
  1. kurbo

    A 2D curves library

    v0.11.1 327K #curve #vector-graphics #graphics #bezier #geometry #2d-vector #curves
  2. euclid

    Geometry primitives

    v0.22.11 338K #matrix-vector #linear-algebra #2d-graphics #geometry #vector #vector-math #matrix
  3. robust

    adaptive floating-point predicates for computational geometry

    v1.1.0 399K #computational-geometry #geometry #robustness #stability #math
  4. geos

    Rust bindings for GEOS C API

    v10.0.0 13K #geometry #gis #geography #api-bindings #libgeos
  5. wkt

    Rust read/write support for well-known text (WKT)

    v0.12.0 155K #geospatial #geometry #read-write #string #geo-types #deserialize #format
  6. parry3d-f64

    3 dimensional collision detection library in Rust. 64-bits precision version.

    v0.18.0 147K #collision #convex #geometry #ray #distance #64-bit
  7. parry3d

    3 dimensional collision detection library in Rust

    v0.18.0 25K #collision #convex #geometry #distance #ray #2d-3d
  8. spade

    Delaunay triangulations for the rust ecosystem

    v2.13.0 315K #delaunay-triangulation #triangulation #delaunay #geometry #voronoi
  9. parry2d

    2 dimensional collision detection library in Rust

    v0.18.0 27K #collision #geometry #convex #distance #ray #2d-3d
  10. parry2d-f64

    2 dimensional collision detection library in Rust. 64-bit precision version.

    v0.18.0 8.9K #collision #geometry #convex #distance #ray #2d-3d
  11. hexx

    Hexagonal utilities

    v0.20.0 550 #hexagon #geometry #bevy #bestagon #graphics
  12. csgrs

    Constructive solid geometry on meshes using BSP trees in Rust

    v0.15.2 2.2K #polygon #csg #tree #geometry #2d #2d-3d #bsp
  13. flo_curves

    manipulating Bezier curves

    v0.7.3 1.6K #bezier #collision-detection #graphics #geometry
  14. lyon_geom

    2D quadratic and cubic bézier arcs and line segment math on top of euclid

    v1.0.6 125K #2d-graphics #line-segment #graphics #2d #bezier #geometry
  15. gemlab

    Geometry and meshes laboratory for finite element analyses

    v1.1.0 900 #finite-element #mesh #geometry #fem #numerical-computation
  16. geo-aid

    designed to generate geometrical figures based on given rules

    v0.7.1 1.4K #figure #geometry #generation #definition #geometric #generate #rules
  17. meshx

    A mesh eXchange library with conversion utilities for popular mesh formats

    v0.6.1 3.4K #mesh #geometry #interchange #io #format-conversion #import-export #early-stage
  18. elements-lang

    A geometry markup language and diagram renderer

    v0.2.3 500 #markup-language #diagram #geometry #svg #renderer #triangle #point
  19. shalrath

    spiky, heat-seeing Quake map parser

    v0.2.6 280 #quake #map #geometry #gamedev #brushes
  20. icao-wgs84

    performing geometric calculations on the WGS84 ellipsoid

    v0.4.0 140 #wgs84 #ellipsoid #navigation #geometry #icao #aerospace
  21. angle-sc

    performing accurate and efficient trigonometry calculations

    v1.0.0 270 #angle #degree #radians #geometry #trigonometry #degrees
  22. s2

    S2 geometric library

    v0.0.13 8.6K #geometry #geospatial #geometric #port #google #spherical #coordinates
  23. tritet

    Triangle and tetrahedron mesh generators

    v1.0.0 #mesh-generation #mesh #2d-3d #geometry #3d #2d #finite-element
  24. maliput

    Rust API for maliput

    v0.1.5 2.4K #api #bindings #road #geometry #road-network #refer #org
  25. geo-nd

    Traits and types particularly for 2D and 3D geometry with implementations for [float] and optionally SIMD

    v0.5.2 420 #vector #2d-3d #quaternions #geometry #simd #matrix-operations #2d-vector
  26. geometry-predicates

    port of robust geometric predicates

    v0.3.0 7.4K #computational-geometry #geometry #arithmetic #robust #predicate
  27. baby_shark

    Geometry processing library

    v0.3.3 #mesh #geometry #3d #mesh-processing #graphics
  28. impacted

    2d collision test for arbitrary convex shapes

    v2.0.3 750 #collision #2d #geometry #gamedev #gjk
  29. unit-sphere

    performing geometric calculations on the surface of a sphere

    v0.3.2 270 #sphere #geometry #navigation
  30. polygons

    Fast points-in-polygon test and distances to polygons

    v0.3.4 550 #polygon #distances #points #geometry #edge #compute #vertices
  31. geoarrow

    Rust implementation of GeoArrow

    v0.4.0-beta.4 1.3K #array #geometry #geospatial #apache-arrow #convert #geojson #format
  32. plane-split

    Plane splitting

    v0.18.0 14K #geometry #plane #math #splitting #webrender #euclid
  33. bevy_stl

    STL loader for bevy, based on stl_io

    v0.15.0 1.0K #stl #bevy #cad #loader #geometry #assets #position
  34. libfive

    Tools for solid modeling, especially suited for parametric and procedural design

    v0.3.1 140 #geometry #parametric #3d #procedural #graphics #name
  35. boostvoronoi

    Boost voronoi ported to 100% rust

    v0.11.1 #voronoi-diagram #line-segment #voronoi #geometry #sweep-line
  36. pathfinder_geometry

    Basic SIMD-accelerated geometry/linear algebra

    v0.5.1 200K #linear-algebra #vector-graphics #geometry #simd #simd-accelerated #primitive #basic
  37. sfcgal

    High-level bindings to SFCGAL and conversion from/to other geometry libraries

    v0.8.1 #geometry #geospatial #gis #api-bindings #2d-3d #convex-hull #rational-numbers
  38. truck-modeling

    integrated modeling algorithms by geometry and topology

    v0.6.0 220 #truck #modeling #topology #graphics #cad #geometry #generated
  39. flat_spatial

    Flat spatial partitionning algorithms and data structures

    v0.6.1 #spatial #grid #data-structures #geometry #constant-time #graphics #algorithm
  40. tilezz

    work with perfect-precision polygonal tiles built on top of complex integer rings

    v0.0.3 240 #tiling #algebra #geometry #2d #complex-numbers #math #graphics
  41. spherical_geometry

    A package for working with spherical geometry

    v0.3.0 270 #geometry #sphere #math #mathematics
  42. sophus_opt

    Sparse non-linear least squares optimization

    v0.14.0 220 #robotics #computer-vision #optimization #sophus #variables #geometry #transformation
  43. vector2math

    Traits for doing 2D vector geometry operations using standard types

    v0.14.2 #2d-vector #vector-math #geometry #2d #math #vector
  44. geogram_predicates

    Rust bindings to the Geogram library's predicates module

    v0.2.1 850 #computer-graphics #geometry #predicates #math #robust #predicate #cpp
  45. louvre

    A Robust Triangulation Algorigthm

    v0.2.1 #polygon #computational-geometry #triangulation #geometry #graphics
  46. qhull

    Rust bindings to Qhull

    v0.4.0 #convex-hull #voronoi-diagram #voronoi #delaunay #geometry #math
  47. del-geo

    2D/3D geometry utility codes

    v0.1.29 #geometry #prototyping #2d-3d #research #utility #computation #codes
  48. cavalier_contours

    2D polyline/shape library for offsetting, combining, etc

    v0.4.0 130 #computational-geometry #geometry #2d #computational #spatial #graphics
  49. shotgun

    Minimal X screenshot utility

    v2.5.1 #screenshot #png #x11 #window #geometry #utility #maim
  50. theon

    Abstraction of Euclidean spaces

    v0.1.0 #euclidean #linear #geometry #graphics
  51. iron-shapes

    Basic data types and routines for computational geometry focused on VLSI chip design

    v0.1.1 #computational-geometry #geometry #euclidean #vlsi #graphics #data-structures
  52. algebraeon-geometry

    Algorithms for working with geometric shapes

    v0.0.10 480 #geometry #maths #simpelx
  53. axgeom

    that provides ability to extract 1d ranges out of 2d objects

    v1.13.2 140 #axis #range #geometry #extract #2d #recursion #1d
  54. bezier-rs

    Computational geometry algorithms for Bézier segments and shapes useful in the context of 2D graphics

    v0.4.0 330 #2d-graphics #computational-geometry #vector-graphics #curve #graphics #bezier #geometry
  55. sophus_lie

    Lie groups in 2D and 3D: rotations, translations, etc

    v0.14.0 190 #computer-vision #2d-3d #robotics #group #optimization #geometry #lie
  56. rita

    Randomized Incremental Triangulation Algorithms

    v0.1.4 240 #delaunay-triangulation #delaunay #triangulation #computer-graphics #geometry #math #2d-3d
  57. serde_geozero

    serializing and deserializing geospatial data using serde and geozero

    v0.1.2 370 #geospatial #data #geozero #data-source #geo-json #deserializing #geometry
  58. mod3d-base

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.2.0 #3d-model #geometry #graphics #object #deserialize #gpu #gl
  59. lk_math

    Collection of reusable mathematical tools

    v0.5.0 #math #geometry #algebra #gamedev #algorithm
  60. static_aabb2d_index

    Fast static spatial index data structure for 2D axis aligned bounding boxes

    v2.0.0 2.9K #bounding-box #computational-geometry #spatial #2d #geometry #computational #data-structures
  61. lowdim

    two- to four-dimensional integer geometry

    v0.7.2 #bounding-box #2d-array #2d-3d #geometry #array #vector-math #2d
  62. alum

    Halfedge based polygon mesh library

    v0.6.1 #mesh #half-edge #polygon #topology #geometry #graphics
  63. contrast_renderer

    A web-gpu based 2D render engine

    v0.1.3 190 #bezier #2d-graphics #2d #graphics #geometry
  64. ncollide3d-updated

    2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust. Will be superseded by the parry3d crate.

    v0.36.3 370 #collision-detection #collision #2d-3d #convex #geometry #ray #distance
  65. spatial

    An N-Dimensional R-tree family spatial tree implementations

    v1.0.1 290 #r-tree #tree #geometry #rstar
  66. ncollide2d-updated

    2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust. Will be superseded by the parry2d crate.

    v0.36.3 290 #collision-detection #collision #convex #geometry #ray #distance #2d-3d
  67. mod3d

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.0.2 #geometry #3d-model #graphics #processing #gl #gltf #viewer
  68. geometry-rs

    geometry utils

    v0.3.0 7.6K #geometry #point-in-polygon #parts
  69. collision2d

    2d collision detection library

    v0.2.3 #collision-detection #collision #2d #geometry #gamedev
  70. bestagon

    An engine for discrete stuff in hexagonal grids

    v0.5.0 #hexagon #geometry #gamedev #game-engine
  71. del-geo-nalgebra

    2D/3D geometry utility codes

    v0.1.33 210 #geometry #codes #utility #computation #2d-3d #prototyping #primitive
  72. crater-rs

    solid modeling primitives and operations

    v0.5.0 650 #solid #geometry #3d #constructive #csg
  73. imlet

    A lightweight engine for implicit modeling

    v0.1.1 210 #implicit #geometry #3d #mesh-generation #marching-cubes #3d-model
  74. mod3d-gltf

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.2.0 #3d-model #gltf #geometry #graphics #base64 #texture #saving
  75. sfconversions

    Support conversion from R's sf package types to geo_types geometry primitives using extendr

    v0.3.0 150 #geospatial #conversion #geometry #geo-types #package #sf #primitive
  76. klippa

    Geometry clipper using rectangular window

    v0.2.5 290 #rectangular #window #geometry #clipper #clipping
  77. mod3d-gl

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.2.0 #3d-model #opengl #webgl #opengl-context #geometry #graphics #object
  78. shape-core

    Definition of geometry shapes

    v0.1.17 500 #geometry #shapes #coordinate #system #definition #3d #space
  79. mod3d-shapes

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.0.2 #geometry #models #3d-model #shapes #texture #graphics #region
  80. tri-mesh

    A triangle mesh data structure including basic operations

    v0.6.1 170 #mesh #half-edge #graphics #3d #geometry #data-structures
  81. polygon-offsetting

    polygon offsetting crate

    v0.1.9 300 #polygon #geometry #2d #offset
  82. meshmeshmesh

    Open-source mesh processing library

    v0.1.7 380 #mesh #geometry #processing
  83. linear_isomorphic

    A set of traits to astract over linear-like types

    v0.2.4 1.1K #linear-algebra #numerical-analysis #vector-math #math #geometry #mathematics
  84. gedv

    geometry and devices in GUI library

    v0.3.1 #gui #devices #geometry
  85. collider

    continuous 2D collision detection for game developement

    v0.3.1 120 #collision-detection #collision #continuous #2d #geometry
  86. geos-sys

    GEOS C API bindings

    v2.0.6 12K #api-bindings #gis #geos #geometry #geography #libgeos #low-level
  87. sophus_image

    static and dynamic image types

    v0.14.0 240 #computer-vision #image #robotics #dynamic-image #2d-3d #optimization #geometry
  88. sophus

    geometry for robotics and computer vision

    v0.14.0 #computer-vision #2d-3d #robotics #geometry #optimization #group #transformation
  89. sophus_sensor

    Camera models for computer vision

    v0.14.0 #computer-vision #robotics #optimization #2d-3d #camera #geometry #sophus
  90. rten-imageproc

    Image tensor processing and geometry functions

    v0.16.0 1.5K #image-processing #bounding-box #machine-learning #polygon #contour #geometry #segmentation
  91. polyhedron-ops

    Conway/Hart Polyhedron Operations

    v0.2.7 #geometry #graphics #3d #creative #rendering #extension
  92. lox

    Fast polygon mesh library with different data structures and traits to abstract over those

    v0.1.1 #mesh #polygon #geometry #graphics #half-edge-mesh #data-structures
  93. sark_grids

    A set of grids for storing and accessing data in a grid-like way

    v0.6.2 150 #2d-grid #grid #2d #geometry #data-points
  94. wkb-rs

    Conversions between WKB (Well Known Binary) and geo-types

    v0.2.1 300 #wkb #geo-types #binary #conversion #geo #geometry #data
  95. pythagorean-hodographs

    Pythaogrean hodograph splines

    v0.5.4 #spline-interpolation #spline #math #interpolation #geometry #numbers #number
  96. simplify-polyline

    Simplify polylines using Douglas-Peucker and radial distance algorithms. Port of the simplify-js library.

    v0.5.0 95K #polyline #geometry #graphics #simplify-js #simplify
  97. geo-nd-wasm

    A WASM interface to the geo-nd library

    v0.1.2 #vector #quaternions #geometry #gamedev #simd #wasm-interface #graphics
  98. gd-death-counter

    A death counter for Geometry Dash

    v0.4.4 500 #death #counter #geometry #dash
  99. mod3d-gl-wasm-example

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.2.0 #3d-model #geometry #gltf #viewer #gl #processing #shader
  100. mod3d-gl-sdl-example

    3D Models for Gl processing

    v0.2.0 #3d-model #geometry #graphics #gltf #viewer #gl #processing
  101. cytogon

    Mesh generation library based on cellular automata

    v0.1.0 120 #cellular-automata #mesh #mesh-generation #geometry #procedural #2d-3d
  102. delaunator

    A very fast 2D Delaunay triangulation library

    v1.0.2 4.7K #delaunay-triangulation #delaunay #triangulation #spatial #geometry #tessellation
  103. ointer

    Steal the high bits of a pointer to store an extra value

    v3.0.12 170 #pointers #topology #geometry #high #bits #information #macro
  104. bracket-geometry

    Geometry utilities. Rect, lines, circles, distance calculations. Part of the bracket-lib family.

    v0.8.7 6.7K #geometry #circle #distance #bresenham #gamedev #graphics
  105. geometric_algebra

    Generate(d) custom libraries for geometric algebras

    v0.3.0 #geometry #vector-math #simd-vector #math #simd #vector
  106. oat_python

    User-friendly tools for applied topology in Python

    v0.1.1 #hpc #ml #geometry #ai #data
  107. wedged

    A robust and generalized library for Geometric Algebra in Rust

    v0.1.0 #geometric-algebra #linear-algebra #geometry #algebra #computer-science #complex-numbers #clifford
  108. bezier-nd

    Bezier curve implementations using N-dimensional vectors

    v0.5.0 420 #vector-graphics #vector #geometry #graphics #curve-point
  109. chemrust-nasl-app

    New Adsorption Site Locator (NASL) for catalyst materials. Written in rust. Part of the chemrust toolchain. This is the binary crate.

    v0.1.2 #chemistry #geometry #chemistry-research #catalysis-research
  110. pointy

    Minimal 2D geometry library

    v0.6.0 440 #bounding-box #geometry #2d #line #transformation #points #affine
  111. centerline

    finding centerlines of 2D closed geometry

    v0.11.0 #voronoi-diagram #geometry #median-axis #angle #2d #shape #edge
  112. manifold3d

    Bindings for Manifold - a Geometry library for topological robustness

    v0.0.6 330 #manifold #topological #robustness #geometry #bindings
  113. node_engine

    Node graph engine for Shader graph or Geometry graph

    v0.5.0 #graph #node #shader #geometry
  114. geometry_tools

    Efficient computation of single precision geometric data

    v0.6.0 #geometry #glam #simd #bounding #normals #computation #single
  115. openmodel

    Geometry library for structures

    v0.1.0 110 #geometry #structures #static #statics
  116. uscope

    Cytogon GUI

    v0.1.0 #mesh #cellular-automata #viewer #geometry #procedural #mesh-generation
  117. baiser

    Curves manipulation library

    v0.1.1 #curve #smoothing #geometry #bezier
  118. spaces

    Set/space primitives for defining machine learning problems

    v6.0.0 130 #machine-learning #geometry #machine #learning #space #vector
  119. geo-aid-latex

    Support for LaTeX output from Geo-AID

    v0.7.1 230 #latex #figure #geo-aid #math #geometry #output #generate
  120. point-nd

    flexible no-std struct to model points on axes of any dimensions

    v0.5.0 #point #multi-dimensional #geometry #coordinate #points #graphics #data-structures
  121. oat_rust

    User-friendly tools for applied topology

    v0.1.1 100 #ml #geometry #hpc #data
  122. geo-aid-svg

    Support for SVG output from Geo-AID

    v0.7.1 230 #svg #figure #geo-aid #math #output #geometry #geometric
  123. cavalier_contours_ffi

    C foreign function interface for the cavalier_contours crate

    v0.4.0 #computational-geometry #geometry #foreign-interface #2d #computational #spatial #graphics
  124. triangulate

    Subdivides polygons into equivalent triangles

    v0.2.0 #geometry #triangulation #2d #gamedev #graphics #input-output #algorithm
  125. geo-aid-geogebra

    Support for Geogebra (*.ggb) output from Geo-AID

    v0.7.1 230 #figure #geo-aid #definition #geogebra #generate #geometry #rules
  126. plexus

    2D and 3D mesh processing

    v0.0.11 #mesh #half-edge #topology #geometry #graphics #2d-3d #data-structures
  127. g3

    Neat library for computer graphics based on geometric algebra

    v0.1.4 #graphics #geometry #math #linear-algebra
  128. spherical-cow

    Spherical Cow: High volume fraction sphere packing in arbitrary geometries

    v0.1.4 #sphere #packing #geometry #obj #optimization #spherepacking
  129. spwn

    A language for Geometry Dash triggers

    v0.0.6 #level #dash #geometry #triggers #programming-language #build #file
  130. geo-aid-plaintext

    Support for plaintext output from Geo-AID

    v0.7.1 230 #geo-aid #plain-text #figure #math #output #geometry #generate
  131. ang

    Angular types and common helper methods

    v0.6.0 #degree #angle #geometry #orientation #radian
  132. geo-aid-json

    Support for JSON output from Geo-AID

    v0.7.1 230 #geo-aid #json #math #figure #geometry #generate-json #output
  133. ruby-math

    3D math library for games and graphics

    v0.2.2 #math #color #geometry #sampling #transform #vec2f #vec4f
  134. auburn

    Fast and simple physics library

    v0.1.4 #physics #gamedev #math #geometry #algorithm
  135. geo-aid-figure

    Definitions for Geo-AID's JSON export format

    v0.7.1 #definition #json-format #math #geo-aid #export #geometry #geometric
  136. kdbush

    A very fast static spatial index for 2D points based on a flat KD-tree

    v0.2.0 650 #spatial-index #kdtree #spatial #geometry #kd-tree #search-algorithms
  137. gut

    Geometry utilities: storing, manipulating and processing geometries

    v0.8.0 #geometry #processing #io #bounding-box #data-processing #data-structures #algorithm
  138. bracket-algorithm-traits

    Traits required for the bracket-* crates. Adapt your maps to the traits with Algorithm2D, Algorithm3D and BaseMap.

    v0.8.7 6.2K #path-finding #rogue-like #traits #geometry #brackets #graphics #algorithm
  139. bevy_copperfield

    Procedural mesh editor, based on Half-Edge-Mesh datastructure

    v0.2.2 #mesh #data-structures #procedural #node #bevy-plugin #face #geometry
  140. triangle

    Struct for geometric triangles. Includes Barycentric-Cartesian transforms and stuff..

    v0.2.0 #geometry #3d #math #struct
  141. robust-predicates

    Robust predicates for computer geometry

    v0.1.4 #predicates #robust #geometry #math
  142. intersect2d

    Line segment intersection detection

    v0.4.2 #intersection #line-segment #geometry #sweep-line #sweepline
  143. robot-description-builder

    A libary to create (valid) Robot descriptions

    v0.0.3 #urdf #robot #robotics #description #geometry #group-id #ros
  144. board-game-geom

    Geometry library for board game

    v0.3.0 #board-game #geometry #documentation
  145. rect-iter

    Iterator for 2D rectangle areas

    v0.3.0 #iterator #geometry #utility #2d-array
  146. ngeom

    Geometry in N dimensions

    v0.1.0 #geometry #line #graphics #geometric #transformation #space #n-dimensional
  147. babushka

    bin packing and nesting library

    v0.1.10 #nested #geometry #packing #nesting
  148. parametrics

    working with parametric functions

    v1.5.0 #geometry #2d #parametric #functions #point #parametric-function1-d #traits
  149. gecl

    geometry types and a color type

    v0.2.1 100 #geometry #color #types
  150. angular-units

    representing, manipulating and converting between angular quantities in various units through a type-safe interace

    v0.2.4 340 #angular #units #angle #math #geometry #unit #mathematics
  151. glium_shapes

    Prefabricated shapes for the Glium OpenGL library

    v0.2.0 #opengl #shapes #glium #geometry #prefabricated #quad #sphere
  152. bevy_more_shapes

    Bevy engine plugin that adds additional shapes to the existing collection of procedurally generated geometry

    v0.5.0 #shapes #geometry #bevy #graphics #gamedev #bevy-plugin #game-engine
  153. ploc

    Point location library

    v0.1.0 #geometry #graph #algorithm #library #data-structures #algorithms
  154. sophus_viewer

    Basic 2D / 3D visualization, e.g. for computer vision applications

    v0.14.0 #robotics #computer-vision #optimization #2d-3d #sophus #visualization #geometry
  155. polygonical

    2d polygon geometry and operations

    v0.5.0 #polygon #geometry #2d #bounding-box #rotation
  156. projgeom-rs

    Projective Geometry in Rust

    v0.1.1 #geometry #projective #projective-geometry #🔯
  157. flatgeom

    Geometry types using flat structures instead of jagged arrays

    v0.0.2 #data-structures #geometry #polygon #deserialize #primitive #geospatial #flat
  158. arcs

    An extensible framework for creating 2D CAD applications using the Entity-Component-System pattern

    v0.3.0 #cad #2d #geometry #design #graphics
  159. geo-aid-dbg

    A debugger for Geo-AID. Used in development for peeking inside Geo-AID in order to see how the generation process goes.

    v0.7.1 #debugging #geo-aid #generation #geometry #figure #math #process
  160. faasle

    evaluating distances (metrics)

    v0.1.0 #multi-dimensional #metrics #distance #geometry #array #multidimensional #math
  161. fenris-geometry

    Geometry functionality for fenris

    v0.0.6 #finite-element #fenris #geometry #fem #computation #domains #versatile
  162. ncollide_testbed2d

    2D testbed for ncollide

    v0.5.0 #2d #testbed #graphics #collision-detection #2d-graphics #geometry #ncollide
  163. shapers

    fitting shapes and operations on geometrical objects

    v0.3.0 #circle #geometry #shapes #shape #object
  164. gee

    A convenience-first geometry library tailor-made for 2D games! 📐

    v0.3.0 #matrix-vector #geometry #vector-math #2d-game #vector #matrix #math
  165. sophus_pyo3

    sophus - geometry for robotics and computer vision

    v0.9.0 #computer-vision #robotics #optimization #geometry #transformation #group #sophus
  166. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  167. geoarrow2


    v0.0.2 140 #geometry #memory-layout #geo-arrow #operations #wasm-bindings #spatial #vectorized
  168. duckduckgeo

    2d geom library

    v0.4.2 #geometry #2d #geom
  169. pythagore

    Mathematics tools for simple geometry

    v0.8.3 600 #geometry #maths #wasm #math
  170. voroxx

    Voro++, a 3D cell-based Voronoi library

    v0.1.1 #voronoi #tessellation #3d #geometry #voronoi-diagram #api-bindings
  171. lgeo

    2D Geometry library, focusing on collision computation

    v1.0.7 #collision #2d #geometry #gjk
  172. gdueiv

    geometry and devices in GUI library

    v0.1.3 #geometry #gui #devices
  173. slvs

    Rust wrapper for the SolveSpace constraint solver library

    v0.6.0 #cad #geometry #constraint-solver #api-bindings #graphics
  174. lwgeom

    Rust bindings for the PostGIS LWGEOM geometry library

    v0.1.0 #postgis #geometry #geography #api-bindings
  175. wpf-gpu-raster

    A 2D rasterizer that generates geometry for a GPU

    v0.1.0 #rasterizer #gpu #2d #rasterization #hardware #geometry #sweep
  176. minifb_geometry

    meant to help draw shapes in the minifb window

    v0.1.1 #geometry #minifb #pixel-shapes
  177. tilecover

    Generate the minimum number of tiles to cover a geometry

    v2.0.0 #tile #numbers #cover #geometry #minimum #generate
  178. mathie

    math type library

    v0.6.0 #math #geometry #library
  179. autd3-geometry-viewer

    AUTD viewer for Geometry

    v15.1.2 #autd #autd3 #viewer #geometry #display #tactile
  180. rasters

    Raster processing library

    v0.8.0 #raster #processing #chunks #geometry #gdal #process #align
  181. svg-nd

    creation of SVG diagrams

    v0.1.1 #svg #plot #vector #geometry #graphics
  182. polygon_clipping

    An algorithm for computing boolean operations on polygons

    v0.1.0 #polygon #boolean #intersection #union #geometry
  183. simple-geom

    plane geometry

    v0.1.1 #geometry #plane #polygon
  184. googleprojection

    Project world- or screen-space coordinates for use in Google Maps tiles (WebMercator)

    v1.2.0 #google-maps #web-mercator #geography #geometry #webmercator
  185. agg

    High-quality 2D graphics engine based on Anti-grain Geometry

    v0.1.0 #2d-graphics #geometry #graphics-engine #rendering-engine #pixel #high #quality
  186. gardiz

    integer geometry on 2D planes, focused on games

    v0.1.1 #graph #plane #2d #integer #geometry #game #2d-vector
  187. polys

    A package for polygon geometry

    v0.4.2 #polygon #geometry #structs #basic #circle #area #triangle
  188. ncollide_testbed3d

    3D testbed for ncollide

    v0.5.0 #3d #testbed #graphics #collision-detection #geometry #ncollide
  189. geo-aid-internal

    Internals of Geo-AID. Can be used for creating alternative interfaces.

    v0.7.1 500 #figure #geo-aid #generate #rules #definition #geometry #engine
  190. thanatos

    CSG geometries in rust

    v0.1.0 #graphics #geometry #solid #constructive #geometries #csg
  191. bismuth

    A 3D game world represented as cubes in an oct-tree that can be manipulated in real time

    v0.0.4 #oct-tree #real-time #world #cubes #represented #3d #geometry
  192. chemrust-nasl

    New Adsorption Site Locator (NASL) for catalyst materials. Written in rust. Part of the chemrust toolchain.

    v0.2.0 #chemistry #geometry #chemistry-research #catalysis-research
  193. sophus_core

    sophus - geometry for robotics and computer vision

    v0.10.0 600 #robotics #vector #computer-vision #optimization #2d-3d #geometry #sophus
  194. multi_dim_point

    multi-dimensional point

    v0.3.0 #multi-dimensional #point #geometry
  195. geologic

    Mathematical and geometrical abstractions with a focus on ergonomics

    v0.0.3 #vector #math #geometry #algebra
  196. kdvtree

    K-dimensional tree space-partitioning data structure

    v0.8.0 #tree #collision #geometry #algorithm #kd #tree-node #data-structures
  197. polysplit

    Algorithm that allows to split polylines into segments by the defined list of points not necessary belonging to the polyline

    v0.1.0 #polyline #geometry #split #splitting
  198. del-geo-core

    2D/3D geometry utility codes

    v0.1.33 #geometry #utility #line #codes #2d-3d #graphics
  199. ndmath

    Traits for doing vector geometry operations using built-in types

    v0.1.2 #vector #geometry #math
  200. algeo

    Computer algebra, algebraic geometry, and related math

    v0.1.0 #algebra #geometry #math #linear-algebra
  201. tg-sys

    unsafe low-level bindings to the tg geometry library

    v0.1.1 #geometry #graphics #unsafe-bindings #math
  202. analit

    Add another dimension to your Rust project with analog geometric literals

    v0.1.0 #analog #geometry #3d #2d #2d-3d
  203. gd-rs

    Easily access gd save files

    v0.1.1 #dash #geometry #save #geometry-dash #gd #file
  204. tapestry

    Generic 2D grid data structure and utilities

    v0.1.0 #2d-grid #grid #2d #matrix #geometry #data-structures
  205. scalar

    A trait for scalars (integers and floats)

    v0.1.8 #algebra #geometry #traits #integer
  206. triangulation

    A collection of triangulation algorithms

    v0.1.1 #delaunay #geometry #point #collection
  207. gd-icon-renderer

    render Geometry Dash icons

    v2.0.0 #icons #dash #geometry #plist #renderer #render #load
  208. shambler

    hulking, lighting-tossing geometry processor

    v0.2.0 #geometry #quake #map #brushes #gamedev
  209. qhull-sys

    Rust bindings to Qhull

    v0.4.0 #qhull #voronoi #convex-hull #delaunay #geometry
  210. geom

    2D geometry library

    v0.2.3 #geometry #2d #github
  211. pendragon

    Easy polygon drawing built on top of lyon

    v0.1.0 #math #geometry #graphics
  212. vec3D

    A minimal 3D Vector library in Rust

    v0.3.0 #vec3d #vector #physics #geometry
  213. bdrk_geometry

    Geometry Helpers

    v0.0.4 #geometry #2d #3d #helpers #module #bedrock #manipulate
  214. geomprim2d

    2D geometric primitive types

    v0.1.1 #primitive #point #geometry #line-segment
  215. binary-space-partition

    Abstract BSP tree

    v0.1.2 850 #bsp #geometry #math #tree #space #binary #abstract
  216. gon

    Easy polygon drawing built on top of lyon

    v0.1.0 #math #geometry #graphics #mathematics
  217. trianglo

    Stupidly Fast And LightWeight Crate To Calculate Square Root & Logarithm

    v0.1.2 #geometry #math #square-root #calculate #logarithm #light-weight #stupidly
  218. rs-kdbush

    A very fast static spatial index for 2D points based on a flat KD-tree

    v0.2.0 #kdtree #spatial-index #spatial #kd-tree #geometry