
  1. num-bigint

    Big integer implementation for Rust

    v0.4.6 8.2M #big-integer #integer-arithmetic #math #bignum #numeric #mathematical
  2. num-traits

    Numeric traits for generic mathematics

    v0.2.19 13.0M #math #mathematical #numeric
  3. libm

    libm in pure Rust

    v0.2.11 6.8M #math #pure #musl #port #goal #short #target
  4. num

    A collection of numeric types and traits for Rust, including bigint, complex, rational, range iterators, generic integers, and more!

    v0.4.3 4.3M #complex-numbers #big-integer #range-iterator #rational-numbers #bignum #generics #math
  5. num-complex

    Complex numbers implementation for Rust

    v0.4.6 5.4M #complex-numbers #math #mathematical
  6. statrs

    Statistical computing library for Rust

    v0.18.0 299K #probability-distribution #scientific-computing #distribution #probability #math #stats #statistics
  7. num-rational

    Rational numbers implementation for Rust

    v0.4.2 5.6M #rational-numbers #fraction #math #numeric #mathematics #numerics
  8. ark-ff

    finite fields

    v0.5.0 1.0M #finite-fields #elliptic-curve #field #prime-field #cryptography #math #extension
  9. nalgebra

    General-purpose linear algebra library with transformations and statically-sized or dynamically-sized matrices

    v0.33.2 1.2M #linear-algebra #matrix #matrix-vector #vector-math #linear #algebra #math
  10. num-integer

    Integer traits and functions

    v0.1.46 7.3M #math #integer-arithmetic #mathematics #numeric #numerics
  11. ark-bls12-381

    The BLS12-381 pairing-friendly elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 313K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math #zero-knowledge
  12. fixed

    Fixed-point numbers

    v2.0.0-alpha.28.0 246K #dsp #math #decimal-number #const-generics #arithmetic-operations #embedded
  13. uint

    Large fixed-size integer arithmetic

    v0.10.0 1.1M #unsigned-integer #integer-arithmetic #big-integer #fixed-size #bit-length #performance #math
  14. rug

    Arbitrary-precision integers, rational, floating-point and complex numbers based on GMP, MPFR and MPC

    v1.27.0 47K #complex-numbers #rational-numbers #gmp #bignum #math #numeric
  15. noise

    Procedural noise generation library

    v0.9.0 46K #perlin-noise #procedural-generation #random #math #gradient #generator #generate
  16. micromath

    Embedded-friendly math library featuring fast floating point approximations (with small code size) for common arithmetic operations, trigonometry, 2D/3D vector types, statistical analysis…

    v2.1.0 47K #statistical-analysis #arithmetic-operations #vector #vector-math #quaternions #statistics #math
  17. bulletproofs

    A pure-Rust implementation of Bulletproofs using Ristretto

    v5.0.0 20K #zero-knowledge-proofs #ristretto #zero-knowledge #system-api #cryptography #math
  18. num-bigint-dig

    Big integer implementation for Rust

    v0.8.4 3.4M #big-integer #integer-arithmetic #math #bignum #numeric #mathematical
  19. ark-bls12-377

    The BLS12-377 pairing-friendly elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 185K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math
  20. roots

    well known algorithms for numerical root finding

    v0.0.8 34K #root-finding #root #numerical #cubic #math #quartic
  21. simba

    SIMD algebra for Rust

    v0.9.0 1.0M #simd #algebra #math
  22. gcd

    Calculate the greatest common divisor

    v2.3.0 147K #math #greatest #divisor #calculate #calculating #numbers
  23. ultraviolet

    do linear algebra, fast

    v0.9.2 15K #linear-algebra #graphics #vector-math #math #simd #simd-vector #geometric-algebra
  24. faer

    linear algebra library

    v0.21.7 19K #linear-algebra #matrix #math #low-level #performance #high
  25. fend

    Arbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator

    v1.5.5 950 #complex-numbers #rational-numbers #calculator #math #conversion #tool #unit-conversion
  26. ark-bw6-761

    The BW6-761 pairing-friendly elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 168K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math
  27. medians

    Median, Statistical Measures, Mathematics, Statistics

    v3.0.12 6.4K #median #data-analysis #statistics #math #measure #statistical #standard-deviation
  28. num-modular

    efficient integer division and modular arithmetic operations with generic number types. Supports various backends including num-bigint, etc

    v0.6.1 457K #modular-arithmetic #arithmetic-operations #modular #math #number-theory #integer-arithmetic #montgomery
  29. argmin

    Numerical optimization in pure Rust

    v0.10.0 38K #optimization #math #science
  30. num-dual

    Generalized (hyper) dual numbers for the calculation of exact (partial) derivatives

    v0.11.0 1.1K #differentiation #math #mathematical #numeric #python-packages
  31. num-iter

    External iterators for generic mathematics

    v0.1.45 5.5M #range-iterator #math #mathematics #numeric #numerics
  32. hexasphere

    evenly tile hexagons on a sphere

    v15.1.0 119K #hexagon #sphere #math #graphics #linear-interpolation #gamedev #mesh-generation
  33. ark-ed-on-bn254

    A Twisted Edwards curve defined over the scalar field of the BN254 curve

    v0.5.0 5.4K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #scalar-field #cryptography #math #zero-knowledge
  34. mint

    Math interoperability standard types

    v0.5.9 209K #math #interop #types #serde #standard #conversion #component
  35. ode_solvers

    Numerical methods to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Rust

    v0.6.1 8.3K #differential-equations #numerical-methods #equation-solver #ode #math #solver #equations
  36. ark-secp256k1

    The secp256k1 curve

    v0.5.0 43K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #math #cryptography
  37. common_traits

    Traits to write generic functions on different numeric types, with atomic support, and other features

    v0.11.2 1.2K #math #numeric #mathematical
  38. simple_moving_average

    moving average (SMA) algorithms

    v1.0.2 32K #moving-average #average #moving #mean #math #rolling
  39. mdbook-katex

    mdBook preprocessor rendering LaTeX equations to HTML

    v0.9.3 1.9K #katex #latex #math #html-rendering #build-time #expressions #equations
  40. GSL

    binding for the GSL (the GNU scientific library)

    v7.0.0 2.7K #gsl #math #mathematics #library
  41. tween

    A tweening library for games

    v2.0.4 1.3K #linear-interpolation #animation #tweening #lerp #tweens #math #time
  42. microfft

    Embedded-friendly Fast Fourier Transforms

    v0.6.0 89K #fft #fourier #complex-numbers #dft #math #arithmetic-operations
  43. ark-pallas

    The Pallas prime-order elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 1.2K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math #scalar-field
  44. fpdec

    Decimal fixed-point arithmetic

    v0.11.0 1.5K #decimal-number #decimal #fixed-point #arithmetic-operations #arithmetic #numbers #math
  45. ark-vesta

    The Vesta prime-order elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 800 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #math
  46. primal-check

    Fast standalone primality testing

    v0.3.4 275K #prime #math #number-theory #mathematical
  47. exmex

    fast, simple, and extendable mathematical expression evaluator able to compute partial derivatives

    v0.20.3 600 #expression-evaluator #expression-parser #expression #math-parser #differentiation #parser #math
  48. malachite

    Arbitrary-precision arithmetic, with efficient algorithms partially derived from GMP, FLINT, and MPFR

    v0.5.1 55K #bignum #math #string-conversion #mathematics #numeric #numerics
  49. rithm

    Arbitrary precision arithmetic

    v14.6.0 2.5K #math #fraction #precision #big-integer #version #python
  50. cgmath

    A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics

    v0.18.0 182K #vector-math #matrix-vector #math #vector #matrix #quaternions #gamedev
  51. jlrs

    bindings to the Julia C API that enable Julia code to be called from Rust and more

    v0.21.1 #julia #bindings #math #api-bindings #ffi #api-calls #thread-pool
  52. quaternion

    type agnostic quaternion math library designed for reexporting

    v2.0.0 8.1K #quaternions #piston #math
  53. glamour

    Strongly typed linear algebra with glam

    v0.16.0 1.2K #linear-algebra #vector-math #math #matrix-vector #vector #matrix #strongly-typed
  54. mini-calc

    A Fully-Featured Configurable (mini) Rust Calculator

    v3.4.2 1.3K #calculator #configurable #plot #minimalist #terminal #math #configuration
  55. quaternion-core

    quaternion operations and interconversion with several attitude representations

    v0.5.3 2.7K #quaternions #vector-math #math #vector
  56. robust

    adaptive floating-point predicates for computational geometry

    v1.1.0 399K #computational-geometry #geometry #robustness #stability #math
  57. mathlab

    A Powerful Math Library for Rust

    v1.3.0 170 #numerical-computation #scientific-computing #trigonometry #math #vector-math #numerical-methods #vector
  58. intervallum

    Generic interval and interval set library

    v1.4.1 32K #interval-set #set-operations #interval #math #container #data-structures #containers
  59. kalk

    A math evaluator library that supports user-defined functions, variables and units, and can handle fairly ambiguous syntax

    v3.2.1 #calculator #evaluator #math #vector-math #math-parser
  60. lambdaworks-math

    Modular math library for cryptography

    v0.11.0 90K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #math #fft #polynomial #field #modular
  61. stv-rs

    Single Transferable Vote implementation in Rust

    v0.5.1 #election #voting #stv #meek #math
  62. num-bigfloat

    Increased precision floating point numbers implemented purely in Rust

    v1.7.1 3.8K #decimal-number #decimal #big-float #bignum #math #mathematics #increase
  63. typst-eval

    Typst's code interpreter

    v0.13.0 250 #typst #typesetting #markup #learn #math #everything #compiler
  64. num-prime

    Generic and optimized primality test, factorization and various number theoretic functions with arbitrary precision based on num

    v0.4.4 96K #prime #primality-test #math #number-theory #big-integer #mathematical
  65. num-quaternion

    Quaternion numbers implementation for Rust

    v1.0.3 #quaternions #rotation #math #linear-interpolation #3d #algebra #arithmetic-operations
  66. cpc

    evaluates math expressions, with support for units and conversion between units

    v1.9.3 1.3K #unit-conversion #math #math-parser #units #unit #expression #evaluate
  67. rooc

    A mixed integer linear programming modeling language to solve linear optimization models. Extensible, works in WASM and easy to use.

    v0.1.18 350 #linear-programming #optimization #solver #milp #math #mathematical
  68. muldiv

    trait for numeric types to perform combined multiplication and division with overflow protection

    v1.0.1 135K #integer-arithmetic #arithmetic #integer #math #numeric #numerics
  69. RustedSciThe

    RustedSciThe is a Rust library for symbolic and numerical computing: parse string expressions in symbolic representation/symbolic function and compute symbolic (analytical) derivatives…

    v0.2.23 2.1K #rustedscithe #ode #differential-equations #math #numerical-methods #science #string-parser #mathematical
  70. faer-entity

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.20.1 18K #linear-algebra #matrix #math #low-level
  71. maths-rs

    A linear algebra library for gamedev and graphics

    v0.2.6 200 #linear-algebra #vector-math #graphics #quaternions #math #vector #matrix
  72. rsparse

    solving sparse linear systems using direct methods

    v1.1.0 800 #sparse-matrix #linear-algebra #sparse #matrix #math #linear #matrix-operations
  73. ark-ed25519

    The ed25519 twisted Edwards curve

    v0.5.0 250 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math
  74. faer-evd

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 700 #linear-algebra #matrix #square-matrix #math
  75. ark-curve-constraint-tests

    testing constraints for finite fields, elliptic curves, and pairings

    v0.5.0 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #r1cs #math
  76. ark-curve25519

    The curve25519 Montgomery curve

    v0.5.0 2.7K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math
  77. faer-svd

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 650 #linear-algebra #matrix #math #square-matrix
  78. ark-mnt6-753

    The MNT6-753 pairing-friendly elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 8.5K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #math #cryptography
  79. twofloat

    Double-double arithmetic functionality

    v0.8.3 2.6K #floating-point #arithmetic-operations #precision #arithmetic #math #float #numeric
  80. typst-realize

    Typst's realization subsystem

    v0.13.0 250 #typst #system #typesetting #rules #learn #math #markup
  81. faer-cholesky

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 700 #linear-algebra #square-matrix #matrix #math #low-level
  82. highs

    Safe rust bindings for the HiGHS linear programming solver. See http://highs.dev.

    v1.8.0 2.1K #linear-programming #optimization #solver #math
  83. ark-ed-on-cp6-782

    A Twisted Edwards curve defined over the scalar field of the CP6-782 curve

    v0.5.0 370 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #scalar-field #cryptography #math
  84. number_prefix

    numeric prefixes (kilo, giga, kibi)

    v0.4.0 1.9M #math #numeric #mathematics #numerics
  85. ark-ed-on-bw6-761

    A Twisted Edwards curve defined over the scalar field of the BW6-761 curve

    v0.5.0 380 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math #scalar-field
  86. ark-secq256k1

    The secq256k1 curve

    v0.5.0 110 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #math
  87. ark-ed-on-mnt4-753

    A Twisted Edwards curve defined over the scalar field of the MNT4-753 curve

    v0.5.0 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #scalar-field #math #zero-knowledge
  88. idsp

    DSP algorithms for embedded, mostly integer math

    v0.17.0 360 #integer-arithmetic #dsp #fixed-point #filter #embedded #pll #math
  89. ark-ed-on-mnt4-298

    A Twisted Edwards curve defined over the scalar field of the MNT4-298 curve

    v0.5.0 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #scalar-field #cryptography #math
  90. ark-ed-on-bls12-381-bandersnatch

    Bandersnatch: a curve defined over the scalar field of the BLS12-381 curve

    v0.5.0 140K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #scalar-field #cryptography #math
  91. ncube

    Generalized Hypercube Visualizer

    v2.4.1 800 #math #hypercube #tesseract #graphics #bevy #mathematics #real-time
  92. big_num_math

    computations on large numbers

    v5.3.1 1.1K #big-integer #math #prime #large-numbers #square-root
  93. faer-qr

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 700 #linear-algebra #matrix #square-matrix #math
  94. lp_parser_rs

    parser for the LP file format

    v2.3.2 550 #linear-programming #parser #file-format #math #optimization #integer-programming
  95. nabla-ml

    A numpy-like library for Rust

    v0.4.8 1.6K #array #linear-regression #ml #layer #nabla #math #operations
  96. emath

    Minimal 2D math library for GUI work

    v0.31.1 284K #immediate-mode #gui #egui #2d-vector #vector-math #math #web-gui
  97. f256

    Octuple-precision floating-point arithmetic

    v0.6.0 130 #floating-point #precision #arithmetic #numbers #math #binary-format #decimal-digits
  98. ark-grumpkin

    The Grumpkin prime-order elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 6.4K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math #zero-knowledge
  99. ark-algebra-test-templates

    tests for finite fields, elliptic curves, and pairings

    v0.5.0 1.6K #finite-fields #elliptic-curve #cryptography #math
  100. malachite-q

    The arbitrary-precision type Rational, with efficient algorithms partially derived from GMP and FLINT

    v0.5.1 55K #rational-numbers #bignum #math
  101. adic

    Arithmetic and rootfinding for p-adic numbers

    v0.3.1 270 #numbers #math #modular #number #rational-numbers #real-number #padic
  102. malachite-nz

    The bignum types Natural and Integer, with efficient algorithms partially derived from GMP and FLINT

    v0.5.1 58K #integer-arithmetic #primitive-integer #math #bignum
  103. primes

    A package for calculating primes using the Sieve of Eratosthenes, and using that to check if a number is prime and calculating factors. Includes an iterator over all primes.

    v0.4.0 8.4K #prime-factors #math #algorithm
  104. calc_rational

    CLI calculator for rational numbers

    v2.1.0 #rational-numbers #math #calculator #mathematical #numeric
  105. malachite-base

    A collection of utilities, including new arithmetic traits and iterators that generate all values of a type

    v0.5.1 58K #math #mathematics #testing-utilities
  106. rocketsim_rs

    Rust bindings for the RocketSim project

    v0.34.0 700 #rocket-league #bindings #rocket-sim #cpp #team #arena #math
  107. faer-sparse

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 650 #sparse-matrix #linear-algebra #matrix #math #low-level
  108. faer-lu

    Basic linear algebra routines

    v0.17.1 500 #linear-algebra #lu-decomposition #square-matrix #matrix #math
  109. i256

    Optimized implementations of 256-bit signed and unsigned integers

    v0.2.2 850 #unsigned-integer #big-integer #uint #math #int #bignum #no-std
  110. figures

    A math library specialized for 2d screen graphics

    v0.5.0 280 #2d-graphics #graphics #integer-arithmetic #math #2d #alignment
  111. algexenotation

    in Rust

    v0.5.0 #numbers #math #advanced-research #theory #number #mathematics #research
  112. number-theory

    Fast primality, factorization and elementary number theory for integer types

    v0.0.24 #prime #bignum #math #factor #integer-arithmetic
  113. tex2typst-rs

    Converts LaTeX math to Typst math

    v0.4.1 1.5K #typst #latex #tex #math #converting
  114. reckoner

    A high level arbitrary precision arithmetic library supporting integer and rational numbers

    v0.3.0 #rational-numbers #high-precision #integer-arithmetic #integer #math #rational #numbers
  115. constgebra

    Const Linear Algebra

    v0.1.4 61K #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #vector-math #math #matrix #linear #const
  116. ark-algebra-bench-templates

    A benchmark library for finite fields and elliptic curves

    v0.5.0 210 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #pairing #cryptography #math
  117. ibig

    A big integer library with good performance

    v0.3.6 15K #modular-arithmetic #integer-arithmetic #big-integer #math #modular #signed-integer #bignum
  118. series

    Laurent series in a single variable

    v0.13.0 #symbolic-math #math #algebra #polynomial #variables #laurent #single
  119. faer-ext

    faer-rs API for interoperability with external libraries

    v0.5.0 10K #linear-algebra #matrix #math
  120. rs-math3d

    Rust 3D Math (no dependency on std)

    v0.9.23 1.4K #math #3d #std
  121. inari

    interval arithmetic

    v2.0.0 #math #interval #arithmetic #numeric
  122. ark-secp384r1

    The secp384r1 curve

    v0.5.0 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #math #cryptography
  123. num-derive

    Numeric syntax extensions

    v0.4.2 3.1M #proc-macro #macro-derive #math #numeric #extension #numerics
  124. dashu

    set of big numbers

    v0.4.2 29K #bignum #math #big-integer #numeric #mathematics #numerics
  125. ark-mnt6-298

    The MNT6-298 pairing-friendly elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 300 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math #prime-field
  126. wham

    weighted histogram analysis method

    v1.1.4 #molecular-dynamics #histogram #bioinformatics #statistics #math #command-line #command-line-interface
  127. vecmath

    type agnostic library for vector math designed for reexporting

    v1.0.0 68K #vector-math #vector #matrix #math #linear-algebra #piston
  128. pihex

    Arbitrary place hexadecimal digits viewer of pi written in Rust

    v0.1.8 460 #pi #math #hex #formula #digits #viewer #place
  129. standardform

    Effortlessly operate on numbers like 2e19 or 2*10^4 and more with this Rust implementation of standard form. Simplify, convert, and manipulate large numerical expressions with ease.

    v0.2.1 600 #arithmetic-operations #math #ffi #science #mathematics #python-bindings #no-std
  130. symbolica

    A blazing fast computer algebra system

    v0.15.1 150 #symbolic-math #algebra #physics #computer-science #math #mathematics #manipulation
  131. primal

    primal puts raw power into prime numbers. This crates includes: optimised prime sieves, checking for primality, enumerating primes, factorising numbers, and state-of-the-art estimation of upper and…

    v0.3.3 21K #prime #upper-bound #lower-bounds #math #number-theory
  132. kalker

    A calculator that supports user-defined functions, variables and units, and can handle fairly ambiguous syntax

    v2.2.1 #calculator #math #command-line #cli
  133. rpoly

    algorithm for finding all roots of a real-coefficient univariate polynomial

    v0.2.9 750 #root #polynomial #numerical #root-finding #math
  134. hexing

    A basic Rust library to manipulate hexagonal grids

    v0.3.3 150 #hexagonal #grid #hexagon #math #bestagon
  135. fixed-bigint

    Fixed-size big integer implementation for Rust

    v0.1.15 350 #big-integer #math #bignum #integer-arithmetic #unsigned-integer #mathematics #numeric
  136. nacfahi

    Simpler, but less error-prone API for levenberg-marquardt optimization crate

    v0.4.1 310 #statistics #api #math #no-std #data-points
  137. gmp-mpfr-sys

    Rust FFI bindings for GMP, MPFR and MPC

    v1.6.4 45K #gmp #rational-numbers #complex-numbers #math #bignum #ffi #numeric
  138. rational

    Minimalistic library for rational numbers

    v1.6.0 #rational-numbers #math #fraction #ratio #minimalist #num-traits
  139. bevy_mikktspace

    Mikkelsen tangent space algorithm

    v0.15.3 81K #tangent #graphics #3d #bevy #algorithm #math
  140. lean-sys

    Bindings to Lean 4's C API

    v0.0.8 2.4K #lean #api-bindings #bindings #math
  141. microgemm

    General matrix multiplication with custom configuration in Rust. Supports no_std and no_alloc environments

    v0.3.1 220 #linear-algebra #matrix #no-alloc #gemm #math #micro-kernel
  142. octad

    puzzle generator and solver

    v0.0.51 350 #math #puzzle #generator #solver
  143. swift_vec

    A convenient and comfortable vector maths crate that supports 2D, 3D, and 4D matrices and vectors - along with additional scalar math

    v0.4.1 440 #matrix-operations #vector-math #2d-3d #physics-simulation #gamedev #matrix-vector #math
  144. bare_metal_modulo

    ModNum is a highly ergonomic modular arithmetic struct intended for no_std use

    v1.2.5 340 #modular-arithmetic #modulo #modular #math #bare-metal #modulo-arithmetic #array
  145. plane-split

    Plane splitting

    v0.18.0 14K #geometry #plane #math #splitting #webrender #euclid
  146. reso

    visual pixel-art logic-circuit design language

    v0.0.7 #circuit #math #utility #mathematics #simulation
  147. mathcat

    Math Capable Assistive Technology ('Speech and braille from MathML')

    v0.6.8 460 #mathml #math #braille #speech #technology #navigation #assistive
  148. multicalc

    Rust scientific computing for single and multi-variable calculus

    v0.5.0 650 #integration #calculus #math #differentiation #science
  149. ring360

    wrapper type for 64-bit floats representing degrees around a circle. It has operator overloads for addition and subtraction, calculates the shortest angles and implements the core trigonometric functions.

    v0.2.14 950 #degree #angle #circle #gis #shortest #modular-arithmetic #math
  150. csc

    Command Line Scientific Calculator

    v0.1.9 340 #command-line #calculator #math #scientific #computation #interactive #free
  151. raddy-ad

    An automatic differentiation system for geometry and simulation

    v0.0.0-beta1 800 #graphics #simulation #math #automatic-differentiation #science #mathematics
  152. qcalc

    but effective terminal calculator for quick access and ease of use. It supports history of expressions, built-in functions and stored variables

    v0.15.2 2.0K #calculator #tui #expression #math #user-interface #terminal-interface
  153. nam-num-traits

    (Namada fork) Numeric traits for generic mathematics

    v0.2.20-nam.0 3.1K #math #numeric #mathematical
  154. spatial_led

    Sled is an ergonomic rust library that maps out the shape of your LED strips in 2D space to help you create stunning lighting effects

    v0.3.0 350 #led #sled #led-driver #api #visualization #line-segment #math
  155. awint

    Arbitrary width integers

    v0.18.0 800 #integer-arithmetic #math #integer #big-integer #big #int #fixed-point
  156. tolerance

    Math representation of the physically needed permissible deviation of measures

    v1.2.0 #deviation #value #measure #range #math #accuracy #representation
  157. syunit

    A small library that contains some basic units to help structuring kinematics and robotic programming in rust

    v0.4.0 850 #kinematics #unit-system #robotics #math #operation
  158. root1d

    One dimensional root finding algorithms

    v0.4.1 120 #math #mathematical #science #simulation
  159. rust-poly

    Numeric manipulation of real and complex polynomials

    v0.4.2 1.5K #polynomial #solver #mathematical #math #numeric
  160. meshless_voronoi

    Meshless Voronoi algorithm

    v0.7.2 1.8K #voronoi-diagram #voronoi #diagram #graphics #math
  161. erydanos

    Optimized routines for ARM NEON and SSE

    v0.2.16 2.6K #integer-arithmetic #arithmetic #tan #sin #math #cos
  162. rust_ev_crypto_primitives

    Crypto Primitives necessary for E-Voting Applications

    v0.7.1 200 #e-voting #math #cryptography #crypto
  163. glium-types

    types to use with glium

    v0.6.1 #glium #graphics #math #vector-math #3d-rendering #vertex-shader #reduce-boilerplate
  164. algorithmica

    Rust Algorithms

    v0.1.10 #sorting #math #linear-algebra #numerical-methods #data #search #data-structures
  165. fasteval

    Fast evaluation of algebraic expressions

    v0.2.4 3.7K #expression-parser #expression #math #math-parser #algebra #evaluate #calculate
  166. globalsearch

    Global optimization with scatter search and local NLP solvers written in Rust using argmin

    v0.2.0 110 #optimization #math #global-optimization #science
  167. lieval

    A lightweight Rust crate for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions from strings

    v0.2.5 110 #expression-parser #expression-evaluator #math #math-parser #evaluator #expression #arithmetic-operations
  168. tilezz

    work with perfect-precision polygonal tiles built on top of complex integer rings

    v0.0.3 240 #tiling #algebra #geometry #2d #complex-numbers #math #graphics
  169. modcholesky

    Modified Cholesky decompositions

    v0.2.0 4.4K #optimization #math #hpc #science
  170. mapping-algorithms

    A collection of pure-rust algorithms, for spatial and SLAM purposes

    v0.1.0 120 #math #science #algorithm #mathematics
  171. spherical_geometry

    A package for working with spherical geometry

    v0.3.0 270 #geometry #sphere #math #mathematics
  172. vector2math

    Traits for doing 2D vector geometry operations using standard types

    v0.14.2 #2d-vector #vector-math #geometry #2d #math #vector
  173. fasteval2

    Fast evaluation of algebraic expressions

    v2.1.1 350 #algebraic-expressions #math #expression #expression-parser #evaluate #algebra #calculate
  174. intervals-general

    enabling general representation of and operations on intervals over generic types (e.g. supporting units of measure or arbitrary built-in types, or any type with PartialOrd implementation).

    v0.1.1 #interval #intervals #math #units #measurement
  175. aline

    2d linear algebra library suitable for no_std

    v1.2.0 700 #linear-algebra #vector-math #math #2d #vector #gamedev #no-std
  176. saikoro

    Parser and evaluator for doing math with dice notation expressions

    v1.2.4 #dice-notation #dice #dice-roll #math #expression-evaluator #math-parser #expression-parser
  177. specialized-div-rem

    specialized division algorithms for integer primitives

    v1.1.0 700 #compiler-optimization #division #integer #math #int #assembly #numeric
  178. makepad-math

    Makepad math functions

    v0.4.0 #makepad #cargo-makepad #ui-framework #applications #math #build #functions
  179. geogram_predicates

    Rust bindings to the Geogram library's predicates module

    v0.2.1 850 #computer-graphics #geometry #predicates #math #robust #predicate #cpp
  180. wybr

    Collection of preferential voting methods

    v0.0.6 170 #voting #election #tally #condorcet #stv #math #extension
  181. gridiron

    Rust finite field library with fixed size multi-word values

    v0.10.0 480 #finite-fields #finite #field #math #prime-field #fixed-size
  182. bexeval

    evaluating string formulas restricted to values as integers only

    v0.1.2 350 #math #expression #parser #evaluator #primitive-integer
  183. iter_num_tools

    Create simple iterators over non integer ranges. itertools + num = iter_num_tools

    v0.7.1 7.7K #range-iterator #iterator #math #numeric #mathematics #numerics #extension
  184. rink

    Unit conversion tool, similar to frink

    v0.8.0 #unit-conversion #conversion #unit #math #tool #command-line-tool #unit-system
  185. atelier

    a Computational Workshop for Market Microstructure Modeling, Synthetic Simulation and Historical Replay

    v0.0.88 1.7K #trading #machine-learning #framework #financial-data #finance #crypto #math
  186. qhull

    Rust bindings to Qhull

    v0.4.0 #convex-hull #voronoi-diagram #voronoi #delaunay #geometry #math
  187. opis

    rational number and matrix arithmetic

    v5.7.0 170 #rational-numbers #linear-regression #math #integer-arithmetic #matrix #fraction #precision
  188. list_math

    doing math on a list including average, smallest, largest, and standard deviation

    v0.3.4 430 #standard-deviation #list #average #largest #math #smallest #operations
  189. mutils

    Mathematical-like utilities. Points, Sizes, Colours, maths operating on them. Things like that.

    v12.7.0 #color #size #math #points #utilities #utility #random
  190. polylog


    v2.6.0 #complex #math #dilogarithm #real #polylogarithms #polylogarithm #trilogarithm
  191. Sph2-rs

    An improved version of Sph-rs, that uses a mod to calculate the desired values

    v0.1.9 380 #sph2-rs #math #calculate #version #values #mod #module #sph-rs
  192. twang

    pure Rust advanced audio synthesis

    v0.9.0 #synthesizer #sound #wave #synth #audio #math #game
  193. bevy-single-variable-function-mesh

    A 2D or 3D mesh generated from single-variable functions

    v0.15.1 #mesh-generation #2d-3d #graphics #bevy #3d-rendering #generate #math
  194. quaternion-wrapper

    Operator overloading allows implementation similar to mathematical expressions

    v0.3.1 #operator-overloading #quaternions #math #vector
  195. faer-traits

    linear algebra library

    v0.21.0 1.5K #linear-algebra #math #faer
  196. polyfit-residuals

    Efficiently calculate the residual errors (in the least squares sense) of all polynomial models (up to some degree) for a given dataset and compute least-squares polynomial fits

    v0.6.5 120 #polynomial #regression #model #numerical-methods #mathematics #math #statistics
  197. substrate-fixed

    Fixed-point numbers

    v0.5.9 5.1K #math #decimal-number #mathematical
  198. bc

    Use bc in the Rust Programming Language

    v0.1.15 #math #timeout #equation #parse
  199. dashu-float

    A big float library supporting arbitrary precision, arbitrary base and arbitrary rounding mode

    v0.4.3 51K #decimal-number #floating-point #big-decimal #decimal #arbitrary-precision #math #mathematical
  200. decmathlib-rs

    Port of the Intel Decimal Floating-Point Math Library decimal128 type to Rust

    v0.4.0 #decimal #floating-point #math #intel #port #decimal128 #language
  201. astro-float

    Multiple precision floating-point numbers library

    v0.9.4 270 #bignum #big-float #math #mathematical #numeric
  202. ark-cp6-782

    The CP6-782 pairing-friendly elliptic curve

    v0.5.0 #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #cryptography #math
  203. math-comb

    Math library for Combinatorics, Modular arithmetic & Number Theory utilities

    v0.2.3 480 #combinatorics #prime #math #maths #pollard-rho #prime-factors #algorithm
  204. rfinancial

    A financial crate mimicking numpy_financial in Python

    v0.1.11 #investment #finance #math #development-tools #mathematics #algorithm
  205. tcalc

    A featureful calculator for when you want to do math in a terminal

    v1.8.1 110 #calculator #terminal #repl #math #featureful #modes
  206. realistic

    Towards an API for the Real Numbers

    v0.7.0 210 #real-number #rational-numbers #math #display #api #towards #paper
  207. sigma-types

    Types checked for an invariant

    v0.3.7 370 #math #testing #no-alloc #no-std #debugging #mathematics #error-message
  208. spc-rs

    SPC (Statistical Process Control)

    v0.3.1 110 #statistical #statistics #spc #math
  209. wasmtime-math

    Low-level math routines used in Wasmtime

    v30.0.2 52K #wasmtime #wasm #trunc #low-level #routines #math #platform
  210. fpmath

    A floating point math library

    v0.1.1 #floating-point #float #math
  211. mathx

    A mathematics library designed to work with no_std

    v1.1.0 140 #math #mathematics #embedded #no-std
  212. break_infinity

    larger numbers up to 1e9e15 in Rust for Incremental Games

    v0.4.0 260 #decimal-number #decimal #math #incremental #big-number #large-number
  213. dashu-int

    A big integer library with good performance

    v0.4.1 29K #big-integer #integer-arithmetic #integer #arithmetic-operations #math #arbitrary-precision
  214. quad-rs

    Adaptive Gauss-Kronrod Integration in Rust

    v0.2.2 #integration #numerical #physics #math
  215. numberlab

    A collection of numerical algorithms

    v0.1.9 850 #math #matrix-operations #algorithm
  216. zfc

    Trait that represents a set according to Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice (ZFC)

    v0.4.1 #set #math #theory #axiom #choice #zermelo–fraenkel
  217. integrator

    A math library

    v0.1.42 250 #math #integrator #checked
  218. vector3

    dealing with 3D mathematical vectors

    v2.0.1 #vector-math #vector #math #maths
  219. is-odd

    Returns true if the given number is odd

    v1.1.1 1.1K #odd #integer #math #even #numeric
  220. all-is-cubes-base

    Helper library for all-is-cubes. Do not use directly.

    v0.9.0 #voxel-game #game-engine #all-is-cubes #component #math #helper #functions
  221. ramp

    A high-performance multiple-precision arithmetic library

    v0.7.0 260 #math #numbers #bignum #arithmetic-operations #assembly #number
  222. numru

    A high-performance scientific computation library written in Rust

    v0.2.0 240 #scientific #computation #numerical-computation #array #numerical #math
  223. macaw

    An opinionated game math library built on top the excellent glam

    v0.19.1 1.0K #math #gamedev #opinionated #glam #top #built #excellent
  224. vectrix

    A stack-allocated matrix type implemented with const generics

    v0.3.0 #linear-algebra #matrix-vector #matrix #vector #matrix-operations #math #row-column
  225. gf256

    containing Galois-field types and utilities

    v0.3.0 320 #galois-field #error-correction #instructions #math #hardware #utilities #table
  226. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  227. safe_math

    Math without overflow, creates an enum and a macro to help mitigate any overflow while multiplying and adding

    v1.1.1 #math #overflow #operation #enums #fields #macro #variant
  228. x-math

    fast math

    v0.2.0 230 #math #libc #standard #optimized #speed #translated #functions
  229. prime_finder_rust

    A prime finder made in Rust (originally made in c++)

    v0.1.0 #prime #sieve #math
  230. eqsolver

    that solves equations using numerical methods

    v0.2.0 170 #equation-solver #numerical-methods #equation #optimization #solver #ode #math
  231. hfs

    Hereditarily finite sets

    v1.0.0 #set #set-operations #theory #zfc #math #object
  232. rita

    Randomized Incremental Triangulation Algorithms

    v0.1.4 240 #delaunay-triangulation #delaunay #triangulation #computer-graphics #geometry #math #2d-3d
  233. flavio

    welcomes you

    v0.5.0 #flavio #math #mrbuche #welcome
  234. euler

    Mathematics library for 3D computer graphics

    v0.4.1 13K #vector-math #math #quaternions #matrix #glsl #matrix-vector
  235. raddy

    An automatic differentiation system for geometry and simulation

    v0.0.0-beta2 #automatic-differentiation #simulation #graphics #math #science #mathematics
  236. argmin-math

    argmin math abstractions

    v0.4.0 34K #math #optimization #science
  237. nano-gemm

    Small matrix multiplication

    v0.1.2 18K #matrix-multiplication #matrix #math
  238. crum

    Tensors, Matrices and Complex numbers for numerical analysis

    v0.3.0 370 #complex-numbers #tensor #numericalanalysis #complexmatrix #math #mathematics
  239. ratio-graph

    Ratio's graph manipulation library

    v0.21.4 110 #graph #graph-algorithms #math #mathematics #system #algorithm
  240. fastcwt

    Rust-lang Continuous Wavelet Transform(CWT) library inspired by fCWT

    v0.1.9 600 #wavelet #signal-processing #transform #cwt #math
  241. bign256

    Pure Rust implementation of the Bign P-256 (a.k.a. bign-curve256v1) elliptic curve as defined in STB 34.101.45-2013, with general purpose curve arithmetic

    v0.13.1 #stb #cryptography #bign-curve256v1 #bignp256 #math
  242. limnus-wgpu-math

    wgpu math types

    v0.0.16 700 #math #game #render
  243. lk_math

    Collection of reusable mathematical tools

    v0.5.0 #math #geometry #algebra #gamedev #algorithm
  244. awint_ext

    Externally allocating awint functionality

    v0.18.0 850 #big-integer #integer-arithmetic #math #integer #big #int
  245. math_repl

    REPL for all different kinds of math

    v0.2.1 #repl #matrix-operations #vector-math #math #mathcli #matrix-vector
  246. fast

    High-performance SIMD vectorized algorithms

    v0.1.3 500 #simd #vector #math
  247. vectormatrix

    Idiomatic Matrix and Vector types for Rust

    v0.1.0 #matrix-vector #matrix #vector #vector-math #linear-algebra #math #no-alloc