Safe Parquet and Thrift reader and writer (sync and async)

    v0.1.0 47K #thrift #parquet #read #byte #write #reader #async-read
  125. rawcode

    Implements a simple as-is encoding format

    v0.3.2 #boolean #format #fixed-length #encoding #primitive #integer #byte
  126. python_marshal

    reading and writing Python marshal files

    v0.3.1 700 #python #marshal #reference #object #byte #load #store
  127. presence

    Privacy friendly presence tokens

    v0.5.2 490 #tokens #privacy #unix-timestamp #sha256 #byte #generate #salt
  128. bebytes

    serialization and deserialization of network structs

    v0.4.6 140 #network-protocol #serialization #deserialize #byte #networking #endianness #macro-derive
  129. byteserde

    A generic serialization/deserialization framework for mapping byte streams to/from arbitrary struct types with focus on performance

    v0.6.2 #byte-stream #byte-slice #serialization #byte #macro-derive #derive #serde
  130. dns-protocol

    A DNS protocol implementation in Rust

    v0.1.2 420 #dns #protocols #message-parser #async-dns #serialization #byte #alloc
  131. bytescale

    Demonstration of humanbyte usage for human readable byte functions

    v0.2.0 130 #human-readable #byte #utility #byte-size #format #arithmetic-operations
  132. craftflow-nbt

    A serde-based NBT (from Minecraft) binary format implementation

    v2.1.0 #nbt #binary-format #minecraft #byte #tags #deserialize #enums
  133. ms-pdb-msfz

    Reads Compressed Multi-Stream Files, which is part of the Microsoft PDB file format

    v0.1.1 #stream #file #file-format #compression #pdb #byte #microsoft
  134. friendly

    Human-friendly display library

    v0.2.0 #display #byte #human-readable #human-friendly #quantity #quantities #duration
  135. hidreport

    HID Report Descriptor and HID Report parser

    v0.5.0 110 #hid #report #descriptor #parser #byte #field #sense
  136. bpe-tokenizer

    A BPE Tokenizer library

    v0.1.4 #bpe #pair #tokenizer #byte #tokenize #encoding #text-processing
  137. bytevec2

    serialization library that uses byte vectors

    v0.3.1 #byte-vector #byte #serialization #deserialize #binary #vector
  138. postcard-cobs

    Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) algorithm. COBS is an algorithm for transforming a message into an encoding where a specific value (the "sentinel" value) is not used…

    v0.2.0 58K #serial-communication #communication-channel #byte #overhead #consistent #stuffing
  139. typed-bytesize

    Represent bytesize in decimal or binary prefix unit

    v0.1.3 190 #si-units #units #unit #byte #typed
  140. transformable

    Transform its representation between structured and bytes form

    v0.2.2 1.1K #byte #binary #binary-representation #wire
  141. lbasedb

    Low level DBMS in Rust focusing on datasets

    v0.1.2 100 #low-level #dataset #dbms #byte #conn #feed #interface
  142. tora

    A lite, byte-based serialization and deserialization library

    v0.1.8 500 #byte #bson #packet #networking #serde
  143. tapir-bf

    Tapir is a moderately useful Brainfuck interpreter

    v0.4.4 500 #tape #tapir #byte #input #file #offset #execution
  144. append-only-bytes

    Shareable append-only bytes

    v0.1.12 500 #byte-slice #byte-array #byte #append-only #data #immutability #thread
  145. museair

    Fast portable hash algorithm with highest bulk throughput and lowest small key latency (1-32 bytes) among portable hashes listed in SMHasher3, and made improvements for quality and usability

    v0.3.0 #hashing #hash #hasher #algorithm #portable #byte #quality
  146. utf58

    High-tech encoding of the Unicode space in one quibble and up to 3 bytes

    v0.1.1 300 #unicode #encoder #codec #byte #ascii #encoding #up
  147. sss-rs

    A secret sharing scheme implemented in Rust

    v0.12.0 #secret-sharing #shares #reconstruction #scheme #implemented #byte #numbers
  148. sanitation

    developing memory-safe programs while detecting and capturing possibly malicious bytes

    v1.0.0 #byte #capturing #developing #programs #possibly #memory-safe #detecting
  149. sketches-rust


    v0.2.2 #distributed-systems #quantile #sketch #dd-sketch #byte #mergeable #ddsketch
  150. ord-uuid

    Creates lexically sortable uuid values of size 16 bytes

    v1.0.0 550 #uuid #sortable #create #byte #size #values #lexically
  151. bencode2json

    A Bencoded to JSON converter library and console app with no intermediary in-memory structure

    v0.1.0 #byte #byte-string #json #utf-8 #console #bencode #structure
  152. hex-buffer-serde

    Helper for serializing byte buffers as hex strings in serde

    v0.4.0 4.3K #byte-buffer #hex-string #hex #byte #serde #encoding
  153. kib

    v7.1.0 #byte #format #mib
  154. embed-resources

    embed resources (files, URLs, data) as byte arrays

    v0.1.0-alpha5 850 #resources #embed #data #url #byte #container #path
  155. bytesio

    a network io library using tokio

    v0.3.4 190 #tokio #networking #io #byte #media-server #aac #rtmp
  156. byteorder-lite

    reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian

    v0.1.0 1.4M #endian #endianness #byte #binary
  157. byte-transcoder

    A Rust+Typescript library to transcode higher-level data types to/from bytes

    v0.0.3 #byte #serialization #transcode #encode #parse #parser
  158. framous

    sending and receiving packets to and from a Reader/Writer

    v0.1.7 470 #protocols #framing #codec #networking #protocol #packets #byte
  159. ethan-rs-wc

    The ethan-rs-ws(erwc) is word, line, character, and byte count. Like wc command but not just wc command, more accurate and faster. Text can also be read from standard input for statistics.

    v0.1.1 #word-count #line-count #stdin #wc #txt #byte #command
  160. bitchomp

    reading in different types from a buffer of bytes

    v0.3.1 250 #byte-buffer #byte #endian #reading #writing
  161. circbuf

    A growable circular buffer for working with bytes

    v0.2.1 #circular-buffer #byte-buffer #ring-buffer #buffer #byte #circular #ring
  162. cbfr

    A buffer that run on stack, focusing on performance and speed

    v0.1.6 #string #byte-buffer #buffer #text #byte #byte-array
  163. sawp-ffi

    FFI helper macros and traits

    v0.13.1 #network-security #sawp #parser #macro #networking #byte #helper
  164. rkyv-owned-archive

    Helpers for having owned Archived types in rkyv

    v0.1.3 600 #rkyv #buffer #byte #helper
  165. cbvm

    Cross bytes virtual machine used for building, running and reading CBVM files

    v0.7.4 #virtual-machine #cross-compilation #byte #running #building #reading #cross-byte
  166. podio

    Additional trait for Read and Write to read and write Plain Old Data

    v0.2.0 11K #io #endianness #byte #byteorder #read-write
  167. serde-human-bytes

    Optimized handling of &[u8] and Vec<u8> for Serde

    v0.1.1 #serialize-deserialize #byte #serde #serialization #serde-derive #no-std #derive-deserialize
  168. penumbra-sdk-proto

    Bindings and extension traits for Penumbra protobufs

    v1.1.0 1.2K #validation #generated #byte #protobuf #define #penumbra #traits
  169. mime_more

    better MIME function integrations

    v0.1.7 150 #mime #file-extension #texture #magic #guessing #integration #byte
  170. tc_tea

    Tencent's varient of TEA (tc_tea)

    v0.2.1 #tea #tencent #secure-random #byte #modified #implemented #padding
  171. mqtt-bytes-v5

    MQTT v5 serialization and deserialization

    v0.1.3 300 #mqtt #mqtt-client #mqtt5 #byte #v5 #deserialize #serialization
  172. simple_parse

    A declarative converter for Rust type to and from binary

    v0.6.3 #binary-parser #binary-format #byte #byte-slice #endianness #declarative #safe
  173. ordered-varint

    Byte-orderable, variable length encoding

    v2.0.0 380 #unsigned-integer #encode #signed-integer #variable-length #byte #encoding #ff
  174. bin-it

    efficient Rust library for binary serialization and deserialization

    v1.2.0 #binary #binary-encoding #serialization #deserialize #data #byte #type
  175. aligned-buffer-pool

    A buffer-pool with controllable alignment

    v0.3.0 #buffer #rkyv #byte
  176. byteutils

    that provides a collection of frequently used utility functions for working with bytes, strings, and vectors. It includes common tasks such as converting between strings and byte arrays…

    v0.1.0 #byte-string #string #byte #convert-string #vec #byte-array #byte-vector
  177. sqlite_ext_ntqq_db

    A SQLite VFS extension to directly read NTQQ database files, skipping the leading bytes

    v0.1.0 #sqlite #sqlite-extension #vfs #read #byte #ntqq #database
  178. lzfse

    Rust bindings for the LZFSE reference implementation

    v0.2.0 1.0K #compression #reference #bindings #api-bindings #scratch #byte #input
  179. oshash

    https://pypi.org/project/oshash/ in Rust

    v0.2.0 230 #hashing #byte #file #hash #read-file #pypi #filesize
  180. rs2io

    Types and utilities for processing io with a design heavily focused around the custom protocols used by the popular MMORPG Runescape

    v0.1.5 500 #runescape #io #byte #gamedev #game #rune-scape
  181. smol_buf

    small-string optimized string / buffer type with O(1) clone

    v0.1.2 #string #clone #byte #inline #buffer #optimized #size
  182. hubpack

    A predictable serialization format

    v0.1.2 13K #data-encoding #predictable #serde #compact #byte #fixed-size #values
  183. json-session

    A streaming parser for JSON which emits fragments and location spans from an iterator-style API

    v0.1.0 130 #json #streaming-parser #byte #byte-offset #document #fragment #location
  184. streamcatcher

    A thread-safe, shared (asynchronous), almost-lockless stream buffer

    v1.0.1 3.7K #async-io #async-stream #async #concurrency #shared-data #byte #io
  185. huby

    (supporting serde) to handle byte sizes as human

    v0.2.0 #byte-size #byte #size #human #serde #units
  186. bytestream

    convenient way of writing binary data to a buffer

    v0.4.1 3.9K #binary-data #byte-buffer #read-write #byte #binary #write #read
  187. egui-video

    a video library for egui

    v0.9.0 #video #egui #ffmpeg #playing #byte #play #file-path
  188. bitman

    An easy to use bit manipulation library for Rust

    v2.0.1 #bit #bit-field #bits #byte #binary #read-write #set-bit
  189. parser-helper

    Helpers for handling buffers of bytes

    v0.1.0 #helper #byte #parser #error #sequence #length #buffer
  190. dns-protocol-patch

    A DNS protocol implementation in Rust

    v0.1.3 230 #dns #protocols #patch #byte #serialization #message #message-parser
  191. CryptTool

    A versatile and efficient cryptography library implemented in Rust

    v0.1.4 240 #crypttool #lcg #chiper #byte #random #converter #bits #cipher
  192. DEWQ

    QR Code Generation Library

    v0.0.4 #dewq #qr #error-correction #alphanumeric #generation #bitmap #level #byte
  193. mimetype

    detech mime type from file bytes

    v0.1.6 100 #mime #byte #detect #file #magic #detech
  194. beetle_bits

    A collection of bit-based types. Currently only u1 (1bit uint) and f3 (3bit float) are implemented

    v0.2.6 #bit #types #unsigned-integer #byte #u1 #float #operations
  195. primitive-archiver

    Primitive archiver

    v0.1.0 #archiver #byte #primitive #content #file #compression #unarchiver
  196. namaste

    v0.29.1 2.0K #locks #processes #unix #extension #byte
  197. serde_atproto_dagjson

    At protocol's version of DAG-JSON support for Serde

    v0.2.0 #reserved #serde #protocols #dag-json #byte #link #key
  198. mmap_bytey_byte_buffer

    Mmap Bytey MByteBuffer code, use Mmap Bytey instead

    v0.2.2 170 #byte-buffer #buffer #byte #io #endian #utility
  199. libload_reflective

    A package to reflectively load libraries from memory

    v0.1.14 120 #load #memory #reflective #byte #libload #linux #anonymous
  200. vu128

    Efficient variable-length integers

    v1.1.0 #binary-encoding #integer #length #variable-length #byte #bits #leb128
  201. gfarch

    Good-Feel's GoodFeelArchives

    v0.2.3 #nintendo #good-feel #archive #byte #lz10 #good-feel-archives #extract
  202. fortran-descriptor-parser

    Parse bytes which are formatted according to a fortran format edit descriptor

    v0.1.0 100 #fortran #parser #descriptor #byte #edit #formatted #format
  203. orio

    Small serialization library

    v0.6.0 #serialization #io #macro-derive #vec-u8 #byte #serde #enums
  204. byte_counter

    Timestamped byte counter

    v1.0.0 #byte #counter #timestamped
  205. lize

    A stupid way of serializing and deserializing really small data into bytes. Supports recursive data structures.

    v0.1.1 110 #serialization #data #stupid #byte #recursion #deserializing #structures
  206. serde_tran

    helper to serde your data into encoded bytes

    v1.1.0 #json #data-encoding #codec #compact #byte #transmission #helper
  207. le-stream

    De-/serialize objects from/to little endian byte streams

    v0.4.3 #byte-stream #endian #byte #stream #little #serialization
  208. timely-bytes-master

    Disjoint mutable byte slices from a common allocation

    v0.13.0-dev.1 3.2K #timely-dataflow #byte-slice #dataflow #timely #byte
  209. byte-calc

    Helper crate to work with bit, byte, and block sizes

    v0.1.0 130 #byte #byte-size #block-size #bit #helper #parser #error
  210. number-bytes

    trait for converting generic numeric types to and from bytes

    v1.0.1 240 #byte #numeric #converting #generic #type #value
  211. swimos_byte_channel

    SwimOS Byte Channel

    v0.1.1 #channel #swim-os #byte #actor-model #budget #distributed-systems #mechanism
  212. ed

    Encode and Decode traits

    v0.3.0 1.7K #binary-encoding #codec #serialization #traits #macro-derive #byte #deterministic
  213. png_filters

    PNG filtering related functions

    v0.1.2 #png #filtering #filter #pixel #image #byte #functions
  214. block-db

    Local Byte DB

    v0.1.0 #byte #db #block #write #local #batch #data-block
  215. doge_dns

    The dns interaction component of the doge package

    v1.0.2 170 #dns-records #record #parser #doge #part #interaction #byte
  216. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000061

    reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian

    v1.5.0 #endian #endianness #byte #binary
  217. byteserde_types

    A procedural macro for mapping byte streams to/from arbitrary struct types with focus on performance

    v0.6.2 #byte-stream #proc-macro #serialization #byte-slice #byte #macro-derive #derive
  218. hid-io-protocol

    HID-IO protocol implementation for both servers and devices. Devices are optimized for Cortex-M devices, but may work for other platforms

    v0.1.6 320 #hid-io #devices #protocols #byte #cortex-m #server #byte-buffer
  219. primitive-byte-iter

    An Iterator which can load primitive types and glam types from bytes

    v0.1.2 #type #byte #glam #iter #num #iterator
  220. msgpck

    A no-std and async compatible msgpck de/serializer

    v0.2.8 #messagepack #async #binary #byte #pack #compatible #impl
  221. byte-size

    An effective short string shrinker with total disregard for speed, memory usage and executable size

    v0.2.7 #string #compression #byte #size #short #unicode-characters #text-encoding
  222. chainbuf

    Fast chained buffers

    v0.1.0 #io #zero-copy #buffer #data-structures #chained #byte #chunks
  223. byte_set

    Efficient sets of bytes

    v0.1.3 #byte #set #string-search #search #string #performance #data-structures
  224. cobs-rs

    A minimal no-std library for doing Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing

    v1.1.2 #byte #cobs #overhead #data-encoding #embedded #stuffing #encode-decode
  225. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  226. spacepacket

    A CCSDS compliant spacepacket en/de-coder with CRC and Sink/Stream support

    v0.1.1 #ccsds #byte #packets #parser #packet #codec #byte-stream
  227. fr_alebref_libbrefdata

    BrefData library

    v0.4.1 210 #byte #column #bref-data
  228. aligners

    alignment guarantees for data

    v0.0.10 #alignment #byte #aligned #simd #align #strongly-typed #require
  229. byte-tools

    Bytes related utility functions

    v0.3.1 446K #byte #binary-data #data-processing #byte-array #byte-string #buffer #utility
  230. sha-to-hex

    function to encode string using secret and return hex string

    v1.1.0 #hex-string #sha-256 #encode #secret #byte #return
  231. bytes-kman

    serialize and deserialize bytes, a simple way to comunicate to other computer or to save state!

    v0.3.0 #serialization #byte #deserialize
  232. neutrondb

    log-structured merge-tree key-value store for any implemented data type

    v6.0.0 #key-value-store #log-structured #lsm-tree #byte #implemented #merge-tree #index
  233. distrans_fileindex

    Distrans file indexing

    v0.3.19 140 #indexing #file-sharing #veilid #distrans #p2p #byte
  234. kvarn_utils

    HTTP and Rust utilities used in the Kvarn web server

    v0.6.1 #web-server #utilities #http #kvarn #byte #response #miscellaneous
  235. absolut

    Autogenerated Bytewise SIMD-Optimized Look-Up Tables

    v0.2.1 #lookup-tables #simd #table #byte #mapping #autogenerated #proc-macro
  236. castflip

    encoding/decoding numeric variables, arrays and structures in little-endian and big-endian

    v0.1.11 #endianness #byte #codec #endian #value #variables #numbers
  237. arc-bytes

    A reference-counted byte buffer

    v0.3.5 370 #byte-buffer #reference-counting #byte #serde #parser #allocations #io
  238. midi-convert

    converting into/from midi_types::MidiMessage

    v0.2.0 #midi #converting #midi-message #convert #api-bindings #types #byte
  239. unbytes

    Panic-free reading of bytes

    v0.5.0 300 #byte #cursor #reading #owned #panic-free #io-read #guarantees
  240. big_unsigned_ints

    Big Unsigned Integers ranging from U256 to U2048 using u64 arrays all under a fixed-size of 32

    v0.1.6 #unsigned-integer #big-integer #byte-array #byte #conversion #u8 #type
  241. rcbytes

    Rc version bytes crate

    v1.2.2 #byte #byte-buffer #zero-copy #io #buffer #buffers
  242. dbus-message-parser

    Libary to encode and decode DBus message

    v4.3.1 #message-parser #dbus #encode-decode #parser #byte #signal #libary
  243. varu64

    A variable length encoding for unsigned 64 bit integers

    v0.7.0 #64-bit #unsigned-integer #encoding #length #variables #byte #representation
  244. nombytes

    that provides a wrapper for the bytes::Bytes byte container for use with nom

    v0.1.1 #byte #nom #container #reference #u8 #lifetime #input
  245. generic-bytes

    A derivable trait for conversion to and from an array of bytes with a type-level size

    v0.2.2 500 #byte-array #byte-size #byte #byte-length #byte-slice #fixed-size #generic
  246. streamvbyte64

    stream-vbyte codec supporting 64-bit wide values

    v0.2.0 #codec #integer-value #byte #tags #64-bit #length #format