
  1. aws-sdk-glue

    AWS SDK for AWS Glue

    v1.72.0 17K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #operation #glue
  2. aws-sdk-athena

    AWS SDK for Amazon Athena

    v1.54.0 10K #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #sql-query #athena #operation
  3. aws-sdk-translate

    AWS SDK for Amazon Translate

    v1.50.0 13K #aws-sdk #translation #language #amazon #operation #input #service
  4. aws-sdk-polly

    AWS SDK for Amazon Polly

    v1.52.0 10K #speech-synthesis #aws-sdk #markup-language #amazon #web-services #polly #operation
  5. aws-sdk-codebuild

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeBuild

    v1.63.0 4.0K #aws-sdk #build-environment #operation #artifact #source #service #github
  6. aws-sdk-kinesisvideo

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

    v1.51.0 10K #video-stream #aws-sdk #operation #kinesis
  7. aws-sdk-config

    AWS SDK for AWS Config

    v1.53.0 11K #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #configuration-management #resources #operation
  8. aws-sdk-textract

    AWS SDK for Amazon Textract

    v1.50.0 4.1K #aws-sdk #document #amazon #operation #aws #textract #information
  9. aws-sdk-account

    AWS SDK for AWS Account

    v1.51.0 850 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #account #management #operation
  10. aws-sdk-resourcegroupstagging

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Groups Tagging API

    v1.50.0 6.0K #aws-sdk #resources #tagging #group #api-client #operation #api-service
  11. aws-sdk-pinpointemail

    AWS SDK for Amazon Pinpoint Email Service

    v1.50.0 1.9K #send-email #aws-sdk #amazon #pinpoint #operation
  12. aws-sdk-location

    AWS SDK for Amazon Location Service

    v1.53.0 9.6K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #routes #operation #location #place #service
  13. aws-sdk-datasync

    AWS SDK for AWS DataSync

    v1.54.0 3.0K #data-transfer #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #data-sync #operation
  14. aws-sdk-redshiftdata

    AWS SDK for Redshift Data API Service

    v1.52.0 4.6K #sql-query #aws-sdk #api-service #redshift #statement #amazon #operation
  15. aws-sdk-docdb

    AWS SDK for Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility

    v1.53.0 2.2K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #operation #mongo-db #database-client #document-db #service
  16. aws-sdk-backup

    AWS SDK for AWS Backup

    v1.53.0 6.2K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #backup #operation
  17. aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2

    AWS SDK for AWS CloudHSM V2

    v1.51.0 4.5K #aws-sdk #cloud-hsm #service #information #client #user #operation
  18. aws-sdk-organizations

    AWS SDK for AWS Organizations

    v1.57.0 950 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #organization #account #operation
  19. aws-sdk-xray

    AWS SDK for AWS X-Ray

    v1.51.0 500 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #service #x-ray #trace #operation
  20. aws-sdk-glacier

    AWS SDK for Amazon Glacier

    v1.50.0 350 #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #vault #archive #operation #storage-service #glacier
  21. aws-sdk-codestarconnections

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeStar connections

    v1.52.0 340 #aws-sdk #web-services #connection #repository #resources #operation #host
  22. aws-sdk-identitystore

    AWS SDK for AWS SSO Identity Store

    v1.49.0 1.2K #user-group #aws-sdk #identity #store #operation #sso #iam
  23. aws-sdk-opsworkscm

    AWS SDK for AWS OpsWorks CM

    v1.50.0 340 #configuration-management #aws-sdk #backup #cloud #puppet #chef #operation
  24. aws-sdk-storagegateway

    AWS SDK for AWS Storage Gateway

    v1.54.0 750 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #gateway #operation #resources #volume
  25. aws-sdk-apigatewayv2

    AWS SDK for AmazonApiGatewayV2

    v1.50.0 900 #api-gateway #aws-sdk #aws #operation
  26. aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon SageMaker Runtime

    v1.52.0 2.7K #aws-sdk #run-time #sage-maker #client #api-client #operation #call
  27. aws-sdk-pinpoint

    AWS SDK for Amazon Pinpoint

    v1.52.0 2.4K #aws-sdk #amazon #operation #pinpoint
  28. aws-sdk-cloud9

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud9

    v1.50.0 450 #aws-sdk #cloud #environment #cloud9 #member #ec2 #operation
  29. aws-sdk-emr

    AWS SDK for Amazon EMR

    v1.56.0 600 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #data-processing #emr #operation #hadoop
  30. aws-sdk-resourcegroups

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Groups

    v1.52.0 360 #aws-sdk #group #resources #web-services #tags #operation #name
  31. aws-sdk-controltower

    AWS SDK for AWS Control Tower

    v1.55.0 490 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #tower-service #control #control-api #operation
  32. aws-sdk-memorydb

    AWS SDK for Amazon MemoryDB

    v1.52.0 350 #aws-sdk #memory-db #microservices #operation #database-client #data-access #redis
  33. aws-sdk-amplify

    AWS SDK for AWS Amplify

    v1.54.0 400 #aws-sdk #web-apps #amplify #operation #web-services #applications #hosting
  34. aws-sdk-amplifybackend

    AWS SDK for AmplifyBackend

    v1.50.0 370 #aws-sdk #api-client #amplify #operation #service #admin #amplify-backend
  35. aws-sdk-proton

    AWS SDK for AWS Proton

    v1.50.0 340 #client-token #service #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #proton #template #operation
  36. aws-sdk-auditmanager

    AWS SDK for AWS Audit Manager

    v1.51.0 360 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #audit #control #manager #operation
  37. aws-sdk-chime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime

    v1.49.0 460 #latest-version #api-calls #aws-sdk #amazon #operation
  38. aws-sdk-dynamodbstreams

    AWS SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Streams

    v1.50.0 2.8K #aws-sdk #dynamo-db #stream #stream-processing #records #operation #table
  39. aws-sdk-databrew

    AWS SDK for AWS Glue DataBrew

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #data-transformation #operation #glue #data-brew #user #output
  40. aws-sdk-finspace

    AWS SDK for FinSpace User Environment Management service

    v1.54.0 700 #aws-sdk #environment #operation #aws #fin-space #user #service
  41. aws-sdk-apprunner

    AWS SDK for AWS App Runner

    v1.51.0 170 #aws-sdk #web-services #runner #service #operation #web-apps #resources
  42. aws-sdk-workmail

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkMail

    v1.51.0 500 #user-group #access-control #aws-sdk #email-client #operation #organization #resources
  43. aws-sdk-groundstation

    AWS SDK for AWS Ground Station

    v1.51.0 330 #aws-sdk #ground #station #satellite #aws #operation #communication
  44. aws-sdk-comprehend

    AWS SDK for Amazon Comprehend

    v1.50.0 1.1K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #document #comprehend #language
  45. aws-sdk-costandusagereport

    AWS SDK for AWS Cost and Usage Report Service

    v1.51.0 330 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #report #operation
  46. aws-sdk-bedrock

    AWS SDK for Amazon Bedrock

    v1.64.0 2.2K #aws-sdk #model #bedrock #operation #information #service #client
  47. aws-sdk-codestar

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeStar

    v1.39.0 #user-profile #aws-sdk #create-user #code-star #operation #projects #resources
  48. aws-sdk-marketplacecatalog

    AWS SDK for AWS Marketplace Catalog Service

    v1.54.0 420 #aws-sdk #marketplaces #product #offers #catalog #entity #operation
  49. aws-sdk-kafka

    AWS SDK for Managed Streaming for Kafka

    v1.54.0 440 #aws-sdk #cluster #kafka #operation #amazon #msk #streaming
  50. aws-sdk-outposts

    AWS SDK for AWS Outposts

    v1.55.0 480 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #data-processing #outposts #aws-access
  51. aws-sdk-mediapackagevod

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #vod #aws #media-package #operation #elemental #client
  52. aws-sdk-dax

    AWS SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

    v1.50.0 240 #aws-sdk #dynamo-db #cluster #dax #cache #operation #accelerator
  53. aws-sdk-savingsplans

    AWS SDK for AWS Savings Plans

    v1.51.0 440 #aws-sdk #web-services #plans #saving #operation #client #instance
  54. aws-sdk-mediapackage

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage

    v1.50.0 360 #aws-sdk #operation #media-package #aws #elemental #service #client
  55. aws-sdk-grafana

    AWS SDK for Amazon Managed Grafana

    v1.52.0 340 #aws-sdk #visualizations #data-source #grafana #workspace #managed #operation
  56. aws-sdk-mediaconnect

    AWS SDK for AWS MediaConnect

    v1.52.0 340 #aws-sdk #operation #output #service #media-connect #client #elemental
  57. aws-sdk-lookoutvision

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Vision

    v1.50.0 340 #computer-vision #aws-sdk #aws #amazon #operation #industrial #lookout
  58. aws-sdk-comprehendmedical

    AWS SDK for AWS Comprehend Medical

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #medical #operation #information #amazon #comprehend #extract
  59. aws-sdk-waf


    v1.51.0 350 #aws-sdk #waf #operation
  60. aws-sdk-directory

    AWS SDK for AWS Directory Service

    v1.52.0 350 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #active-directory #operation #service
  61. aws-sdk-route53recoverycontrolconfig

    AWS SDK for AWS Route53 Recovery Control Config

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #control #recovery #routes #operation #route53 #config
  62. aws-sdk-keyspaces

    AWS SDK for Amazon Keyspaces

    v1.53.1 290 #aws-sdk #cassandra #web-services #table #keyspaces #operation #service
  63. aws-sdk-chimesdkmessaging

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Messaging

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #messaging #operation #api #amazon #chime #message
  64. aws-sdk-chimesdkidentity

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Identity

    v1.50.0 330 #aws-sdk #identity #amazon #messaging #chime #operation #api-client
  65. aws-sdk-lookoutequipment

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Equipment

    v1.52.0 380 #machine-learning #aws-sdk #data #operation #aws #equipment #amazon
  66. aws-sdk-personalize

    AWS SDK for Amazon Personalize

    v1.52.0 330 #aws-sdk #machine-learning #amazon #operation #personalize #recommendations #aws
  67. aws-sdk-snowdevicemanagement

    AWS SDK for AWS Snow Device Management

    v1.50.0 360 #aws-sdk #devices #web-services #management #snow #operation #client
  68. aws-sdk-cloudcontrol

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud Control API

    v1.51.0 390 #control-api #aws-sdk #web-services #cloud #operation #client #api-client
  69. aws-sdk-lexmodelbuilding

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Model Building Service

    v1.50.0 330 #aws-sdk #lex #amazon #bot #operation #aws #model
  70. aws-sdk-licensemanager

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager

    v1.50.0 360 #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #manager #licenses #account #client
  71. aws-sdk-lakeformation

    AWS SDK for AWS Lake Formation

    v1.53.0 360 #aws-sdk #lake #formation #operation #service #client #information
  72. aws-sdk-voiceid

    AWS SDK for Amazon Voice ID

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #voice #id #operation #amazon #real-time #fraud
  73. aws-sdk-mobile

    AWS SDK for AWS Mobile

    v1.35.0 #aws-sdk #mobile #resources #operation #client #projects #desktop
  74. aws-sdk-inspector

    AWS SDK for Amazon Inspector

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #aws-security #inspector #operation #resources #service #client
  75. aws-sdk-healthlake

    AWS SDK for Amazon HealthLake

    v1.51.0 330 #aws-sdk #store #cloud #operation #amazon #health-lake #client
  76. aws-sdk-mediastore

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaStore

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #media-store #operation #client #elemental #object #service
  77. aws-sdk-iotwireless

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Wireless

    v1.54.0 350 #aws-iot #log-level #aws-sdk #wireless #operation #lorawan #task
  78. aws-sdk-imagebuilder

    AWS SDK for EC2 Image Builder

    v1.53.0 750 #aws-sdk #builder #web-services #operation #ec2 #service #server
  79. aws-sdk-machinelearning

    AWS SDK for Amazon Machine Learning

    v1.50.0 350 #machine-learning #aws-sdk #amazon #aws #operation
  80. aws-sdk-panorama

    AWS SDK for AWS Panorama

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #aws #operation #panorama #api-client #service #developer
  81. aws-sdk-forecast

    AWS SDK for Amazon Forecast Service

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #forecast #amazon #resources #service #operation #api-client
  82. aws-sdk-finspacedata

    AWS SDK for FinSpace Public API

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #public-api #operation #fin-space #client #api-client #services
  83. aws-sdk-servicequotas

    AWS SDK for Service Quotas

    v1.50.0 250 #aws #aws-sdk #web-services #quota #service #operation
  84. aws-sdk-mediatailor

    AWS SDK for AWS MediaTailor

    v1.52.0 160 #aws-sdk #ad #configuration #channel #operation #media-tailor #ads
  85. aws-sdk-kafkaconnect

    AWS SDK for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect

    v1.51.0 340 #aws-sdk #kafka #aws #connect #operation #streaming #client
  86. aws-sdk-fis

    AWS SDK for AWS Fault Injection Simulator

    v1.53.0 260 #aws-sdk #experiment #web-services #fault #injection #operation #simulator
  87. aws-sdk-qldb

    AWS SDK for Amazon QLDB

    v1.50.0 270 #aws-sdk #qldb #operation #service #information
  88. aws-sdk-mturk

    AWS SDK for Amazon Mechanical Turk

    v1.50.0 330 #aws-sdk #operation #mechanical #amazon #turk #client #service
  89. aws-sdk-clouddirectory

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudDirectory

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #operation #directory #information #cloud #data-management #web-services
  90. aws-sdk-s3outposts

    AWS SDK for Amazon S3 on Outposts

    v1.50.0 340 #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #outposts #client #operation #access
  91. aws-sdk-wafregional

    AWS SDK for AWS WAF Regional

    v1.51.0 350 #aws-sdk #waf #operation
  92. aws-sdk-braket

    AWS SDK for Braket

    v1.52.0 240 #aws-sdk #amazon #braket #operation #information #guide #developer
  93. aws-sdk-billingconductor

    AWS SDK for AWSBillingConductor

    v1.51.0 340 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #billing #group #operation
  94. aws-sdk-iotsitewise

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT SiteWise

    v1.53.0 450 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #information #site-wise #user
  95. aws-sdk-cloudsearch

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudSearch

    v1.50.0 130 #aws-sdk #domain #cloud-search #aws #operation #configuration #service
  96. aws-sdk-timestreamwrite

    AWS SDK for Amazon Timestream Write

    v1.50.0 550 #aws-sdk #time-series-database #timestream #amazon #write #iot #operation
  97. aws-sdk-migrationhub

    AWS SDK for AWS Migration Hub

    v1.51.0 130 #aws-sdk #migration #applications #hub #operation #programmatic #tool
  98. aws-sdk-servicecatalog

    AWS SDK for AWS Service Catalog

    v1.51.0 360 #aws #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #service #catalog #organization
  99. aws-sdk-timestreamquery

    AWS SDK for Amazon Timestream Query

    v1.53.0 650 #aws-sdk #query #timestream #amazon #operation #service #client
  100. aws-sdk-shield

    AWS SDK for AWS Shield

    v1.50.0 130 #aws-sdk #shield #advanced #operation #waf #api-client #service
  101. aws-sdk-evidently

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Evidently

    v1.50.0 370 #aws-sdk #experiment #operation #user #launch #feature #cloud-watch
  102. aws-sdk-lookoutmetrics

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Metrics

    v1.50.0 130 #aws-sdk #metrics #operation #amazon #lookout #client #service
  103. aws-sdk-route53recoveryreadiness

    AWS SDK for AWS Route53 Recovery Readiness

    v1.50.0 130 #aws-sdk #readiness #recovery #aws #operation #check #route53
  104. aws-sdk-networkmanager

    AWS SDK for AWS Network Manager

    v1.53.0 380 #network-manager #aws-sdk #web-services #networking #operation #gateway #cloud
  105. aws-sdk-iot1clickprojects

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service

    v1.50.0 130 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #aws #projects #operation
  106. azure_mgmt_privatedns

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 1.2K #azure-sdk #azure-api #service #generated-bindings #api-bindings #resource-manager #operation
  107. aws-sdk-workspacesweb

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces Web

    v1.54.0 370 #aws-sdk #web-services #web-apps #operation #web-client #user #access
  108. aws-sdk-migrationhubstrategy

    AWS SDK for Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #strategy #recommendations #hub #api-client #operation #service
  109. aws-sdk-kendra

    AWS SDK for AWSKendraFrontendService

    v1.52.0 600 #aws-sdk #amazon #document #kendra #operation #set
  110. aws-sdk-schemas

    AWS SDK for Schemas

    v1.50.0 150 #aws-sdk #schema #registry #operation #event-bridge #client
  111. aws-sdk-greengrass

    AWS SDK for AWS Greengrass

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #aws-lambda #operation #cloud #greengrass #information
  112. aws-sdk-lexmodelsv2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Model Building V2

    v1.54.0 360 #aws-sdk #operation #amazon #lex #information #model #service
  113. aws-sdk-chimesdkmeetings

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Meetings

    v1.51.0 350 #aws-sdk #web-services #send-receive #meeting #chime #operation #meetings
  114. aws-sdk-mgn

    AWS SDK for Application Migration Service

    v1.50.0 330 #aws-sdk #migration #applications #service #client #operation #aws
  115. aws-sdk-iottwinmaker

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT TwinMaker

    v1.50.0 250 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #operation #aws #twin-maker #digital #information
  116. aws-sdk-resiliencehub

    AWS SDK for AWS Resilience Hub

    v1.53.0 600 #web-services #aws-sdk #applications #hub #resilience #operation #service
  117. aws-sdk-redshiftserverless

    AWS SDK for Redshift Serverless

    v1.53.0 500 #aws-sdk #serverless #amazon #redshift #operation #resources #documentation
  118. aws-sdk-drs

    AWS SDK for Elastic Disaster Recovery Service

    v1.53.0 360 #aws-sdk #recovery #operation #service #elastic #disaster #aws
  119. aws-sdk-appfabric

    AWS SDK for AppFabric

    v1.50.0 370 #aws-sdk #web-services #applications #operation #saas #service #app-fabric
  120. aws-sdk-chimesdkmediapipelines

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines

    v1.52.0 450 #aws-sdk #media #pipeline #amazon #stream #operation #chime
  121. aws-sdk-licensemanagerusersubscriptions

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager User Subscriptions

    v1.51.0 460 #aws-sdk #user #subscription #manager #ec2 #operation #instance
  122. azure_svc_imds

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 1.3K #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #generated-bindings #operation #service #tags
  123. aws-sdk-workspacesthinclient

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client

    v1.51.0 360 #aws-sdk #devices #thin #client #cloud #web-services #operation
  124. azure_svc_blobstorage

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 130K #azure-blob #storage-service #azure-storage #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation
  125. aws-sdk-licensemanagerlinuxsubscriptions

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager Linux Subscriptions

    v1.51.0 350 #aws-sdk #manager #subscription #ec2 #instance #operation #service
  126. aws-sdk-connectcases

    AWS SDK for Amazon Connect Cases

    v1.53.0 350 #aws-sdk #cases #connect #case #amazon #operation #customer
  127. aws-sdk-personalizeruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Personalize Runtime

    v1.50.0 130 #aws-sdk #run-time #amazon #personalize #client #operation #github
  128. aws-sdk-sagemakergeospatial

    AWS SDK for Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities

    v1.50.0 350 #aws-sdk #geospatial #amazon #sage-maker #operation #resources #information
  129. tket2

    Quantinuum's TKET2 Quantum Compiler

    v0.6.0 430 #quantum-circuit #quantum-computing #quantum #optimization #compiler #hardware #operation
  130. aws-sdk-ssmsap

    AWS SDK for AWS Systems Manager for SAP

    v1.52.0 360 #aws-sdk #sap #operation #manager #systems #aws #api-client
  131. aws-sdk-connectcampaigns

    AWS SDK for AmazonConnectCampaignService

    v1.52.0 340 #aws-sdk #connect #amazon #operation #aws #service #client
  132. aws-sdk-vpclattice

    AWS SDK for Amazon VPC Lattice

    v1.52.0 650 #aws-sdk #service #operation #aws #networking #amazon #lattice
  133. azure_mgmt_subscription

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 550 #azure-sdk #subscription #microsoft-azure #azure-api #operation #api-bindings #service
  134. async-mutex

    Async mutex

    v1.4.0 140K #synchronization-primitive #synchronization #mutex #lock #async #rwlock #operation
  135. azure_mgmt_servicebus

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 500 #service-bus #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #api-bindings
  136. aws-sdk-simspaceweaver

    AWS SDK for AWS SimSpace Weaver

    v1.50.0 130 #aws-sdk #web-services #weaver #spatial #sim-space #operation #cloud
  137. aws-sdk-lexruntimev2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lex Runtime V2

    v1.50.0 120 #aws-sdk #lex #amazon #run-time #client #api-client #operation
  138. aws-sdk-mediapackagev2

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2

    v1.56.0 260 #aws-sdk #describe #operation #media-package #content #live #elemental
  139. aws-sdk-omics

    AWS SDK for Amazon Omics

    v1.55.0 500 #aws-sdk #operation #aws #reference #amazon #client #service
  140. azure_mgmt_resources

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 330 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #future #azure-api #resources #service
  141. aws-sdk-b2bi

    AWS SDK for AWS B2B Data Interchange

    v1.54.0 450 #edi #data-interchange #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #x12 #operation
  142. azure_mgmt_sql

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 1.3K #operation #azure-sdk #service #future #microsoft-azure
  143. aws-sdk-migrationhuborchestrator

    AWS SDK for AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator

    v1.51.0 130 #aws-sdk #migration #aws #orchestrator #hub #operation #service
  144. aws-sdk-m2

    AWS SDK for AWSMainframeModernization

    v1.52.0 140 #aws-sdk #web-services #applications #continuous-integration #run-time #environment #operation
  145. aws-sdk-tnb

    AWS SDK for AWS Telco Network Builder

    v1.51.0 140 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #network #builder #operation #service
  146. aws-sdk-cloudfrontkeyvaluestore

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudFront KeyValueStore

    v1.50.0 370 #key-value-store #aws-sdk #cloud-front #data #operation #client #service
  147. azure_mgmt_mysql

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #mysql #azure-api #service #api-bindings #resource-manager
  148. aws-sdk-trustedadvisor

    AWS SDK for TrustedAdvisor Public API

    v1.51.0 360 #aws-sdk #public-api #api-client #trusted-advisor #operation #service
  149. azure_mgmt_monitor

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #resource-manager #api-bindings #azure-api #operation #monitor
  150. azure_mgmt_applicationinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #service #future #api-bindings #resource-manager
  151. azure_mgmt_iothub

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 150 #azure-sdk #operation #service #microsoft-azure #name #future #azure-api
  152. aws-sdk-datazone

    AWS SDK for Amazon DataZone

    v1.63.0 400 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #data-management #operation
  153. azure_mgmt_policyinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #future #service #azure-api
  154. azure_mgmt_maintenance

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 140 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #operation #maintenance #api-bindings #generated-bindings
  155. aws-sdk-neptunegraph

    AWS SDK for Amazon Neptune Graph

    v1.49.0 360 #graph-database #aws-sdk #neptune #data-analytics #graph-algorithms #operation #amazon
  156. azure_mgmt_solutions

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #solution #api-bindings #service #resource-manager
  157. azure_mgmt_postgresql

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #postgresql #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #service #future #azure-api
  158. aws-sdk-bedrockagent

    AWS SDK for Agents for Amazon Bedrock

    v1.67.0 800 #aws-sdk #agent #amazon #bedrock #operation #aws #information
  159. azure_mgmt_purview

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 150 #azure-sdk #operation #service #api-bindings #name #future #azure-api
  160. aws-sdk-honeycode

    AWS SDK for Amazon Honeycode

    v1.28.0 #aws-sdk #web-apps #amazon #honeycode #team #operation #mobile
  161. azure_mgmt_security

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #security #future #service #microsoft-azure
  162. azure_mgmt_databricks

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #operation #service #api-bindings #azure-api #databricks
  163. azure_mgmt_kubernetesconfiguration

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #operation #api-bindings #repository #service
  164. azure_mgmt_mariadb

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #resource-manager #operation #service #azure-sdk #azure-api #maria-db #future
  165. azure_mgmt_hybridkubernetes

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #resource-manager #api-bindings #operation #generated-bindings #version
  166. aws-sdk-nimble

    AWS SDK for AmazonNimbleStudio

    v1.46.0 270 #aws-sdk #studio #nimble #operation #resources #client #service
  167. azure_mgmt_costmanagement

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #microsoft-azure #azure-api #service #future #api-bindings
  168. azure_svc_devcenter

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #service #api-bindings #future #microsoft-azure
  169. azure_mgmt_streamanalytics

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #service #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #generated-bindings
  170. azure_svc_datalakeanalytics

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #azure-api #generated-bindings #operation #service #microsoft-azure
  171. azure_mgmt_containerinstance

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #microsoft-azure #service #api-bindings #name
  172. azure_mgmt_webpubsub

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #service #microsoft-azure #azure-api #future
  173. azure_mgmt_redisenterprise

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #resource-manager #service #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-version
  174. azure_mgmt_elastic

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #api-bindings #service #monitor
  175. azure_mgmt_signalr

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #service #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #azure-api
  176. azure_mgmt_marketplace

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 140 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #future #marketplaces #plan #service
  177. azure_svc_purview

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #future #azure-api #service
  178. azure_mgmt_hybridcompute

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #service #resource-manager #azure-api #microsoft-azure #future
  179. azure_mgmt_maps

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #maps #operation #microsoft-azure #api-bindings
  180. azure_mgmt_confidentialledger

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #microsoft-azure #azure-sdk #resource-manager #api-bindings #operation #azure-api #generated-bindings
  181. azure_mgmt_cpim

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #resource-manager #operation #azure-api #generated-bindings #aka
  182. azure_mgmt_servicelinker

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #azure-api #service #generated-bindings #name
  183. azure_mgmt_deviceupdate

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #service #update #api-bindings #microsoft-azure
  184. azure_mgmt_servicefabricmanagedclusters

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #service #operation #microsoft-azure #azure-api #resource-manager #version
  185. azure_mgmt_dashboard

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #dashboard #operation #api-bindings #service
  186. azure_mgmt_operationalinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #microsoft-azure #service #future #azure-api
  187. azure_mgmt_resourcehealth

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #resource-manager #service #operation #generated-bindings #api-bindings
  188. azure_svc_eventgrid

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #microsoft #microsoft-azure #operation #service #azure-api #azure-sdk #api-bindings
  189. azure_mgmt_recoveryservices

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #service #microsoft-azure #azure-api #future #name
  190. azure_svc_deviceupdate

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #update #service #future #microsoft-azure #azure-api
  191. azure_mgmt_communication

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #resource-manager #azure-sdk #service #communication #future #api-bindings
  192. azure_mgmt_developerhub

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #operation #api-bindings #repository #github
  193. azure_mgmt_hdinsight

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #service #resource-manager #name #future #microsoft-azure
  194. azure_mgmt_timeseriesinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #service #resource-manager #api-bindings #microsoft-azure
  195. azure_mgmt_eventhub

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #service #resource-manager #future #azure-api #api-bindings
  196. azure_mgmt_reservations

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #azure-api #reservations #service #api-bindings
  197. azure_mgmt_vi

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-api #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #resource-manager #operation #service
  198. azure_mgmt_kusto

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #api-bindings #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #operation #service #generated-bindings #resource-manager
  199. azure_mgmt_connectedvmware

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api
  200. azure_mgmt_hybridnetwork

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #service #resource-manager #microsoft-azure #api-bindings
  201. azure_mgmt_healthcareapis

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #service #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-service
  202. azure_mgmt_datashare

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #service
  203. azure_svc_digitaltwins

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #service #future #api-bindings #operation #generated #azure-api
  204. azure_mgmt_scvmm

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #service #resource-manager #microsoft-azure #azure-api #future
  205. azure_mgmt_nginx

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #nginx #azure-api #operation #resource-manager #generated-bindings #service
  206. azure_mgmt_frontdoor

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #api-bindings #service #future
  207. azure_mgmt_elasticsan

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #operation #service #api-bindings #generated-bindings
  208. azure_mgmt_botservice

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #service #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #name #future #api-bindings
  209. azure_mgmt_cognitiveservices

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #service #operation #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #microsoft-azure #future
  210. azure_mgmt_appconfiguration

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #service #api-bindings #resource-manager #generated-bindings
  211. azure_mgmt_consumption

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #microsoft-azure #operation #service #name
  212. aws-sdk-privatenetworks

    AWS SDK for AWS Private 5G

    v1.50.0 120 #aws-sdk #network #private #mobile #operation #web-services #5g
  213. azure_mgmt_search

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #search #service #operation #resource-manager #azure-api #microsoft-azure
  214. azure_mgmt_chaos

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #resource-manager #chaos #service #future #azure-api
  215. azure_mgmt_confluent

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #operation #azure-api #confluent #resource-manager #service
  216. azure_mgmt_stack

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 190 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #microsoft-azure #generated-bindings
  217. azure_mgmt_storagemover

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #resource-manager #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #microsoft-azure #service
  218. azure_svc_appconfiguration

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 210 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #microsoft-azure #service #future
  219. azure_mgmt_resourcemover

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #service #microsoft-azure
  220. aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness

    AWS SDK for Alexa For Business

    v1.28.0 #aws-sdk #operation #business #aws #alexa #service #client
  221. azure_svc_iotcentral

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #future #service #api-bindings #azure-api #microsoft-azure
  222. azure_mgmt_notificationhubs

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #service #microsoft-azure #future #resource-manager #api-bindings
  223. azure_mgmt_managedservices

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #generated-bindings #service
  224. azure_mgmt_storagecache

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #resource-manager #azure-sdk #operation #service #azure-api #microsoft-azure #future
  225. azure_mgmt_labservices

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #resource-manager #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #service #api-bindings
  226. azure_svc_webpubsub

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #api-bindings #service #future #microsoft-azure
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. azure_mgmt_advisor

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #advisor #operation #service #generated-bindings
  229. azure_mgmt_redis

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #redis #service #azure-api #future
  230. azure_mgmt_guestconfiguration

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #service #future #generated-bindings
  231. azure_mgmt_relay

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #operation #azure-api #relay #service #microsoft-azure
  232. azure_mgmt_fluidrelay

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #operation #api-version
  233. azure_mgmt_peering

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #peering #azure-api #service #azure-sdk #operation #api-bindings #future
  234. azure_mgmt_digitaltwins

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #service #future
  235. azure_mgmt_storagesync

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure-sdk #service #resource-manager #future #name #azure-api
  236. azure_mgmt_imagebuilder

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #operation #version #service #generated-bindings
  237. azure_svc_filestorage

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #storage-service #azure-storage #azure-api #future #operation #microsoft-azure
  238. azure_mgmt_datadog

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #datadog #azure-api #microsoft-azure #monitor #service
  239. azure_mgmt_resourcegraph

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 410 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #generated-bindings #operation #version #service
  240. azure_mgmt_databox

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #operation #api-bindings #azure-api #service #databox
  241. azure_svc_batch

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 160 #batch #azure #azure-sdk #service #azure-api #future #operation
  242. azure_mgmt_mobilenetwork

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #operation #api-bindings #service #azure-api #future
  243. azure_mgmt_managementgroups

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #api-bindings #microsoft #service #future
  244. azure_mgmt_domainservices

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #service #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #future
  245. azure_mgmt_cosmosdb

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 240 #operation #azure-sdk #service
  246. azure_mgmt_dataprotection

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #microsoft-azure #service #azure-api #future
  247. azure_mgmt_batch

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #batch #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #service #operation #future #azure-api
  248. aws-sdk-worklink

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkLink

    v1.43.0 #aws-sdk #mobile-devices #web-apps #aws #operation #website #cloud