
  1. rand

    Random number generators and other randomness functionality

    v0.9.0 16.8M #random #numbers #sampling
  2. fastrand

    fast random number generator

    v2.3.0 12.1M #random #wyrand #secure-random
  3. chacha20

    stream cipher (RFC 8439) implemented in pure Rust using traits from the RustCrypto cipher crate, with optional architecture-specific hardware acceleration (AVX2, SSE2). Additionally provides the ChaCha8…

    v0.10.0-pre.3 948K #stream-cipher #xchacha20 #random #cryptography #chacha8 #chacha12
  4. fake

    An easy to use library and command line for generating fake data like name, number, address, lorem, dates, etc

    v4.0.0 233K #fake-data #random #generator #faker #command-line
  5. rand_xoshiro

    Xoshiro, xoroshiro and splitmix64 random number generators

    v0.7.0 1.1M #random #numbers #generator
  6. rand_distr

    Sampling from random number distributions

    v0.5.1 2.0M #probability-distribution #random #distribution #probability
  7. rand_hc

    HC128 random number generator

    v0.4.0 1.9M #stream-cipher #secure-random #random #rng #hc128
  8. noise

    Procedural noise generation library

    v0.9.0 46K #perlin-noise #procedural-generation #random #math #gradient #generator #generate
  9. oorandom

    A tiny, robust PRNG implementation

    v11.1.4 3.9M #random #prng #pcg
  10. rand_jitter

    Random number generator based on timing jitter

    v0.5.0 464K #random #numbers #jitter #timing #generator #entropy
  11. rand_isaac

    ISAAC random number generator

    v0.4.0 535K #random #rng #isaac
  12. petname

    Generate human readable random names. Usable as a library and from the command-line.

    v2.0.2 32K #human-readable #random #name #generator #pet #random-string #rand
  13. rand_chacha

    ChaCha random number generator

    v0.9.0 14.7M #stream-cipher #secure-random #random #cha-cha #chacha
  14. rand_core

    Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation

    v0.9.3 15.0M #random #secure-random #numbers
  15. names

    A random name generator with names suitable for use in container instances, project names, application instances, etc

    v0.14.0 428K #name #random-string #random #instance #generator #container #applications
  16. nanoid

    A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for Rust

    v0.4.0 353K #id-generator #unique-id #id #random-string #random #secure-random #uuid
  17. rand_seeder

    A universal random number seeder based on SipHash

    v0.4.0 53K #random #secure-random #rng #seeder
  18. rdrand

    random number generator based on rdrand and rdseed instructions

    v0.8.3 654K #random #rand #rdseed
  19. rand_regex

    Generates random strings and byte strings matching a regex

    v0.18.0 52K #random-string #byte-string #string-matching #regex #random #generates-random #generator
  20. random-number

    Generate random numbers quickly

    v0.1.9 38K #random #numbers #integer
  21. rand_mt

    Reference Mersenne Twister random number generators

    v5.0.0 8.9K #random #rand #no-alloc
  22. mt19937

    A translation of the MT19937 Mersenne Twister rng algorithm to Rust

    v3.1.0 5.1K #random #mersenne #twister #mersenne-twister #cpython #condition
  23. ybaas

    Don't you love when you accidentally tap your Yubikey when you have your IRC client in focus and you send 987947 into Libera? Want to be able to have that experience without having…

    v0.0.19 850 #yubi-key #microservices #irc-client #random #yubibomb #yubikey #command-line-tool
  24. nanorand

    A tiny, fast, zero-dep library for random number generation

    v0.7.0 1.5M #random #entropy #rand
  25. ndarray-rand

    Constructors for randomized arrays. rand integration for ndarray.

    v0.15.0 57K #ndarray #multi-dimensional #rand #random #matrix #uniform-distribution
  26. obfstr

    Compiletime string constant obfuscation for Rust

    v0.4.4 54K #obfuscation #random #hash #wide
  27. create_broken_files

    Create broken files from other ones

    v3.1.0 750 #input-file #testing #fuzzing #broken #fuzzer #crash #random
  28. wyrand

    A fast & portable non-cryptographic pseudorandom number generator and hashing algorithm

    v0.3.2 1.5K #random #wyhash #hash #performance #fast
  29. russell_stat

    Statistics calculations and (engineering) probability distributions

    v1.10.0 #probability-distribution #probability #statistics #random #numerical #numerical-computation #uniform-distribution
  30. urandom

    Produce and consume randomness, to convert them to useful types and distributions, and some randomness-related algorithms

    v0.2.2 750 #random #rng #rand
  31. mockd

    Fake data generator library with 130+ functions

    v0.4.41 1.6K #random #fake-data #data
  32. phraze

    Random passphrase generator

    v0.3.18 1.7K #word-list #passphrase-generator #passphrase #password-generator #entropy #random #passwords
  33. rand_simple

    random number generator that is independent from the other libraries and based on XOR shift

    v0.2.39 120 #random #probability-distribution #numbers
  34. vrd

    generating random and pseudo-random numbers based on the Mersenne Twister algorithm

    v0.0.8 2.7K #random-number #random #generates-random
  35. adv_random

    Create random numbers, passwords, or strings based on rules

    v2.1.1 #random-string #random #string #password-generator #rules #password #rule
  36. cap-rand

    Capability-based random number generators

    v3.4.2 235K #random #numbers #random-access #generator #capability #security #capability-based
  37. bevy_turborand

    A plugin to enable ECS optimised random number generation for the Bevy game engine

    v0.10.0 550 #random #bevy #bevy-ecs #secure-random #game-engine #bevy-plugin #wyrand
  38. fakeit

    Fake data generator library with 130+ functions

    v1.3.0 4.0K #fake-data #random-generator #generator #fake #random #faker #data
  39. fakedata_generator

    Generate fake data with various generators

    v0.5.0 6.4K #fake-data #random #generator #generate #user-name #email #domain
  40. cryptocol

    cryptographic library that includes big number arithmatic operation, hash algorithms, symmetric-key cryptographic encryption/decryption algorithms, asymmetric-key (public-key) cryptographic…

    v0.10.1 1.1K #random #numbers #number
  41. pkpw

    What if correct horse battery staple, but Pokémon

    v1.2.5 1.5K #password-generator #pokemon #secure #correct #battery #random #characters
  42. random_name_generator

    Random Name Generator

    v0.3.6 1.1K #random #name #syllable #language #generator #english #fantasy
  43. bevy_rand

    A plugin to integrate rand for ECS optimised RNG for the Bevy game engine

    v0.9.0 1.1K #random #bevy-ecs #bevy #rand #rng #game-engine #bevy-plugin
  44. ran

    fast random numbers generation

    v2.0.1 1.2K #random-number #random #generator #shift #xor #testing
  45. rand_aes

    AES based pseudo-random number generator

    v0.5.0 220 #random #secure-random #aes #block-cipher #low-latency #rand
  46. wyhash

    fast portable non-cryptographic hashing algorithm and random number generator

    v0.5.0 94K #random #hasher #rng #hash
  47. wallswitch

    randomly selects wallpapers for multiple monitors

    v0.52.1 #wallpaper #desktop #image #random #switch #filesize #dimension
  48. random_color

    generating random attractive colors

    v1.0.0 10K #rgb #color #random #hsl #rgba
  49. eff-wordlist

    packaging EFF wordlist

    v1.0.3 1.8K #word-list #eff #random #api #expose #module #blog-post
  50. lipsum

    lorem ipsum text generation library. It generates pseudo-random Latin text. Use this if you need filler or dummy text for your application. The text is generated using a simple Markov chain…

    v0.9.1 20K #text-generation #text #markov #random #typography #generates-random
  51. winter-rand-utils

    Random value generation utilities for Winterfell crates

    v0.12.0 5.5K #random #rand #utilities #testing-utilities #winterfell #generation #benchmark
  52. turborand

    Fast random number generators

    v0.10.1 850 #random #secure-random #rand #wyrand #chacha #performance
  53. rpick

    pick items from a list by various algorithms. Example uses: pick a restaurant you haven't been to in a while, or an album to listen to.

    v0.9.1 110 #command-line-tool #list #random #model #pick #items #recently
  54. diffusionx

    random number/stochastic process simulation with high performance

    v0.1.6 360 #random #numbers #process #simulation
  55. smolprng

    A Small and Extensible PRNG written in Rust

    v0.1.6 #random #monte-carlo #prng
  56. random_word

    Efficient functions for generating random words in many languages

    v0.4.3 21K #random #words #english-words #multilingual #word #generate #english
  57. ndm

    Parse standard polyhedral dice notation

    v0.9.10 #dice-notation #dice-roll #dice #random #gamedev #string-parser
  58. probability

    The package provides a probability-theory toolbox

    v0.20.3 16K #statistics #random #sampling #distribution
  59. dee

    An cli for drand, with support for timelock encryption

    v0.0.16 #drand #random #encryption-decryption #rng #output-format #cross-platform #cli
  60. random-pick

    Pick an element from a slice randomly by given weights

    v1.2.16 36K #slice #random #pick #array #choose
  61. markov_namegen

    Random text generators based on Markov models

    v0.5.1 750 #markov #name #generator #random #models #procedural #training
  62. uuid-rs

    Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID)

    v0.6.4 1.2K #uuid #unique #rand #global #random
  63. quoty

    CLI program that returns a programming quote

    v0.2.7 110 #quote #programming #cli #random #author
  64. importunate

    Methods for returning random elements from an iterator

    v0.1.3 290 #iterator #random #min-max #max #min
  65. proverbs-cli

    A CLI tool for romanian proverbs

    v0.1.2 #cli #proverb #command-line-tool #proverbs #quiz #random #search
  66. tinyrand

    Lightweight RNG specification and several ultrafast implementations in Rust

    v0.5.0 1.7K #random #rand #no-std
  67. random-access-disk

    Continuously read and write to disk, using random offsets and lengths

    v3.0.1 170 #read-write #disk #random #offset #length #continuously #interface
  68. smol-rgb

    A smol library for (s)Rgb color handling

    v0.3.1 270 #rgb #srgb #color #random #smol #serde #libm
  69. rdgen

    A terminal program for generating reproducible random data for testing

    v0.1.2 #random #random-string #testing #seed #data #reproducible #hashing
  70. wallheaven

    Random image fetcher for wallhaven.cc

    v1.1.1 800 #wallpaper #api-key #desktop-environment #random #cc #wallhaven #fetcher
  71. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000016

    A small cross-platform library for retrieving random data from system source

    v0.2.17 #getrandom #random #source #cross-platform #back-end #data #retrieving
  72. enum-derived

    Generate random instances of your enums and structs

    v0.9.2 2.0K #random #enums #rand #struct #derive
  73. noise-functions

    A collection of fast and lightweight noise functions

    v0.8.1 230 #perlin-noise #simplex-noise #noise #perlin #simplex #procedural #random
  74. libecvrf

    A ECVRF that's friendly with EVM, based on curve secp256k1 and keccak256

    v1.2.1-beta.0 200 #vrf #randomness #ecvrf #random #public-key #rng
  75. drbg

    Crypographic random number generator CTR_DRBG defined by NIST SP 800-90A R1

    v1.0.1 240 #secure-random #random #encryption-key #csprng #ctr-drbg #rng #key-input
  76. sonyflake

    A distributed unique ID generator inspired by Twitter's Snowflake

    v0.3.0 4.0K #id-generator #distributed-id #id #snowflake-id #snowflake #generator #random
  77. tinymt

    64/32 - a lightweight variant of Mersenne Twister PRNG

    v1.0.9 #random #mersenne-twister #mt
  78. esdm-tool

    small tool to query and use ESDM

    v0.1.5 430 #random #esdm #rng #rand
  79. caith

    A dice roller library supporting many features

    v4.2.3 #dice-roll #dice-roller #dice #roll #rpg #random #discord-bot
  80. random

    The package provides sources of randomness

    v0.14.0 24K #randomness #source #packages
  81. unreal

    Fake data generator; fork of the fakeit crate

    v2.0.0 #generator #fake #random #fake-data #faker #data #user-agent
  82. rhai-rand

    Random number package for Rhai

    v0.1.6 600 #scripting-language #random #rhai #scripting #scripting-engine
  83. opensimplex2

    Port of OpenSimplex2

    v1.1.0 #perlin-noise #simplex-noise #noise #simplex #random #perlin #open-simplex
  84. romu

    A pseudo random number generator using the Romu algorithm

    v0.6.0 #random #rand #no-std
  85. mutils

    Mathematical-like utilities. Points, Sizes, Colours, maths operating on them. Things like that.

    v12.7.0 #color #size #math #points #utilities #utility #random
  86. brids

    Parse and generate random CPF and CNPJ, Brazil's ID numbers

    v0.5.1 #validation #format #parser #random #cnpj #cpf
  87. kindness

    Methods for returning random elements from an iterator

    v0.5.0 130 #iterator #min-max #random #max #min
  88. fast_loaded_dice_roller

    novel Fast Loaded Dice Roller algorithm (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.03830.pdf)

    v0.1.7 350 #dice-roller #sampling #random #loaded #discrete #generator #low
  89. seedling

    hierarchical seeded pseudo-random number generators

    v1.1.0 750 #random #random-seed #rng #tree #seed #tree-structure
  90. random-tag

    Generate random tags

    v1.0.1 370 #random #csv #command-line-tool #random-generation
  91. froggy-rand

    Random number generation without state for games

    v0.3.0 160 #rng #random #rand #hash #random-seed #gamedev #game
  92. random-string

    Allows to generate random strings based on a given charset and length

    v1.1.0 13K #random #string #charset #length
  93. dandelion-random

    a high performance non-cryptographic random number generator

    v0.2.0 140 #random #numbers #generator #non-cryptographic #statistics #u64
  94. easy_reader

    easily navigating forward, backward or randomly through the lines of huge files

    v0.5.2 5.5K #file-line #file-reader #line #backward #random #reader #read-line
  95. rune-modules

    Native modules for Rune, an embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust

    v0.13.4 1.8K #dynamic-programming #scripting-language #scripting #random #language
  96. ya-rand

    fast random number generation

    v0.3.2 600 #random #rand #rng #chacha #cha-cha #xoshiro
  97. drand_core

    A drand client library

    v0.0.16 #drand #random #rng #signature-verification
  98. random-nickname2


    v0.1.7 150 #user-name #random #nickname #name #user #gen
  99. rng-query

    CLI to use pseudorandomness the easy way

    v2.1.0 320 #random #dice #cli
  100. microcli

    Bunch of random unrelated CLI tools

    v1.0.2 600 #bunch #random #docker #linux #unrelated #git-branch #monitor
  101. rust-auth-utils

    port of @better-auth/utils

    v1.0.0 #encode-decode #authentication #random #base64 #port #generate-keys #hash
  102. serde_kson

    JSON library designed for developers familiar with scripting languages. Super flexible type conversion

    v0.4.1 350 #json #scripting-language #kson #conversion #flexible #serde #random
  103. pouf

    cli program for produce fake datas

    v0.7.0 600 #fake-data #data #random #faker #app #cli #filesystem
  104. rand_derive2

    Generate customizable random types with the rand crate

    v0.1.21 3.0K #random #macro-derive #rand #generate #macro #derive
  105. best_skn_utils

    A Simple Utility Library For Rust

    v1.2.3 #utility #file-utility #execution #library #read #reader #random
  106. rng-rename

    Rename files to randomly generated strings

    v0.6.5 #random-string #rename #file-rename #random #filename #command-line-tool #file-extension
  107. minstd

    minimal standard random number generator

    v0.9.4 120 #random #rand #mcg
  108. pcg_rand

    PCG family of random number generators in pure Rust

    v0.13.0 340 #random #pcg #rand
  109. uclanr

    A random word picker that gives you actually useful words

    v2.1.0 #word #random #generator #give #picker #brainstorming #inspiration
  110. random_variant

    To be used with all variant, contains the derive macro

    v0.2.7 900 #macro-derive #variant #testing #random #enums #serialization #limited
  111. geo-rand

    Generate random geometric shapes

    v0.4.0 140 #random #polygon #geometric #shapes #generate #algorithm #geo
  112. randu

    MCG65539 is IBM System/360 random number generator

    v0.9.4 200 #random #mcg #rand #no-std
  113. rand-functors

    A zero-cost abstraction for sampling from and enumerating the outcomes of a random process using the same code

    v0.10.0 280 #functional-programming #random #rng
  114. diceystats

    parse and interact with dice formulas

    v0.3.1 650 #dice #random #formulas #parse #distribution #sample #roll
  115. rand_sfc

    Chris Doty-Humphrey's SFC PRNGs

    v0.1.3 140 #sfc #random #rng
  116. lcg69069

    / MTH$RANDOM Pseudorandom linear congruential generator

    v0.9.2 110 #random #lcg #rand #mcg #unsigned-integer #no-std #nostd
  117. fastq-generator

    A fastq generator for generation of synthetic fastq files

    v0.1.1 #fastq #bioinformatics #generate #random #fasta #numbers #generator
  118. aes-prng

    Pseudo-random number generator based on AES

    v0.2.1 3.7K #random #aes #rng #cryptography
  119. goofy-animals

    Generate a name in adjective-adjective-animal form

    v0.0.2 #random #generator #naming #random-seed #no-std
  120. ommx

    Open Mathematical prograMming eXchange (OMMX)

    v2.0.0-rc.1 500 #optimization #math #linear-programming #artifact #exchange #instance #random
  121. genpasswd

    password generator that ensures characters are picked evenly from each enabled character set. Uses a Mersenne Twister PRNG implementation, seeded with time, no dependencies.

    v1.0.0 #character-set #ensure #password-generator #mersenne #random #enabled #time
  122. rantz_random

    Mostly just a wrapper around fastrand for a bunch of types. Supports bevy and rantz_spatial2d.

    v1.2.1 900 #random #bevy #gamedev #fastrand #degree #random-access #values
  123. jargon

    Command line tool for displaying a random entry from the Jargon File

    v0.3.8 110 #random #file #command-line-tool #entry #displaying #gz #txt
  124. star_rng

    opinionated PRNG for easier fuzz testing

    v0.2.0 750 #random #rng #opinionated #testing #numbers #level #bit
  125. puid

    A unique ID generator with 'ch_'-style prefix

    v0.2.1 #id #id-generator #prefix #random #unique-id #uuid #process-id
  126. digifi

    General purpose financial library and framework for financial modelling, portfolio optimization, and asset pricing

    v2.1.2 210 #random #portfolio #stochastic #pricing #assets #asset #investment
  127. weighted_rand

    A weighted random sampling crate using Walker's Alias Method

    v0.4.2 450 #random #alias #weighted #walker #methods #method
  128. orphanage

    Random collection of stuff that is still searching for a home

    v0.1.4 700 #sqlite #path #fs #collection #random #added
  129. kn0sys_ndarray_rand

    Constructors for randomized arrays. rand integration for ndarray.

    v0.16.1 110 #ndarray #rand #multi-dimensional #random #matrix #multidimensional #uniform-distribution
  130. data-faking

    Generate massive amounts of fake data

    v0.1.2 900 #fake-data #fake #rand #data #random #name
  131. markov-generator

    Highly customizable library for building Markov chains and generating random data

    v0.2.0 #markov-chain #markov #random #serialization #markov-text
  132. heart-strings

    Quickly get random heart emojis to copy!

    v1.0.0 #emoji #fun #random #emojis
  133. tsgen

    A random genome generator that generates template switches

    v0.2.2 120 #switch #genome #template #random #generates-random #generator
  134. nano-id

    A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for Rust

    v0.4.0 1.4K #id-generator #unique-id #id #random-string #uuid #url #random
  135. random_ascii

    A random [rainbow] ascii-art picker which matches your current terminal size

    v0.1.5 #ascii-art #terminal-size #terminal-window #command-line-tool #display #random #picker
  136. weight_matchers

    Efficiently find items by matching weight. You can build the lookup structure at compile time.

    v0.2.0 260 #find #random #const #rand #search #compile-time
  137. osrandom

    An interface to the OS' secure random number generator

    v0.1.1 #random #secure-random #rng #crypto #csprng #operating-system
  138. randm

    Small, fast, and efficient random generation crate

    v0.1.6 #random #generation #bit-manipulation
  139. git_rnd_name

    Generate a random git branch name based on remote name you given

    v0.1.6 #git-branch #git-repository #random #git-remote #name
  140. textnonce

    Text based random nonce generator

    v1.0.0 7.9K #nonce #random #id #session #generated #concepts #numbers
  141. cli_tool

    A CLI tool

    v0.1.0 #command-line-tool #sorting #quote #date #clear #reverse #random
  142. hel-random

    RNG with weak entropy source (alloc) and xoshiro256++ hashing

    v0.5.2 240 #random #rng #hashing #source #weak #alloc #entropy
  143. witty-phrase-generator

    Generates witty three-word phrases suitable for memorable default names

    v0.3.0 #phrase #generator #random
  144. iceyee_random


    v11.0.0 #random #iceyee #iceyee-random
  145. qweazsxdc

    fast, and safe qweazsxdc

    v0.2.8 #search #random #cli
  146. rjg

    Random JSON Generator

    v0.1.0 #json #generate-json #random #generator #json-object #json-array #variables
  147. perchance

    Very simple random number generation optimized for ease of use

    v0.5.3 #random #rng #gamedev
  148. boost-rs

    boosting your develop productivity on Rust

    v0.0.9 #utilities #toolkit #macro #random
  149. squirrel-rng

    An impl of rand::Rng based on a talk by Squirrel Eiserloh re: Math for Game Programmers

    v0.2.5 #random #rng #gamedev #math #talk #programmers #squirrel
  150. rustyrs

    Generates unique slugs for various uses

    v0.5.3 110 #slug #python #random #wasm
  151. simplerandom

    pseudo-random number generators

    v0.1.4 #random #numbers #language
  152. famedly_rust_utils

    Random rust utility functions and types

    v0.2.0 240 #random #utility #famedly #functions #types
  153. osrand

    Random numbers from the OS interface

    v0.2.1 #random-string #random #secure-random #os
  154. bashrand

    Crack Bash's $RANDOM variable with 2-3 samples

    v0.2.1 110 #random #random-seed #bash #brute-force #reverse-engineering #rng #algorithm
  155. chinese-rand

    Random generation of data structures in Chinese, using Rust

    v0.2.1 #chinese #random #generator #fastrand #logograms #data-structures #localization
  156. squares

    A Counter-RNG faster than Philox

    v0.1.1 #rng #random #cbrng #philox #no-std #square #no-alloc
  157. matrix-oxide

    Lightweight Linear Algebra Library For Rust

    v0.1.2 #linear-algebra #matrix #linear #algebra #matrices #random #math
  158. dotnet35_rand_rs

    just simluates .NET 3.5's Random class

    v1.0.1 490 #random #net #dotnet #class #simulating
  159. voxell_rng

    Cheap and dirty thread-local RNGs

    v0.5.0 110 #rng #random #cheap #dirty #non-deterministic
  160. hitokoto

    一言 https://hitokoto.cn/

    v0.5.2 500 #cn #random #language #wasm #lingua #一言
  161. shuf-rs

    Generate random permutations of an iterable with reservior sampling

    v0.2.0 #sampling #random #permutations #iterable #shuffle #line #text
  162. rand-unique

    A no-std crate for generating random sequences of unique integers in O(1) time

    v0.2.2 1.9K #random #sequence #unique #numbers #integer #prime #random-seed
  163. br-code


    v0.1.1 320 #qrcode #uuid #random #code
  164. battleship_bot

    The game of battleship and a few bot implementations

    v1.1.5 #bot #game #battleship #random #place #shoot #destroy
  165. rand-esdm

    interface to ESDM RNG server

    v0.1.5 170 #random #rng #esdm #rand #cargo-toml
  166. majima

    username generator

    v0.5.0 330 #user-name #generator #privacy #random #command-line #generate #npm
  167. random-dir

    Create directories and files with random contents in tests

    v0.2.4 #directory #random #testing #test
  168. getrandom_or_panic

    Implements a RngCore which panics unless getrandom exists

    v0.0.3 223K #random #numbers #randomness #getrandom #generator #panic #verifier
  169. tempoid

    Generates URL-friendly, unique, and short IDs that are sortable by time. Inspired by nanoid and UUIDv7.

    v0.1.1 #unique-id #id #unique #uuid #random #nanoid #distributed-systems
  170. CryptTool

    A versatile and efficient cryptography library implemented in Rust

    v0.1.4 240 #crypttool #lcg #chiper #byte #random #converter #bits #cipher
  171. hacl

    Crypto library using formally verified code from the HACL project

    v0.0.3-pre.1 #encryption-decryption #random #bindings #verified #hashing #cryptography #key
  172. rrrs

    Welcome to RRRS, a rapid, hyper-optimized CSV random sampling tool designed with performance and efficiency at its core

    v0.1.3 #data-analysis #csv #sampling #data-science #random #rapid #performance
  173. securerand-rs

    A Rand Library For Deriving Randomness From Secure Sources With A Simple Interface

    v0.2.0 220 #password #rand #cryptography #random #encryption #crypto
  174. stochastic_universal_sampling

    The stochastic universal sampling algorithm for the rand crate

    v1.1.0 #sampling #random #algorithm #stochastic #universal #weight #sample
  175. komihash

    implemenation of komihash

    v0.4.1 #hash #random #input #performance #high #smhasher #pro
  176. random-picker

    Generates random choices based on the weight table of probabilities. It can be used to calculate each item's probability of being picked up when picking a given amount of non-repetitive items…

    v0.2.3 #random #generates-random #benchmark #draw #lot
  177. mckernant1-tools

    My random tools

    v0.0.8 #random #mckernant1 #mckernant1-tools
  178. yubibomb

    Don't you love when you accidentally tap your Yubikey when you have your IRC client in focus and you send 987947 into Libera? Want to be able to have that experience without having…

    v0.2.14 #yubi-key #random #command-line-tool #irc-client #yubikey #game
  179. random-output

    Output random lines to stdout and stderr

    v0.3.1 110 #cli #line #random #testing #output #prefix #exit
  180. rugfield

    generating Gaussian Random Fields using the circulant embedding method

    v0.2.2 #gaussian #random #field
  181. warlocks-cauldron

    🦀 Fake Data Generator written in Rust - fully inspired by https://mimesis.name 🐍

    v0.26.10 #random #generator #fake-data #mocking #testing #faker
  182. unsolicited-advice

    Prints a line of unsolicited advice

    v0.2.0 #random #blog-post #advice #unsolicited #prints #pool #line
  183. opensrdk-probability

    Standard probability library for OpenSRDK toolchain

    v0.8.9 120 #probability-distribution #probability #stochastic #distribution #random #sampling #stochastics
  184. iron_dice

    a command line utility to throw dice

    v0.1.3 210 #dice-roller #dice #command-line #rpg #command-line-tool #random
  185. rngstr

    A cli tool for generating random strings of characters with customization options and a small domain specific language

    v0.3.0 230 #random-string #random #string #character-set #regex #dsl #cli-tool
  186. floaters

    generate floating-point numbers in various ways

    v0.5.0 550 #floating-point #random #float
  187. xorwowgen

    Several implementations of the Xorwow algorithm

    v0.4.0 #random #generator #xorwow #sequence
  188. noise-functions-config

    Configurable noise generator for noise-functions

    v0.10.0 140 #perlin-noise #noise #simplex-noise #perlin #procedural #random #simplex
  189. omango-wyhash

    Wang Yi hash for Rust

    v0.1.3 220 #random #hash #wyhash #rand
  190. cuid2-timeless

    An unstable, barely tested, probably giving wrong output and might panic out of nowhere CUID2 implementation in Rust

    v0.1.6 340 #cuid #cuid2 #sha-2 #unstable #random #default #panic
  191. histogram-sampler

    Sampling from a distribution given by a histogram

    v0.5.0 #random #distribution #sampling
  192. randomorg

    A random.org client library. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs.

    v1.0.4 #random #rand #generator #api-client #api-bindings #prng #api
  193. rneko

    CLI tool for download random nekos

    v2.0.0 180 #download #random #command-line-tool #nekos #directory #nekos-api
  194. veranda

    A rand RNG source for vexide

    v0.1.4 260 #random #rand #v5 #vexide #vex
  195. crashie

    A Command-Line Utility that exits with a random exit code after a configurable delay

    v0.4.0 #env-vars #docker #exit #command-line-tool #failure #testing #random
  196. nucgen

    generating random nucleotide sequences

    v0.1.2 290 #nucleotide #random #sequence #bioinformatics
  197. pure_rng

    rand-compatible RNG library for generating repeatable, controlled random values, designed primarily for use in games

    v0.8.0 #random #rng #hasher #deterministic #gamedev
  198. kodumaro-nonogram

    A random nonogram game

    v4.0.7 140 #raylib #rscenes #game #nonogram #random #kodumaro #manager
  199. helpers

    self use helper library

    v0.5.5 420 #jwt #helper #random #hash #uuid #time
  200. pillid

    A tinier, prefixed, URL-friendly, time-sortable, unique ID storable on the stack

    v0.3.1 420 #unique-id #id-generator #random #short #stack #tiny #url-friendly
  201. bevy_prng

    providing newtyped RNGs for integration into Bevy

    v0.9.0 1.2K #random #bevy #rng #rand #bevy-ecs #game-engine #secure-random
  202. rand-sequence

    A no-std crate for generating random sequences of unique integers in O(1) time

    v0.2.1 #random #numbers #sequence #unique #prime #random-seed
  203. mate_selection

    A collection of mate selection methods for evolutionary algorithms

    v0.1.1 #sampling #random #selection #algorithm #methods #evolutionary #individual
  204. num-primes

    Generating Large Prime and Composite Numbers using num with a simplistic interface

    v0.3.0 400 #prime #math #random #big-integer
  205. randrepo

    Cli tool to give you random repos from GitHub

    v0.3.0 120 #github #random #repos #give #tool #command-line-tool #forks
  206. rquote

    A command line tool that prints random quotes. Essentially fortune, but written in Rust.

    v0.1.0 #quote #fortune #file #prints #random #line #tool
  207. web

    interacting with the web browser

    v0.2.12 #browser #build-web #wasm #wasm-js #html #js-wasm #random
  208. mc-rand

    A platform abstraction layer providing a cryptographic RNG, McRng

    v1.1.0 150 #rng #secure-random #random #abstraction-layer #cryptography #wasm #intel-sgx
  209. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000078

    fast random number generator

    v2.1.1 #random #rand #wyrand #performance #simple #fast
  210. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000080

    fast random number generator

    v2.1.1 #random #rand #wyrand #performance #simple #fast
  211. random-3d-points

    Generates random 3D points within a specified range, compiled to WebAssembly

    v0.1.0 #random #generates-random #wasm #3d-points #rust #generate #webassembly
  212. kodumaro-uuid-cli

    Command line tool to generate UUID

    v1.0.7 #uuid #command-line-tool #generator #random #generate #rfc #v7
  213. rustaveli

    generate random c programs

    v0.1.1 #random #programs #generate
  214. quasirandom

    number generation

    v0.3.0 470 #random #sequence #discrepancy #low-discrepancy
  215. dsmsg

    Randomly generate online messages from Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring

    v1.7.1 #message #text #generator #random #dark-souls #generates-random
  216. sample-std

    Sampler definitions and implementations for st

    v0.2.1 10K #sampling #testing #random #sampler #definition #strategies #sample
  217. rand_agents

    generating random user agent strings

    v1.0.0 #user-agent #random #string #generate #web-scraping #create #security
  218. lipsum-cli

    Terminal application for generating lipsum text. Default usage will generate a string like Grate Meminit et Praesentibus using Liber Primus which should be suitable for use in a document title

    v0.3.0 #terminal-text #lorem #text-file #cli-applications #cli #random #command-line-interface
  219. yyid

    Yyid generator (random tokens like UUIDv4, but using all the bits)

    v0.7.0 #random #uuid #unique #token #generates-random #generate
  220. evercrypt

    Crypto library using formally verified code from HACL/Evercrypt

    v0.0.11 #random #bindings #aes #cryptography #hacl #verified #key
  221. mako_infinite_shuffle

    Iterates over combinatorial spaces in a random order

    v0.4.2 #random #combinatorial #shift-register #order #state #space #iterate
  222. genrand

    Generate random alphanumeric strings

    v0.1.0 #alphanumeric #random #generate #string
  223. toolbelt_a

    random tools for use

    v0.1.0 110 #utility #random #projects #repeat #collection #functions
  224. seeded_dice_roller

    A dice roller using a seed to give deterministic results

    v1.0.2 #dice-roller #dice #random #dice-roll #seed #gamedev #rng
  225. lorem-rustum

    lib for generating lorem-ipsum with a rusty fleur

    v0.0.5 160 #lorem #lorem-ipsum #rusty #generate #fleur #random #lib
  226. randem

    Print a random emoji optionally with the given string as seed

    v0.1.2 #emoji #random #printing #seed #terminal #string
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. lolid

    Minimal UUID implementation

    v2.0.1 #uuid #unique #v5 #random #md5 #sha-1 #serde
  229. rvs

    defining and evaluating random variables using a simple DSL

    v0.5.0 #random #dsl #c-api
  230. ascon-prng

    Ascon-PRF is lightweight PRF. This implementation also offers an RNG based on this construction

    v0.2.1 180 #random #prf #ascon #offers #ascon-prf #mac #construction
  231. salad

    generates random passphrases from a word-list for *nix systems

    v0.2.3 #passphrase-generator #word-list #random #security #generates-random #nix #generation
  232. eviolite

    Toolkit for working with evolutionary algorithms

    v0.1.1 #optimization #genetic-algorithm #genetic #evolution #random #env-vars #algorithm
  233. names-generator

    A sensible and sufficiently random names generator

    v0.1.2 #generator #name #random #sensible #sufficiently
  234. random-world

    Machine Learning methods for confident prediction (e.g., Conformal Predictors) and related ones introduced in the book Algorithmic Learning in a Random World (ALRW)

    v0.3.0 #machine-learning #prediction #random #conformal #world #cp #ml
  235. salps

    random string generator

    v0.1.0 #generator #random #string #word #stupid
  236. odem-rs-util

    Model elements and statistical tooling for the ODEM-rs simulation framework

    v0.1.1 #random #model #statistical #pool #stream #object-pool #utilities
  237. fast-erasure-shake-rng

    Fast erasure (forward secure) sponge/duplex based PRNG using the Keccak permutation

    v0.2.0 #secure-random #random #rng #keccak #sponge
  238. color-core

    Color shared definition

    v0.1.6 #definition #color #compile-time #shared #meta-programming #random #points
  239. ezrng

    Generate random numbers in the most simple way possible

    v0.1.1 #random #rng #rand
  240. qwutils

    some utilities

    v0.3.1 #scoped-access #utilities #traits #clone #ref-clonable #random #options
  241. magikitten

    Easy Fiat-Shamirization using Meow

    v0.2.0 380 #transcript #non-interactive #randomness #meow #construction #random #challenge
  242. lazy-peon-rs

    A lazy peon

    v0.1.0 #lazy-evaluation #random #events #back-end #io #simulates #blazingly
  243. rand_tool

    Powerful command-line tool for generating strong, random passwords and ports

    v0.1.3 #command-line-tool #strong #random #passwords #ports #generating
  244. rand_blake3

    rand implementations for blake3 types

    v1.0.2 #random #rng #rand #output-stream #no-alloc
  245. bananapeel

    A darn-slippery obfuscator algorithm!

    v0.1.1 #random #data-encoding #obfuscation #data-security #chunks #numbers #key
  246. time_series_generator

    Generate various timeseries of given length, some randomly sampled

    v0.3.3 #time-series #random #generator #sampled
  247. tera-rand

    A suite of random data generation functions for the Tera template engine

    v0.2.0 #tera-templates #template-engine #random #generation #fake #fake-data #templating
  248. world-map-gen

    Command line tool and library to generate random game world maps for both Rust and WebAssembly

    v0.1.1 #random #map #world #generator #generation #command-line-tool #web-assembly