
  1. png

    PNG decoding and encoding library in pure Rust

    v0.17.16 1.5M #codec #decoding #pure
  2. oxipng

    A lossless PNG compression optimizer

    v9.1.3 19K #png #image-compression #optimization #multi-threading #lossless #compression-level #command-line-tool
  3. fdeflate

    Fast specialized deflate implementation

    v0.3.7 1.4M #png #deflate #image #image-encoding #zlib #optimized #algorithm
  4. lodepng

    Reading and writing PNG files without system dependencies. Pure Rust port of LodePNG.

    v3.10.7 19K #png #codec #image-encoding #decoder #encoder
  5. png_pong

    A pure Rust PNG/APNG encoder & decoder

    v0.9.3 262K #png #codec #image-encoding #image #decoder #encoder #apng
  6. img-parts

    Low level crate for reading and writing Jpeg, Png and RIFF image containers

    v0.3.3 241K #low-level #jpeg #png #exif #container-image #icc #encoding
  7. qrcode-generator

    Generate QR Code matrices and images in RAW, PNG and SVG formats

    v5.0.0 65K #qrcode #qr #png #svg #generate #vec
  8. psd

    API for parsing and working with PSD files

    v0.3.5 600 #png #image #texture #photoshop
  9. load_image

    Load PNG or JPEG with color profile support

    v3.2.1 750 #jpeg #image #color #png #webp #profile #load
  10. re_types

    The built-in Rerun data types, component types, and archetypes

    v0.21.0 18K #rerun #component #archetypes #image #computer-vision #datatype #png
  11. pixelmosh

    PNG corrupter

    v3.6.1 330 #png #glitch #corrupter #gtk #gui
  12. silly-png

    embed shellscripts and files into png files!

    v1.3.1 270 #png #script #malware #embed #silly #shellscripts
  13. mdbook-typst

    An mdBook backend to output Typst markup, pdf, png, or svg

    v0.1.7 #mdbook #typst #png #markup #pdf #svg #output-format
  14. sgf-render

    CLI to generate diagrams of Go games from SGF game records

    v3.2.2 #svg #go #png #baduk #sgf #file-format #file-read
  15. mtpng

    Multithreaded PNG encoder library

    v0.4.1 260 #png #multi-threading #image-compression #parallel #threaded
  16. s2png

    Store any data in PNG images

    v1.0.0 #png #store #convert
  17. dezoomify-rs

    Allows downloading zoomable images. Supports several different formats such as zoomify, iiif, and deep zoom images.

    v2.9.4 220 #image #png #download #image-viewer #tile #downloader #url
  18. bevy_collider_gen

    generating colliders, for bevy apps, from images with transparency

    v0.4.0 150 #physics-engine #png #collider #bevy #physics-2d #2d #rapier
  19. arko

    A small library for pixel manipulation in images

    v0.2.4 #sorting #image-conversion #pixel #png #jpeg #algorithm #brush
  20. pixcil

    Pixel art editor

    v0.7.0 160 #pixel-art #editor #png #image #canvas #infinite #animation
  21. rasterize

    small 2D rendering library

    v0.4.4 210 #2d-rendering #png #2d #rendering #svg #curve #image-generation
  22. pnglitcher

    PNG glitcher

    v0.3.2 #png #image #filter
  23. stb_image

    Bindings to the stb image encoding/decoding library

    v0.3.0 5.1K #png #jpeg #gif #image #bmp
  24. apng

    APNG Encoder. But it is tiny yet.

    v0.3.4 160 #png #encoder #animation #tiny #animated-png #pure #apng-encoder
  25. libcaesium

    A lossy/lossless image compression library

    v0.17.1 #webp #png #jpeg #gif #input-file #filesize
  26. minetest-worldmapper

    Minetest world mapper

    v0.3.4 #world #minetest #mapper #map #voxel #png #generate
  27. poppler

    Wrapper for the GPL-licensed Poppler PDF rendering library

    v0.6.0 330 #pdf #cairo #rendering #bindings #svg #png #gpl
  28. shotgun

    Minimal X screenshot utility

    v2.5.1 #screenshot #png #x11 #window #geometry #utility #maim
  29. png-glitch-cli

    Cli to glitch PNG images

    v0.3.0 #png #image #command-line-tool
  30. png-to-twmap

    Creates a teeworlds map from a png

    v0.4.2 #png #teeworlds #map #converter #color #create #config-file
  31. spng

    Rust bindings to libspng

    v0.2.0-alpha.3 #png #image #decoder
  32. stegano

    The ultimate steganography swiss knife army CLI tool

    v0.1.1 #png #steganography #encryption #payload #privacy #command-line-tool
  33. rendercsv

    Command line tool to convert CSV table to a png picture

    v0.1.0 #png #csv #command-line-tool #visualization #csv2png #image #csv2pic
  34. png-glitch

    glitch PNG images

    v0.5.0 190 #png #image #art #glitch #media #ruby #scan
  35. svg-pixels

    A PNG to SVG per pixel converter

    v0.1.3 #pixel-art #svg #png #converter #convert #tags #sized
  36. wasm_to_png

    convert a wasm file to png

    v0.2.1 #png #wasm-file #convert #uri #data #base64-encoded
  37. dxf_to_svg

    converting DXF Entities into a string SVG

    v1.0.0 550 #svg #dxf #cad #png #graphics
  38. micro_png

    Low-level minimalist APNG writer and PNG reader with just a few dependencies. All possible formats are covered (including HDR and Adam7).

    v0.3.5 #png #hdr #apng #load-image
  39. qrcodegen-image

    Draw QR codes to a PNG canvas. Wrapper around the qrcodegen and image crates.

    v1.5.0 31K #qrcode #png #codes #image #canvas #drawing
  40. zune-png

    A fast, correct and safe png decoder

    v0.5.0-rc1 1.1K #png #decoder #png-decoder
  41. captcha

    generating CAPTCHAs

    v0.0.9 10K #captcha #png #image #generate #captcha-library
  42. gst-plugin-png

    GStreamer Rust PNG encoder/decoder

    v0.13.0 #gstreamer #png #codec
  43. pconvert-rust

    Rust version of P(NG)Convert, a simple PNG conversion tool

    v0.5.1 550 #png #image #convert-images #algorithm #wasm-module #command-line #local-file
  44. bevy_heightmap

    Create meshes from heightmap PNGs in the Bevy game engine

    v0.3.0 370 #game-engine #bevy #png #mesh #load #heightmap #height
  45. sic_io

    Component of the sic cli: provides accessible i/o around image formats

    v0.22.1 #image-processing #convert-images #png #image-resizing #sic #command-line #input-output
  46. plumers

    Multi-format image library with first-class support for paletted images

    v1.0.2 #image-encoding #codec #image #jpeg #png #decoding #graphics
  47. pigment64

    handling conversion between N64 texture formats and modern image formats

    v0.4.5 #format-conversion #texture-format #png #n64 #image-conversion #modern #converting
  48. image-interlacer

    interlace an image or multiple images for web-page usage

    v0.1.24 #image #gif #jpeg #png #interlacing
  49. reduce_image_size

    Reduces size of images in a folder (and optionally sub-folders, recursively)

    v0.2.3 #jpeg #image-resizing #png #filesize #image #photo
  50. eca

    A cli tool to run elementary cellular automatons

    v0.1.2 #cellular-automata #command-line-tool #elementary #rules #output #png #run
  51. image-builder

    Image Builder is a high-level library that uses the image crate as the engine to generate PNG images, but with convenience and simplicity

    v1.0.2 #png #image #text-image
  52. systemicons

    lib you can retrive the system icon which is associated to a certain file extension. The icon will be in the .png format. Windows, macOS and Linux (GTK) are supported.

    v0.9.13 110 #file-extension #icons #png #gtk #macos #associated #format
  53. minipng

    Tiny PNG decoder with no dependencies

    v0.1.1 7.9K #png #decoder #image #no-alloc #graphics
  54. webpixels

    Libmosh for WebAssembly

    v0.4.1 320 #png #wasm #glitch #libmosh #pixelmosh
  55. png_codec

    A minimal pure Rust PNG encoder

    v0.1.1 #png #image-encoding #image #encoder #encoding
  56. libpng-src

    Helper package for compiling 'libpng' as a static library. Meant to be used as build dependency only.

    v0.2.3 110 #png #image-processing #cargo-build #static #libpng #vendored #compiling
  57. nitv

    NITF Visualizer

    v0.2.0 130 #png #nitf #visualizer #file #open #read #attempt
  58. picto

    Image handling library

    v0.4.4 #image-processing #image #png #color #jpeg #gif #bmp
  59. gufo-png

    Data structure for PNG images

    v0.2.0-alpha.1 550 #png #gufo #image #structure #edition #portable #specification
  60. png_filters

    PNG filtering related functions

    v0.1.2 #png #filtering #filter #pixel #image #byte #functions
  61. imagine

    help with images

    v0.5.1 290 #image #png #bmp #netpbm #parser
  62. math2img

    Convert mathematical expressions into images

    v0.1.9 #png #svg #tex #cli #mathjax
  63. psd-to-png

    CLI tool to convert PSD files to PNGs

    v0.2.0 #png #psd #convert #write #command-line-tool #directory #read
  64. lunar-png

    loading png images

    v0.1.2 #png #image #loading
  65. svg-iconify

    A CLI for converting SVG's to PNG of specified size

    v0.1.2 #svg #png #tool #command-line-tool #cli
  66. dither

    A ditherer for static images with a variety of color palettes

    v1.3.10 #color-palette #image #output-image #static #png #input-output #variety
  67. png-decoder

    A pure-Rust, no_std compatible PNG decoder

    v0.1.1 550 #png #image #decoder
  68. tato_pipe

    Converts PNG files to binary data for the Tato game engine

    v0.1.3 #png #binary-data #game-engine #assets #convert #tato #converter
  69. bevy_rapier_collider_gen

    generating bevy_rapier2d colliders, for bevy apps, from images with transparency

    v0.4.2 270 #collider #rapier #png #bevy #2d
  70. sic_image_engine

    Component of the sic cli: provides abstractions for (the application of) image operations

    v0.22.1 #image-processing #convert-images #png #image-resizing #sic #operations #command-line
  71. stb_image_rust

    Rust port of the stb_image

    v2.27.2 #load-image #image #png #jpeg #gif #bmp
  72. egui_minipng

    egui PNG image loader based on minipng

    v0.4.0 #png #egui #image
  73. imghdr

    that determines the type of image contained in a file or byte stream

    v0.7.0 2.7K #png #byte-stream #jpeg #webp #gif #file-format #file-content
  74. favicon-rs

    A favicon generation tool

    v0.5.0 #favicon #image-generation #tool #command-line-tool #png #favicon-generator #cli
  75. duku

    creating graphic experiences

    v0.2.1 150 #creative-coding #png #graphics #window #jpeg #beginner #glsl
  76. devpng

    PNG parser

    v0.1.2 #png #parser #computer-vision #file-format
  77. qrcode-png

    Generate QR code in png format

    v0.4.1 150 #qrcode #png #qr #encoder #image
  78. imagescript

    tiny and fast image manipulation library for js & rust

    v0.0.10 #image-processing #gif #jpeg #png #decoding #deno #memory-access
  79. minimg

    A mini image library

    v0.1.4 #png #image #rgba #color #vec4 #mini
  80. png-secret

    steganography tool for PNG images

    v0.1.1 #png #steganography #image #tool
  81. imgcatr

    Cat for images

    v0.1.4 110 #image #command-line #display #command-line-arguments #cat #png #size
  82. stegano-core

    Steganography core library for stegano-cli. Supports hiding data in PNG images via LSB Encoding.

    v0.5.3 270 #png #steganography #image #hiding #unveil #encoding
  83. spng-sys

    Native bindings to libspng

    v0.2.0-alpha.3 500 #png #image #decoder #spng #native-bindings
  84. libpng-vendored-sys

    Helper package for vendoring 'libpng' as a static library with rudimentary FFI bindings

    v0.1.2 #png #image-processing #static #bindings #libpng #rudimentary #vendoring
  85. kindling

    Framework for building e-ink smart displays with Kindles

    v0.2.5 260 #display #smart #png #image #kindles #date #kindle
  86. makepad-zune-png

    A fast, correct and safe png decoder

    v0.2.1 #png #decoder #png-decoder #debugging
  87. syeve

    efficient video encoding (lossless streaming codec)

    v0.1.0 #video-streaming #screen-capture #image-compression #frame #lossless #png #codec
  88. sic_testing

    Component of the sic cli: provides commonly used testing operations for sic crates

    v0.22.0 #image-processing #sic #convert-images #testing #operations #image-resizing #png
  89. text-to-png

    way to render text to a png image with basic options

    v0.2.0 750 #png #font-rendering #text-image #text-rendering #font #svg #rendering
  90. pie_format

    PIE - Pixel Indexed Encoding - image format with optional external palette, especially good for pixel art. Reference implementation and PNG -> PIE CLI.

    v1.0.1 #pixel-art #image-compression #color-palette #image-encoding #png #lossless #pie
  91. tinyvg

    Rust decoder and renderer for the tinyvg image format

    v0.2.1 #png #decoder #renderer #render #input #rendering #default
  92. pb-imgsize

    detect the dimensions of PNG and JPEG images

    v0.2.5 #png #jpeg #image
  93. windows-icons

    extract icons from files on Windows

    v0.1.1 #icons #process-id #file-path #windows #png #image #extract
  94. icnsify

    Convert PNGs to .icns

    v0.1.0 #png #icns #cli #icons #convert #macos #input
  95. my_parser_kma_test_group3_invop

    test description

    v0.1.0 #test #parser #description #image #png
  96. my_parser_kma_andurusenko_group_7

    \<> _ <>\

    v0.1.0 #education #parser #image #png
  97. gbtile

    A small command line utility to convert PNG images to GBDK compliant Game Boy tiles

    v0.2.0 #png #tile #gameboy #image #command-line-tool #convert #gbdk
  98. my_parser_tutti_frutti

    My parser

    v0.1.0 #parser #image #png #lesson
  99. speedy-spritesheets

    making animation sprite sheets out of image sequences

    v0.3.1 140 #sprite-sheet #animation #image #png #sprite-sheets #sequence #gui
  100. identicon

    A port of GitHub's identicon algorithm to Rust

    v0.2.1 #github #port #algorithm #png #hubot #robots-txt
  101. revolt_imghdr

    that determines the type of image contained in a file or byte stream

    v0.7.0 #byte-stream #image #png #jpeg #webp #file-format #gif
  102. pixdown

    Markup language for Pixelart and animation

    v0.1.0 #markup-language #image #png #apng
  103. pngdefry

    ios pngdefry

    v0.0.6 #png #ios #tool
  104. quoll

    Display custom icons on system tray

    v0.2.0 #icons #display #svg-icons #tray #system #indicator #png
  105. aci_png

    Encode and decode png and apng(TODO) image files

    v0.8.0-pre0 #png #codec #image #decoder #parse
  106. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  107. gst-plugin-rspng

    An PNG encoder/decoder written in pure Rust

    v0.8.1 #png #codec #pure
  108. tatlap

    Texture atlas packer

    v0.1.1 #texture-atlas #image #packer #command-line-tool #file #png #find
  109. whats-a-png

    PNG decoder written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #png #image #chunk #info
  110. asciiforger

    transforming images in an ascii string

    v0.3.0 120 #ascii #jpeg #image #png #transform #jpg #encoding
  111. tiny-png

    Multi-threaded, concurrent image size optimizer

    v0.1.0 #size-optimization #multi-threaded #image #png #concurrency #tiny #command
  112. libplum-sys

    Bindings to libplum, an image loading and storing library

    v1.0.2+v1.2 #jpeg #png #image #image-encoding #decoding #codec #encoding
  113. png-read

    read png files

    v0.1.2 #png #read
  114. emoji-crafter

    a command line tool for automating emoji exports from svg, including animation

    v0.1.3 #svg #gif #webp #image #png #command-line #command-line-tool
  115. ytesrev

    A presentation tool written in rust, based on sdl2

    v0.2.7 180 #presentation #graphics #png #latex #tool #layout #events
  116. lcs-png-diff

    PNG diff tool with LCS algorithm

    v0.3.1 #png #lcs #bitmap
  117. social-image

    Generate social images using SVG templates

    v0.6.0 #svg #png #social #content #generate #render #helper
  118. images-compressor

    compress pictures, such as pngjpgjpeggit

    v1.0.3 #png #gif #image-compression #jpeg #image #compressor #jpg
  119. ivy-image

    stb image loading library for ivy

    v0.10.0 #jpeg #png #image-loading #jpg
  120. repng

    The PNG encoder that no one asked for

    v0.2.2 53K #encoder #png #streaming
  121. image-to-ppm

    Convert images to PPM (raw pixel format)

    v0.1.1 #convert-images #png #image #ppm #pixel-format #raw #jpeg
  122. acrylic-png

    debug acrylic apps by rendering to a PNG image

    v0.1.30 #png #debugging #user-interface #acrylic #image #cross-platform #apps
  123. mc_map2png

    application transforms Minecraft map data from NBT format into a visual PNG image. Additionally, a WebAssembly module is available for converting images on the client side.

    v0.1.0 #png #wasm-module #nbt #minecraft #map #wasm #web-assembly
  124. rgba8888-to-rgb332

    A cli tool that will process all files found in an input folder, transforming them from a file format containing full 16 million color PNG files to 8-bit raw data files

    v0.1.0 #png #color-palette #8-bit #file-format #cli-color #embedded-graphics #command-line-tool
  125. voronoiify-image

    Divide a PNG image into random nearest-neighbour regions and give each regio the average color of its pixels

    v1.0.2 #png #voronoi #image #pixel #color #random #average
  126. png_ect

    A command-line tool for compressing png images using ECT

    v1.0.0 #png #image #tool #ect #process #compressing #command-line-tool
  127. immo

    Processing of various images (e.g., drawing of square systems)

    v0.1.2 #png #image-processing #text #metadata #drawing #modification #systems
  128. pngchat

    Hide messages in the PNG file

    v1.0.1 #png #file #messages #hide
  129. sten_rs

    A rust crate for performing steganography on PNG images and more!

    v1.0.0 #png #image #steganography #performing #bit #compression
  130. pngme

    A command line program that lets you hide secret messages in PNG files

    v0.5.2 #png #crypto #image #steganography #command-line #commandline
  131. wasmpng

    Combines a Javascript and WASM file into a single executable polygot PNG+HTML file

    v0.1.3 #png #demoscene #pnginator #wasm #compression
  132. webp_killer

    A command line tool to simplify removing .webp files from your life

    v1.2.3 #png #webp #command-line #file #convert #image #extension
  133. silkgen

    Generate KiCad silkscreen art from PNGs

    v0.4.0 #png #art #ki-cad #image #silkscreen #pixel-art #graphics
  134. subimg

    hide sub-images in the image, supported image types PNG and TIFF

    v0.2.0 #png #image #cli
  135. cermic

    Print .png images in your terminal as ascii art!

    v1.0.0 #png #ascii-art #image #text-image #linux #linux-terminal #platform
  136. tpng

    A small tool that prints truecolor png renderings to the terminal using unicode block characters

    v0.1.6 #true-color #png #convert #string #image #unicode #terminal
  137. png_color_converter

    Used for converting the hue of a given 16x16 png while retaining saturation and lightness. Useful for converting minecraft textures to another color while retaining the shading / details

    v0.1.0 #png #image #color #texture #saturation #hue #minecraft
  138. raster

    Image processing lib for Rust

    v0.2.0 1.9K #image-processing #image #image-resizing #jpeg #save #resize #png
  139. png2wasm4src

    Convert indexed PNG images to Rust source code for WASM-4 engine

    v0.1.0 #png #wasm #encoding
  140. emoji_pix

    command-line utility (and Rust crate!) for converting from a conventional image file (e.g. a PNG file) into a pixel-art version constructed with emoji

    v0.2.1 #pixel-art #emoji #png #color #image #file #converting
  141. svpng

    A small function for saving RGB/RGBA image into uncompressed PNG

    v0.1.1 #png #push #rgb #pix #false #save #uncompressed
  142. extol_image_font

    Render pixel fonts from PNGs in Bevy

    v0.4.0 #font #bevy #pixel #image #gamedev #png #render
  143. wcursorgen

    Generating windows cursor file from PNGs and xcursorgen config

    v0.1.1 #config-file #cursor #image #png #windows #generate #convert-images
  144. image-tool

    mass image manipulation commandline tool for resizing and converting format. This tool is specifically designed to for performing conversion on large amount of images with different formats efficienctly.

    v0.1.0 #image-resizing #resize #image #image-conversion #conversion #png #jpeg
  145. i2a-rs

    converting images to ASCII graph

    v0.1.0 #ascii-art #gif #image #ffmpeg #png #jpeg #terminal
  146. csvcellplot

    CSV to image converter, plotting multiple columns of numbers using blocks with varied lightness

    v0.1.0 #png #plot #csv #image
  147. magie

    A magical tool to manipulate images

    v0.1.0 #image #jpeg #png #jfif #wepb
  148. dxf2image

    fast and efficient dxf to image converter!

    v0.1.1 #png #cad #svg #dxf #graphics
  149. captcha_rust

    Dynamically generate verification code pictures

    v0.1.3 #captcha #image #verification #generate #dynamically #png
  150. stega

    conceal and reveal UTF-8 encoded data within PNG images

    v0.1.0 #png #reveal #utf-8 #steganography #conceal
  151. rust_ocr

    convert png to text with windows api

    v0.1.5 #png #convert #text #windows #ocr #winapi #file
  152. image2aa

    Convert image to ASCII Art

    v0.1.4 #jpeg #png #image #convert-images #ascii-art #jpg
  153. imatree

    command line tool to generate aesthetically pleasing (and sometimes not so pleasing) images of whatever string you want

    v0.1.0 #image #png #art #graphics #text #cli
  154. atlantinator

    generate a texture-atlas form a folder of images

    v0.1.1 #atlas #texture-atlas #png #image #texture #pixelart
  155. lcs-png-diff-server

    PNG diff server with LCS algorithm

    v0.1.6 #png #lcs #bitmap #log-level
  156. minotaur

    A command-line program for generating mazes

    v0.3.0 #maze #generator #generate #mazes #binary-tree #seed #png
  157. hexcrypt

    Convert UTF-8 encoded text to RGB images and vice versa

    v0.1.0 #text-image #image #encryption #png #utf-8 #rgb #convert
  158. pico_pngme

    A CLI tool for hiding messages in PNG files

    v0.1.0 #png #messages #cli #pngme #image #hiding #tool
  159. avatargen

    Generates random png avatars from seeds

    v0.1.0 #png #avatar #random #identicon #seed #generate #generates-random
  160. image-base64-wasm

    Imaging library written in Rust supported by wasm. Provides basic filters and decoders for the most common image formats.

    v0.6.0 #base64 #image #gif #jpeg #png #wasm #compatible
  161. sticker-printer

    Prints an image to a Brother QL-570 sticker printer

    v0.1.0 #printing #svg #sticker #print #brother #png #ql-570
  162. trithemius

    steganography library

    v2.0.2 #steganography #png #hidden #encode-decode #load-image
  163. simple2fa

    easily add two-factor authentication to your app

    v0.1.0 #add #qrcode #authentication #urlencoded #generate #two-factor #png