
  1. reqwest

    higher level HTTP client library

    v0.12.12 7.9M #http-client #http-request #async-http-client #http #client #blocking-client #async-client
  2. kube

    Kubernetes client and async controller runtime

    v0.98.0 1.3M #kubernetes #run-time #client #api-bindings #cncf
  3. sentry

    (getsentry.com) client for rust ;)

    v0.36.0 568K #error-logging #integration #transport #context #panic #client #sdk
  4. oauth2

    An extensible, strongly-typed implementation of OAuth2

    v5.0.0 400K #authentication #strongly-typed #client #extensible #rfc #openid-connect #single
  5. minreq

    minimal-dependency HTTP client

    v2.13.2 120K #http-client #http-request #http #tls-client #https #json #client
  6. cadence

    An extensible Statsd client for Rust

    v1.5.0 1.1M #metrics #statsd #unix-socket #udp-socket #applications #client #sink
  7. jobserver

    GNU Make jobserver for Rust

    v0.1.32 5.0M #build #ipc #process #communication #parallelism #cargo #client
  8. wayland-client

    Bindings to the standard C implementation of the wayland protocol, client side

    v0.31.8 727K #wayland #client-side #client #client-server #api-bindings
  9. foundationdb

    High level client bindings for FoundationDB

    v0.9.2 463K #client #kv #api-client #bindings #future #fdb #high
  10. smithay-client-toolkit

    Toolkit for making client wayland applications

    v0.19.2 770K #wayland-client #wayland #client
  11. wayland-protocols

    Generated API for the officials wayland protocol extensions

    v0.32.6 960K #wayland-protocol #wayland-client #client-server #wayland #protocols #extension #client
  12. cynic

    A code first GraphQL client for Rust

    v3.10.0 92K #graphql-client #graphql #graphql-schema #api-client #client
  13. async-nats

    A async Rust NATS client

    v0.39.0 171K #nats-client #nats #async-client #distributed-systems #messaging #client #api-bindings
  14. qdrant-client

    Rust client for Qdrant Vector Search Engine

    v1.13.0 66K #vector-search #search-engine #qdrant #grpc-client #grpc #client
  15. tower-lsp

    Language Server Protocol implementation based on Tower

    v0.20.0 125K #language-server-protocol #lsp #tower #client #protocols #async-trait #traits
  16. slack-morphism

    Slack Morphism is a modern client library for Slack Web/Events API/Socket Mode and Block Kit

    v2.10.0 35K #slack #api-bindings #api-client #web-api #sockets #async-client #client
  17. pulsar

    Rust client for Apache Pulsar

    v6.3.1 18K #api-client #client #apache #api #consumer #tls-connection #tokio
  18. aws-smithy-types

    Types for smithy-rs codegen

    v1.2.13 1.3M #aws-smithy #aws-sdk #aws #types #codegen #client #service
  19. firestore

    API for Google Firestore and own Serde serializer based on efficient gRPC API

    v0.44.1 8.4K #database-client #grpc-api #google-api #google #client #grpc-client #json-path
  20. etcd-client

    An etcd v3 API client

    v0.14.1 133K #etcd #api-client #async-client #client #tls-connection #async #rustls
  21. Yoda

    Browser for Gemini Protocol

    v0.10.12 2.3K #yoda #browser #gemini #gtk #gemini-protocol #client
  22. tracy-client

    High level bindings to the client libraries for the Tracy profiler

    v0.18.0 270K #profiling #tracing #tracy #profiler #nanosecond #client #precision
  23. cdrs-tokio

    Async Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v8.1.6 14K #cassandra #database-driver #driver #load-balancing #async #client #connection-pool
  24. aws-smithy-runtime-api

    Smithy runtime types

    v1.7.3 1.3M #aws-smithy #aws-sdk #run-time #client #generated #client-server #generation
  25. ldap3

    Pure-Rust LDAP Client

    v0.11.5 65K #ldap-client #ldap-server #ldap #tokio #client #async #client-server
  26. irc

    usable, async IRC for Rust

    v1.0.0 5.0K #irc-client #async-client #tokio #thread-safe #client #async
  27. cassandra-cpp

    A Cassandra CQL driver, built on top of the DataStax C++ driver for performance and functionality

    v3.0.2 1.0K #cassandra #database-client #cql #database-driver #database #binding #client
  28. twapi-v2

    Twitter API v2 library

    v0.18.2 8.9K #twitter #api-client #oauth #api #api-bindings #client #web-api
  29. mangadex-api

    SDK for the MangaDex API

    v3.4.1 500 #manga-dex #api-client #client #sdk #api-bindings #mangadex #http-request
  30. jobslot

    GNU make jobserver for Rust

    v0.2.20 71K #jobserver #thread #numbers #unix #client #gnu #env
  31. fum-player

    A tui-based mpris music client

    v1.3.0 2.2K #mpris #music #client #fum #tui #tui-based #terminal
  32. vaultrs

    An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API

    v0.7.4 158K #hashicorp #hashi-corp #vault #client #api-client #async-client
  33. wireman

    A TUI based gRPC client

    v0.2.6 150 #grpc-client #grpc #client #tui #config-file #ratatui #client-server
  34. bigtable_rs

    A very simple Google Bigtable client lib in Rust

    v0.2.16 3.7K #bigtable #request #google #google-service #client #protobuf #grpc
  35. tlrc

    Official tldr client written in Rust

    v1.10.0 430 #tl-dr #manpage #client #man #configuration #description #linux
  36. color-ssh

    A Rust-based SSH client with syntax highlighting

    v0.4.1 600 #syntax-highlighting #ssh-client #ssh #highlighting #syntax #client #color-palette
  37. aws-smithy-runtime

    The new smithy runtime crate

    v1.7.8 1.5M #aws-sdk #aws-smithy #run-time #client #generated #generator #generation
  38. influxdb

    Driver for Rust

    v0.7.2 10K #time-series-database #database-driver #database #influx #client #influxdb-client
  39. cf-reqwest

    higher level HTTP client library

    v0.13.0 10K #http-client #http-request #async-http-client #http #client #blocking-client #request
  40. dogstatsd

    client for Rust

    v0.12.1 21K #datadog #metrics #statsd #client #client-send #events #sending
  41. deno_npm

    npm registry client and dependency resolver used in the Deno CLI

    v0.27.2 8.6K #deno #npm #resolver #registry #client
  42. wayland-egl

    Bindings to libwayland-egl

    v0.32.5 43K #wayland-client #wayland #api-bindings #wayland-protocol #vulkan-bindings #client
  43. async-memcached

    An Tokio-based memcached client for Rust

    v0.4.0 2.2K #memcached #async #tcp-connection #tokio #client #deprecated #async-tls
  44. wayland-cursor

    Bindings to libwayland-cursor

    v0.31.8 606K #wayland-client #wayland #client #wayland-protocol #animation #client-server #api-bindings
  45. spiffe

    Rust client library implementation for SPIFFE

    v0.6.5 3.6K #jwt #x509 #client #workload #api-client #svid #bundles
  46. gazenot

    Gaze Not Into The Abyss, Lest You Become A Release Engineer

    v0.3.3 2.5K #release #client #url #ci #abyss #axo #accessing
  47. vrc-get

    Open Source command line client of VRChat Package Manager

    v1.9.0 #package-manager #command-line #vr-chat #client #vpm #creator #companion
  48. aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2

    AWS SDK for AWS CloudHSM V2

    v1.64.0 1.4K #aws-sdk #cloud-hsm #service #information #client #user #operation
  49. putioarr

    put.io to sonarr/radarr/whisparr proxy

    v0.5.20 1.7K #io #download #proxy #transmission #client #protocols #config-toml
  50. librespot

    An open source client library for Spotify, with support for Spotify Connect

    v0.6.0 1.8K #spotify #connect #client #music #open #source #back-end
  51. atac

    Arguably a Terminal API Client. Feature-full, free, open-source, offline and account-less.

    v0.18.2 100 #api-client #postman #tui #insomnia #client #api
  52. kubert

    Kubernetes runtime helpers. Based on kube-rs.

    v0.23.0 2.3K #kubernetes #run-time #server #client #https-server #helper #api-client
  53. aws-sdk-workspaces

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces

    v1.73.0 450 #aws-sdk #web-services #user #applications #service #client #work-spaces
  54. aws-sdk-bedrock

    AWS SDK for Amazon Bedrock

    v1.77.0 2.1K #aws-sdk #model #bedrock #operation #information #service #client
  55. ironrdp-pdu

    RDP PDU encoding and decoding

    v0.2.0 300 #protocols #client #rdp #networking #remote-desktop #network-protocol #codec
  56. zitadel

    API access and authentication in Rust

    v5.5.1 3.7K #grpc-client #authentication #grpc #oidc #client #api-client #clients
  57. http_req

    lightweight HTTP client with built-in HTTPS support

    v0.13.1 5.3K #http-client #http-request #http #request #client
  58. wayrs-client

    wayland library

    v1.3.0 2.7K #wayland-client #async-io #wayland #client #event-queue
  59. ncgopher

    An ncurses gopher and gemini client for the modern internet

    v0.7.0 500 #gemini #client #gopher #command-line #user-interface #command-line-interface #tui
  60. minimq

    A minimal MQTT5 client designed for no_std platforms

    v0.10.0 2.5K #mqtt-client #mqtt #client #embedded #networking #pub-sub #message-parser
  61. rsfilc

    An E-Kréta console client: cli and todo!("TUI"), written entirely in Rust from the ground up

    v0.9.30 230 #client #hungarian #kreta #command-line-tool
  62. aws-sdk-savingsplans

    AWS SDK for AWS Savings Plans

    v1.62.0 500 #aws-sdk #web-services #plans #saving #operation #client #instance
  63. aws-sdk-lookoutmetrics

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Metrics

    v1.59.0 650 #aws-sdk #metrics #operation #amazon #lookout #client #service
  64. aws-sdk-mediastore

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaStore

    v1.59.0 650 #aws-sdk #media-store #operation #client #elemental #object #service
  65. aws-sdk-mediapackage

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage

    v1.60.0 750 #aws-sdk #operation #media-package #aws #elemental #service #client
  66. aws-sdk-mediapackagevod

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #vod #aws #media-package #operation #elemental #client
  67. aws-sdk-cloudhsm

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudHSM

    v1.61.0 450 #aws-sdk #cloud-hsm #amazon #classic #cloudhsm #client #documentation
  68. oci-client

    An OCI implementation in Rust

    v0.14.0 58K #oci #container-image #distribution #container #registries #client #specification
  69. aws-sdk-healthlake

    AWS SDK for Amazon HealthLake

    v1.63.0 470 #aws-sdk #store #cloud #operation #amazon #health-lake #client
  70. google-oauth

    Google oauth server-side client

    v1.11.3 2.7K #oauth2 #access-token #oauth #google #server-side #verification #client
  71. aws-sdk-inspector

    AWS SDK for Amazon Inspector

    v1.61.0 460 #aws-sdk #aws-security #inspector #operation #resources #service #client
  72. aws-sdk-mobile

    AWS SDK for AWS Mobile

    v1.35.0 4.9K #aws-sdk #mobile #resources #operation #client #projects #desktop
  73. aws-sdk-licensemanager

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager

    v1.61.0 460 #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #manager #licenses #account #client
  74. rustracing_jaeger

    Jaeger client library created on top of rustracing

    v0.10.0 84K #jaeger #tracing #opentracing #spans #client #rustracing #created
  75. aws-sdk-snowdevicemanagement

    AWS SDK for AWS Snow Device Management

    v1.61.0 450 #aws-sdk #devices #web-services #snow #management #operation #client
  76. aws-sdk-lakeformation

    AWS SDK for AWS Lake Formation

    v1.64.0 460 #aws-sdk #lake #formation #operation #service #client #information
  77. aws-sdk-kafkaconnect

    AWS SDK for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect

    v1.63.0 460 #aws-sdk #kafka #aws #connect #operation #streaming #client
  78. aws-sdk-finspacedata

    AWS SDK for FinSpace Public API

    v1.61.0 460 #aws-sdk #public-api #operation #fin-space #client #api-client #services
  79. aws-sdk-mediaconnect

    AWS SDK for AWS MediaConnect

    v1.65.0 460 #aws-sdk #operation #output #service #media-connect #client #elemental
  80. socks

    proxy clients

    v0.3.4 232K #sock #proxy #client
  81. aws-sdk-schemas

    AWS SDK for Schemas

    v1.61.0 500 #aws-sdk #schema #registry #operation #event-bridge #client
  82. aws-sdk-mturk

    AWS SDK for Amazon Mechanical Turk

    v1.61.0 450 #aws-sdk #operation #mechanical #amazon #turk #client #service
  83. aws-sdk-elasticinference

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Inference

    v1.59.0 650 #aws-sdk #inference #elastic #aws #amazon #client #api-client
  84. influx_db_client

    InfluxDB Rust driver

    v0.6.1 23K #influx-db #client #driver #influxdb #http #status
  85. modio

    Rust interface for integrating https://mod.io - a modding API for game developers

    v0.12.1 170 #mod #modding #io #async-io #api-client #client #api-bindings
  86. russh-sftp

    SFTP subsystem supported server and client for Russh

    v2.0.8 34K #server-client #sftp-client #sftp #server #russh #client #ssh2
  87. ddns-cli

    ddns client for cloudflare and dnspod

    v0.3.5 260 #dns-client #dns #ddns #client
  88. nats


    v0.25.0 41K #nats-client #distributed-systems #messaging #client #async-client #api-bindings #api-client
  89. aws-sdk-workspacesthinclient

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client

    v1.63.0 550 #aws-sdk #devices #thin #client #cloud #web-services #operation
  90. aws-sdk-timestreamquery

    AWS SDK for Amazon Timestream Query

    v1.64.0 850 #aws-sdk #query #timestream #amazon #operation #service #client
  91. twitch-hls-client

    Minimal CLI client for watching/recording Twitch streams

    v1.3.13 #low-latency #twitch #stream #hls #client #command-line-tool #player
  92. modbus

    Pure Rust modbus implementation

    v1.1.1 9.0K #modbus-tcp #hardware #pure #coil #client
  93. aws-sdk-s3outposts

    AWS SDK for Amazon S3 on Outposts

    v1.61.0 440 #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #outposts #client #operation #access
  94. oauth1-request

    OAuth 1.0 client library

    v0.6.1 4.8K #oauth #authorization #client #authorization-header #oauth-token #request
  95. aws-sdk-mediastoredata

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane

    v1.61.0 460 #aws-sdk #plane #object #data #media-store #elemental #client
  96. equix

    Asymmetric function for client puzzle protocols

    v0.2.2 7.2K #puzzle-solver #tor #equihash #cryptography #client #algorithm #hash-x
  97. aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon SageMaker Runtime

    v1.63.0 500 #aws-sdk #run-time #sage-maker #client #api-client #operation #information
  98. aws-sdk-medialive

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaLive

    v1.77.0 650 #aws-sdk #input #output #service #media-live #information #client
  99. hrobot

    Unofficial Hetzner Robot API client

    v6.1.0 1.7K #api-client #robot #hetzner #client #async #server-api #api
  100. aws-sdk-personalizeruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Personalize Runtime

    v1.61.0 450 #aws-sdk #run-time #amazon #personalize #client #operation #github
  101. aws-sdk-lexruntimev2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Runtime V2

    v1.59.0 650 #aws-sdk #lex #amazon #run-time #client #api-client #operation
  102. kafka

    Rust client for Apache Kafka

    v0.10.0 47K #client #queue #topic #producer-consumer #api-bindings #deprecated #kafka-client
  103. sasl

    authentication. Currently only does the client side.

    v0.5.2 1.3K #authentication #client #client-side #mechanism #framework #sasl-rs
  104. aws-sdk-sagemakeredge

    AWS SDK for Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager

    v1.61.0 460 #aws-sdk #edge #sage-maker #manager #amazon #agents #client
  105. dxr

    Declarative XML-RPC

    v0.7.0 3.5K #xml-rpc #client-server #macro-derive #client #derive #api-client #server
  106. aws-sdk-mgn

    AWS SDK for Application Migration Service

    v1.61.0 450 #aws-sdk #migration #applications #service #client #operation #aws
  107. aws-sdk-qldbsession

    AWS SDK for Amazon QLDB Session

    v1.61.0 470 #aws-sdk #qldb #amazon #session #client #api-client #transactional
  108. aws-sdk-forecastquery

    AWS SDK for Amazon Forecast Query Service

    v1.61.0 450 #aws-sdk #forecast #query #amazon #service #query-api #client
  109. aws-sdk-kinesisvideomedia

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media

    v1.61.0 440 #video-stream #aws-sdk #media #kinesis #amazon #aws #client
  110. aeron-rs

    Aeron client library - fast messaging over UDP on Rust

    v0.1.8 #aeron #messaging #udp #applications #client #media #driver
  111. aws-smithy-query

    AWSQuery and EC2Query Smithy protocol logic for smithy-rs

    v0.60.7 1.3M #aws-sdk #aws-smithy #query #protocols #serialization #logic #client
  112. aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness

    AWS SDK for Alexa For Business

    v1.28.0 4.7K #aws-sdk #operation #business #aws #alexa #service #client
  113. segment

    analytics client for Rust. Forked for Meilisearch: https://github.com/meilisearch

    v0.2.6 23K #analytics #meilisearch #client #user #http-client #message #github
  114. mqrstt

    Pure rust MQTTv5 client implementation Smol and Tokio

    v0.4.0 #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #messaging #client #mqt-tv5
  115. k8-client

    Core Kubernetes metadata traits

    v13.1.0 3.2K #kubernetes #metadata #api-bindings #client #pod #api-client #traits
  116. fetch-cli

    fetch is a modern HTTP(S) client for the command line

    v0.3.0 160 #http-client #https #http #request-body #client #request-headers #response-body
  117. aws-sdk-artifact

    AWS SDK for AWS Artifact

    v1.51.0 410 #aws-sdk #artifact #aws #client #operation #api-client #descriptions
  118. aws-sdk-connectcampaigns

    AWS SDK for AmazonConnectCampaignService

    v1.63.0 400 #aws-sdk #connect #amazon #operation #aws #service #client
  119. steamworks

    friendly bindings to the steamworks sdk

    v0.11.0 1.6K #steam #gamedev #bindings #sdk #client
  120. httpget

    A small, simple client to make http get requests and return a 0 status code if they succeed, 1 status code otherwise

    v0.1.23 #http-client #http-request #http #client
  121. postgres-protocol

    Low level Postgres protocol APIs

    v0.6.8 893K #postgresql #low-level #client #protocols #synchronous #api #native
  122. koibumi-daemon

    An experimental Bitmessage client daemon

    v0.0.9 500 #bitmessage #p2p #protocols #protocol #client #networking #filesystem
  123. lsp-textdocument

    A LSP text documents manager that map of text document

    v0.4.1 10K #text-document #lsp #language-server #offset #manager #mapping #client
  124. aws-sdk-neptunedata

    AWS SDK for Amazon NeptuneData

    v1.61.0 440 #aws-sdk #neptune #query-language #amazon #gremlin #query-execution #client
  125. containerd-client

    GRPC bindings to containerd APIs

    v0.8.0 14K #grpc-client #containerd #grpc #client #grpc-api #api-bindings #api-client
  126. jwks_client_rs

    JWKS-sync client implementation for Auth0

    v0.5.1 3.9K #json #key-set #jwks #auth0 #client #authentication #web
  127. hawk

    Hawk Implementation for Rust

    v5.0.1 4.5K #authentication #http #cryptography #client #openssl #operations #ring
  128. cloudflare

    v4 API

    v0.13.0 2.4K #api-client #client #blocking-client #async-client #api-bindings #async-api #api
  129. aws-sdk-cloudfrontkeyvaluestore

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudFront KeyValueStore

    v1.61.0 440 #key-value-store #aws-sdk #cloud-front #data #operation #service #client
  130. reduct-rs

    ReductStore Client SDK for Rust

    v1.14.0 380 #time-series-database #database-client #http-client #async-http-client #time-series #http-api #client
  131. statsd

    A basic statsd client for rust

    v0.16.1 2.6K #metrics #client #timer #statsd-client #daemon #basic #tracking
  132. aws-sdk-omics

    AWS SDK for Amazon Omics

    v1.66.0 440 #aws-sdk #operation #aws #reference #amazon #client #service
  133. aws-sdk-backupstorage

    AWS SDK for AWS Backup Storage

    v1.30.0 3.5K #aws-sdk #backup #storage-service #client #operation #aws
  134. firebase-rtdb

    Firebase client for the Citadel Protocol

    v0.13.0 280 #firebase #protocols #post-quantum-cryptography #citadel #security #secure #client
  135. reqwest_dav

    An async webdav client with tokio and reqwest

    v0.1.14 4.0K #http-client #http-request #webdav #client #http #async-http-client #request
  136. dynaflare

    DDNS client for Cloudflare

    v1.0.3 190 #cloudflare #ddns #client #configuration
  137. gst-plugin-rtsp

    GStreamer RTSP Client Plugin

    v0.13.5 230 #gstreamer #rtsp #media-server #rtsp-server #plugin #client #networking
  138. aws-sdk-kinesisvideowebrtcstorage

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video WebRTC Storage

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #web-rtc #video #kinesis #amazon #storage-service #client
  139. quic-rpc-wrap


    v0.2.8 210 #server-client #rpc #quic #http-3 #rpc-server #server #client
  140. poster

    MQTTv5 client library written in Rust

    v0.3.1 #mqtt-client #async-client #mqtt #non-blocking #client #async #runtime-agnostic
  141. open_ai

    OpenAI library for Rust

    v0.1.5 320 #chat-completion #artificial-intelligence #ai #client #api-client #ai-api #rust
  142. valor_kv

    efficient key value store built with Rust

    v0.2.2 #kv #key-value-store #built #load #save #client #docker
  143. mozilla/neqo-client

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #mozilla #ietf #client #quic #process
  144. kube-client

    Kubernetes client

    v0.98.0 1.3M #kubernetes #api-client #api-bindings #client #config-parser
  145. systemd-zbus

    A dbus client (using zbus) for systemd

    v5.2.0 6.8K #systemd #dbus #zbus #client #api #aims #abstraction
  146. skytable

    Official Rust client driver for Skytable

    v0.8.11 650 #database-client #database-driver #client #sql-database #nosql #driver #database
  147. rust-netrc

    netrc support for Rust with support for reqwest

    v0.1.2 17K #http-client #http-request #reqwest #netrc #http #client
  148. oauth10a

    oauth 1.0a protocol fully-async with logging, metrics and tracing facilities

    v2.0.1 150 #metrics #logging #client #oauth1a #clevercloud #api-client
  149. aws-sdk-nimble

    AWS SDK for AmazonNimbleStudio

    v1.46.0 #aws-sdk #studio #nimble #operation #resources #client #service
  150. mwa_giant_squid

    Alternative MWA ASVO client code

    v2.0.1 #radio-astronomy #mwa #download #giant-squid #client #asvo #tar
  151. radb_client

    adb client for rust

    v1.2.3 260 #android #adb #devices #client #radb
  152. mssql_quick

    mssql 数据库快速连接方法

    v1.4.4 #sql-server #mssql #sql #quick #client
  153. cadence-macros

    Macros for Cadence, an extensible Statsd client for Rust

    v1.5.0 650K #statsd #metrics #macro #cadence #extensible #tags #client
  154. webfinger-cli

    A WebFinger client and library written in Rust

    v0.0.12 750 #client #webfinger #cli #library #rust
  155. mpd_client

    Asynchronous user-friendly MPD client

    v1.4.1 500 #mpd #async-client #async #client
  156. dccmd-rs

    A command line client for DRACOON

    v0.13.0 #user-group #command-line #dracoon #user-info #download #client #encryption
  157. k8s-openapi-codegen-common

    Common code for the k8s-openapi code generator and k8s-openapi-derive

    v0.24.0 400 #http-client #kubernetes #api-bindings #k8s #client #api-client #http
  158. pass-it-on

    that provides a simple notification client and server that receives messages and passes them on to endpoints

    v0.16.4 #client-server #notification #notifications #server #client #http-interface #notify
  159. wayrs-protocols

    A collection of Wayland protocols to use with wayrs-client

    v0.14.7+1.41 1.4K #wayland-protocol #wayland-client #wayland #client #async-io
  160. rbw

    Unofficial Bitwarden CLI

    v1.13.2 310 #bitwarden #command-line #key #password #client #background #process
  161. snowflake-connector-rs

    client for Snowflake

    v0.6.5 1.9K #database-client #snowflake #sql-query #database #client #sql #client-connect
  162. aspentool

    SSH Client

    v0.1.28 1.8K #ssh-client #ssh #client #aspen
  163. aerostream

    Bluesky client using EventStream

    v0.16.5 3.2K #bluesky #event-stream #command-line #command-line-tool #filter #client #yaml
  164. antup

    CLI for installing components for accessing the Autonomi network

    v0.10.0 #install #component #autonomi #client #profile #node
  165. nacos_rust_client

    nacos rust client

    v0.3.2 420 #nacos #client #tokio
  166. baserow-rs

    client for the Baserow API

    v2.0.5 #table #baserow #field #file-upload #operations #client #api-key
  167. lesspass-client

    LessPass API server client library and CLI written in Rust

    v0.9.0 #password #api-client #client #api-server #lesspass #server-client #library
  168. nomad-client-rs

    A HashiCorp Nomad's HTTP API client

    v0.9.3 100 #http-client #nomad #rest-client #api-client #http-api #client #hashi-corp
  169. httpclient

    HTTP client with middleware. Middleware provides composable support for record/replay, logging, exponential backoff, and more.

    v0.25.0 240 #http-request #exponential-backoff #middleware #request-response #client #response-body #logging
  170. ilert

    The official ilert api bindings

    v4.1.1 550 #alerting #client #api-bindings #oncall #incident-coms #api-client #events
  171. containerd-shim-protos

    TTRPC bindings for containerd shim interfaces

    v0.8.0 6.5K #containerd #shim #api-bindings #ttrpc #cargo-build #client #container
  172. lrcsync

    sync lrc files from lrclib.net

    v0.3.2 250 #net #lrc #lrclib #search #client #ignore #tolerance
  173. koibumi

    An experimental Bitmessage client

    v0.0.10 #bitmessage #client #networking #client-connect #p2p-networking #network-protocol #socks5-proxy
  174. ollama-kernel

    Ollama Jupyter Kernel

    v0.5.0 #jupyter #kernel #ollama #model #local #client #install
  175. rusteron-code-gen

    Code generator for aeron c bindings

    v0.1.93 2.9K #aeron #client #bindings #status #structure #process #aeron-archive
  176. pexels-cli

    client for the Pexels API

    v0.0.5 #api-client #api #client #pexels #pexels-api #cli
  177. async-sse

    Async Server Sent Event parser and encoder

    v5.1.0 90K #server-sent-events #sse #async #server #client-server #client
  178. oxide

    SDK for the Oxide rack

    v0.10.0+20250212.0.0 #client #api-client #config-file #sdk
  179. paas-client

    PEP Authorization API Service client

    v0.8.0 850 #paas #authorization #client #pep #service #api-service #context
  180. core_api_client

    interacting with CORE API, a service that provides access to metadata and full texts of research papers from thousands of data providers

    v1.1.0 280 #api-client #data-provider #full-text #client #api-service #journal #article
  181. openiap

    test client

    v0.0.26 440 #automation #client #testing #services #openiap-client #complex #plan
  182. dsh_rest_api_client

    REST API client for KPN Data Services Hub

    v0.3.0 #api-client #rest-client #client #kpn #dsh #rest #generated-client
  183. warg-client

    A client library for Warg component registries

    v0.9.2 9.1K #wasm-component #registry #client #warg #wasm-client #registries
  184. jetkvm_control

    A control client for JetKVM over WebRTC

    v0.1.3 #web-rtc #control #lua-script #send #client #mouse #keyboard
  185. watermelon

    High level actor based implementation NATS Core and NATS Jetstream client implementation

    v0.2.2 1.3K #nats #nats-client #jetstream #client #api-bindings
  186. crab_ai

    OpenAI library for Rust

    v0.1.9 240 #openai #chat-completion #artificial-intelligence #ai #client #api-client #rust
  187. generic-async-http-client

    async HTTP(S) client

    v0.6.3 900 #http-client #async-http-client #http-request #http #hyper-http #async-client #client
  188. spark-connect-rs

    Apache Spark Connect Client for Rust

    v0.0.2 140 #spark #apache #connect #client #dataframe #api #grpc-client
  189. wcgi

    Common abstractions for defining a WCGI server

    v0.3.0 3.5K #web-server #abstraction #deployment #wasmer #handler #language #client
  190. detsys-ids-client

    A client for install.determinate.systems

    v0.2.0 130 #events #transport #systems #install #client #properties #data
  191. rosrust

    Pure Rust implementation of a ROS client library

    v0.9.12 1.1K #ros #client #message #pure #roscpp #topic #parameters
  192. google-cloud-dialogflow-v2

    Google Cloud Client Libraries for Rust - Dialogflow API

    v0.1.0 #google-cloud #dialogflow #client
  193. openfga-client

    Type-safe client SDK for OpenFGA with optional Authorization Model management and Authentication (Bearer or Client Credentials)

    v0.2.0 160 #client #authorization #model #optional #management #credentials #bearer
  194. momento

    Client SDK for Momento services

    v0.49.0 300 #cache #client #sdk #configuration #services #serverless #auth-token
  195. cf-rustracing-jaeger

    Jaeger client library created on top of rustracing

    v1.2.0 57K #jaeger #tracing #spans #opentracing #client #top #created
  196. tod

    A tiny unofficial Todoist client

    v0.6.30 100 #nlp #todoist #task #tasks #client #command-line-tool #todo
  197. restson

    REST client with automatic serialization and deserialization

    v1.5.0 1.6K #rest-client #http-client #async-http-client #http-request #async-client #rest #client
  198. tor-tunnels

    Create bindadle TCP tunnels to hidden services (.onion) over Tor

    v0.1.2 #hidden #service #tor #tcp #tunnel #client #socks5-proxy
  199. dragonfly-client

    Dragonfly client written in Rust

    v0.2.17 1.5K #docker #dragonfly #p2p #peer #registry #client #status
  200. roctokit

    Github v3 Client interfaces

    v0.15.0 #github-api #github #client #interface #adapter #wasm
  201. netxclient

    netx client assembly

    v2.2.0 150 #client #netx #model #assembly #framework #net #interface
  202. miden-client-web

    Web Client library that facilitates interaction with the Miden rollup

    v0.7.2 170 #miden #web-client #web #wasm #virtual-machine #client
  203. ory-hydra-client

    SDK Client for Ory Hydra

    v2.2.0 2.2K #client #api-client #hydra
  204. google-cloud-privacy-dlp-v2

    Google Cloud Client Libraries for Rust - Sensitive Data Protection (DLP)

    v0.1.0 #google-cloud #data-protection #client #dlp-service #sensitive #gcp #type
  205. mozim

    DHCP Client Library

    v0.2.5 3.6K #dhcp #ip-address #dhcp-server #client #bpf #server-client #network-manager
  206. pixelbomber

    Insanely fast pixelflut client for images and animations

    v1.1.1 420 #pixelflut #image #image-processing #pixel #animation #client #command
  207. idcurl

    Idiomatic synchronous http client based on curl

    v0.5.2 800 #http-client #http #curl #http-request #client #sync
  208. google-generative-ai-rs

    An unofficial rust-based client library to interact with the Google Gemini generative AI API

    v0.3.4 390 #generative-ai #ai-api #ai #google #gemini #generative #client
  209. ipify-rs

    ipify.org API

    v0.7.0 210 #ipify #api-client #client #api-bindings #http-api #api #command-line-tool
  210. misan

    A command-line tool for Claude and the Anthropic API

    v0.0.7 #anthropic #claude #ai #command-line-tool #client #interaction #interface
  211. bodhi

    REST API client

    v2.2.0 #rest-client #api-client #rest #fedora #client #api-bindings #deserialization
  212. gems

    💎 A cli, tui, and sdk for interacting with the Gemini API (WIP)

    v0.0.9 #gemini #ai #text-generation #client #google #tui #api-client
  213. solace-rs

    Unofficial Solace PubSub+ Rust Client Library. It can be used to access the services of a Solace PubSub+ Event Broker. This is a wrapper around the Solace C library. Use under your own risk…

    v0.7.4 140 #messaging #solace #pub-sub #events #broker #client #persistent
  214. smol_db_viewer

    A viewer and editor application for smol_db

    v1.5.0-beta.1 370 #database-client #database #viewer #database-server #db #client #client-server
  215. chrs

    CLI ChRIS client

    v0.3.1 1.6K #client #command-line #command-line-tool #ch-ris #documentation
  216. zeptohttpc

    minimal HTTP client using http and httparse crates

    v0.10.2 #http-client #http-request #http #https #client #request-response #request
  217. feignhttp

    Declarative HTTP client for rust

    v0.5.2 270 #http-client #http-request #http #async-http #client #plain-text #request
  218. ias

    API definitions, tools, and client for the Intel Attestation Service

    v0.2.1 #intel-sgx #attestation #api #client #service #sgx-enclave #definition
  219. monzo-lib

    async Monzo client in pure rust

    v0.4.5 650 #async-client #monzo #client #api-client #async #access-token #api-bindings
  220. watermelon-proto

    #[no_std] NATS Core Sans-IO protocol implementation

    v0.1.5 1.3K #nats #nats-client #protocols #sans-io #client #watermelon #pure
  221. bodhi-cli

    bodhi CLI client based on bodhi-rs

    v2.1.2 1.1K #fedora #command-line-tool #bodhi #client #cli
  222. narrowlink-client

    Narrowlink Client

    v0.2.6 650 #narrowlink #client #gateway #networking #agent #p2p #requests
  223. gpto

    A tiny unofficial OpenAI client

    v0.2.2 800 #openai #gpt #client #language-model #generate-completions #cli
  224. govee-api

    A blazingly fast thin wrapper around the public Govee API written in Rust

    v1.3.6 #govee #api-client #client #sdk #wrapper #api-wrapper #public-api
  225. freedom-api

    Freedom API for Rustaceans

    v2.0.0 170 #client #freedom #return #stream #prelude #tokio #async
  226. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  227. aws-sdk-pcaconnectorscep

    AWS SDK for Private CA Connector for SCEP

    v1.31.0 430 #aws-sdk #web-services #connector #ca #private #scep #client
  228. upnp-client

    UPnP client written in Rust

    v0.1.10 #upnp #client #media-server #tokio #streaming-media #dlna #networking
  229. gmail

    A fluent library for the Gmail API, based on OpenAPI spec

    v0.17.0 #open-api #fluent #client #specification #api-client
  230. RustFL

    A model of Federated Learning using Rust

    v0.3.1 280 #rustfl #federated #client #noise #client-server #dp #server #differential-privacy
  231. ferrispot

    A wrapper for the Spotify Web API

    v0.4.3 #spotify #web-api #oauth #client #user #rate-limiting #api-client
  232. watermelon-net

    Low-level NATS Core network implementation

    v0.2.1 1.3K #nats #nats-client #client #api-bindings
  233. wayrs-utils

    A collection of utils and abstractions for wayrs-client

    v0.17.1 100 #wayland-client #wayland #client #async-io
  234. smol_db_client

    A client library for smol_db

    v1.5.0-beta.1 550 #database-client #database-server #client-server #database #client #db #database-access
  235. neo4j

    Bolt driver for Neo4j

    v0.2.0 #driver #bolt #client
  236. zerodns

    A DNS server in Rust, which is inspired from chinadns/dnsmasq

    v0.1.0-alpha.9 390 #dns-server #logo #warnings #client #chinadns #chinadns-dnsmasq #active
  237. vkclient

    Vk Api client implementation

    v5.1.2 #api-client #client #vk-api #api-bindings #vkontakte #vk #api-request
  238. influxrs

    data types for writing and reading data from InfluxDB 2.0

    v3.0.1 600 #time-series-database #time-series #client #async #database #influx
  239. edc-connector-client

    client for EDC

    v0.3.8 100 #http #edc #client #dataspace #http-client #edc-rs
  240. aws-sdk-route53profiles

    AWS SDK for Route 53 Profiles

    v1.40.0 450 #aws-sdk #profile #routes #operation #configuration #account #client
  241. langdb_clust

    An unofficial Rust client for the Anthropic/Claude API

    v0.9.0 #client #claude #rest #api-client #machine-learning #api-request #api-bindings
  242. minior

    Ergonomic Minio Client

    v0.1.15 230 #minio #object #client #interface #bucket #pagination #module
  243. ergoreq

    A human-centric web request client developed based on Reqwest, supporting automatic cookie management, automatic retries, and custom middleware

    v0.2.1 #http-client #http-request #reqwest #request #http #client
  244. livekit

    Rust Client SDK for LiveKit

    v0.7.6 1.3K #real-time #web-rtc #sdk #client #cross-platform #server #bindings
  245. socks2

    SOCKS proxy clients

    v0.4.0 250 #sock #proxy #client #socks
  246. remotefs-ftp

    remotefs FTP client library

    v0.2.2 #ftp #client #ftp-client #remotefs #protocols #ftp-ftps #developer
  247. hiramu

    AI Engineering Toolbox to Access Ollama, AWS Bedrock

    v0.1.15 #text-generation #bedrock #api-client #aws #ollama #client