
  1. include_dir

    Embed the contents of a directory in your binary

    v0.7.4 1.5M #directory #assets #embed #compile-time #file-search #glob-pattern #file-content
  2. gltf

    glTF 2.0 loader

    v1.4.1 137K #3d-model #asset #assets #3d #scene
  3. bevy_asset_loader

    Bevy plugin for asset loading

    v0.22.0 13K #asset #game-assets #assets #bevy-ecs #gamedev #reduce-boilerplate
  4. html-asset-hasher

    Asset cache busting for your static HTML files, with optional Tailwind CSS bundling!

    v1.4.8 1.3K #html #assets #cache #optional #busting #bundling #arguments
  5. pallet-uniques

    FRAME NFT asset management pallet

    v39.0.0 27K #substrate #collection #transfer #pallet #attributes #metadata #assets
  6. pallet-asset-tx-payment

    pallet to manage transaction payments in assets

    v39.0.0 31K #substrate #pallet #payment #assets #transaction #fee #native
  7. frontwork

    The TypeScript Framework using Deno & Webassembly

    v0.1.69 800 #wasm-framework #deno #typescript #assets #capabilities #rendering
  8. astroport

    Common Astroport types, queriers and other utils

    v5.7.0-cw1.0 9.5K #pair #asset-info #assets #type #queriers #reverse #supply
  9. tauri-plugin-localhost

    Expose your apps assets through a localhost server instead of the default custom protocol

    v2.2.0 2.0K #tauri-plugin #protocols #assets #localhost #server #default #expose
  10. namada_sdk

    The main Namada SDK crate

    v0.48.0 3.0K #blockchain #wallet #on-chain #namada #transfer #assets #governance
  11. aws-sdk-dataexchange

    AWS SDK for AWS Data Exchange

    v1.63.0 450 #amazon-s3 #aws-sdk #data-exchange #data-set #data-access #assets #revision
  12. gltf-json

    JSON parsing for the gltf crate

    v1.4.1 167K #json-parser #gltf #assets #3d #extension #format-json #transmission
  13. assets_manager

    Conveniently load, cache, and reload external resources

    v0.12.5 800 #hot-reloading #resources #assets #asset #cache
  14. optionstratlib

    comprehensive Rust library for options trading and strategy development across multiple asset classes

    v0.4.0 650 #price #financial-analysis #volatility #strategies #calculations #position #assets
  15. chainx-org/chainx

    Fully Decentralized Interchain Crypto Asset Management on Polkadot

    GitHub 5.2.3 #substrate #bitcoin #assets #evm #blockchain #polkadot #btc
  16. mpl-core

    A flexible digital asset standard for Solana

    v0.10.0-alpha.1 8.3K #solana #assets #mpl
  17. tauri-plugin-persisted-scope

    Save filesystem and asset scopes and restore them when the app is reopened

    v2.2.0 750 #tauri-plugin #assets #scope #restore #save #reopened
  18. three-d-asset

    Load/save functionality for 3d applications

    v0.9.2 436K #3d-model #asset #assets #3d #game-assets #gamedev #loading
  19. dae-parser

    Parser for the Collada (DAE) format

    v0.11.0 #3d-model #collada #assets #xml-parser #dae #schema #3d
  20. namada_tx

    Namada transaction construction types

    v0.48.0 3.1K #blockchain #assets #network
  21. yazi-macro

    Yazi macros

    v25.3.2 3.7K #yazi #file-manager #async-io #assets #linux #macos #blazing
  22. i18n-embed-fl

    Macro to perform compile time checks when using the i18n-embed crate and the fluent localization system

    v0.9.3 54K #localization #internationalization #compile-time #fluent #translation #configuration #assets
  23. vach

    archiving format, designed for storing assets in compact secure containers

    v0.7.1 140 #game-assets #compression #archive #assets #filesystem #game
  24. bevy_common_assets

    Bevy plugin adding support for loading your own asset types from common file formats such as json and yaml

    v0.12.0 5.4K #assets #asset #loader #messagepack #gamedev #generics
  25. actix-web-rust-embed-responder

    An actix-web responder for rust-embed that implements cache revalidation and compressed responses

    v2.2.3 5.9K #actix-web #compression #web-server #responder #serving #assets #responses
  26. bevy_embedded_assets

    A Bevy plugin to embed assets in your game

    v0.12.0 6.5K #bevy-plugin #game-assets #assets #embed #run-time #default #source
  27. static-web-server

    A cross-platform, high-performance and asynchronous web server for static files-serving

    v2.36.0 160 #web-server #file-server #directory-listing #cross-platform #http2 #serve-static #assets
  28. bevy_asset

    asset functionality for Bevy Engine

    v0.16.0-rc.1 100K #assets #bevy #game-engine #texture #data-driven #handle #loaded
  29. tauri-dumper

    dump assets from a Tauri app

    v0.1.4 450 #assets #dump #tool #dumper #tauri-app
  30. manganis

    Ergonomic, automatic, cross crate asset collection and optimization

    v0.6.2 18K #assets #optimization #build-time #web #build-tool #automatic #fetching
  31. keket

    Database-like Asset management on top of ECS storage

    v0.12.3 #assets #ecs #top #loading #fetch #byte #fetching
  32. atomicow

    A Cow-like data structure where owned data is stored inside an Arc

    v1.1.0 55K #reference-counting #data-structures #thread-safe #assets #immutability #owned #cow
  33. nineties

    An app starter for traditional web apps

    v0.1.4 #starter # #assets #apps #├── #migration #js
  34. bevy_stl

    STL loader for bevy, based on stl_io

    v0.15.0 1.9K #stl #loader #cad #assets #geometry #position #triangular
  35. typlite

    Converts a subset of typst to markdown

    v0.13.10-rc2 1.5K #typst #convert #markdown #subset #output #assets #rendering
  36. pallet-asset-rate

    Whitelist non-native assets for treasury spending and provide conversion to native balance

    v18.0.0 32K #substrate #assets #pallet #balance #rate #native #polkadot
  37. rbxcloud

    CLI and SDK for the Roblox Open Cloud APIs

    v0.16.0 #sdk #open #api-management #assets #analytics #deployment #pipeline
  38. resource

    Macros for statically including assets in release mode, but dynamically loading them in debug mode. This is primarily intended for games, allowing you to both avoid file IO in release…

    v0.6.0 1.8K #debug-mode #game-assets #assets #file-io #debug-builds #release #include
  39. pi_assets

    assets manager, async load assets, The capacity of multiple managers is managed uniformly

    v0.15.1 410 #cache #assets #pi #async #capacity #managed #load
  40. typst-assets

    Assets for the Typst compiler

    v0.13.1 16K #typst #assets #compiler #bundled
  41. collagen

    The collage generator

    v0.9.3 150 #svg #png #multimedia #jpeg #json-object #assets #variables
  42. tinymist-assets

    assets for tinymist

    v0.13.10-rc2 4.4K #typst #assets #asset #front-end
  43. stac

    SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification

    v0.12.0 600 #geospatial #assets #catalog #raster #spatio-temporal #earth-observation #metadata
  44. easy-gltf

    glTF 2.0 loader with an easy to use output

    v1.1.4 #3d-model #gltf #asset #assets #scene #3d #3d-rendering
  45. asphalt

    Upload and reference Roblox assets in code

    v0.9.1 #roblox #assets #typescript #upload #generate-typescript #game #luau
  46. embed_it

    A proc-macro library for to create rust structs from file system entries and include content as a reference to a byte array

    v6.0.0 190 #embed #assets #resources #byte-array #file-content #include #hello-world
  47. limnus-assets-loader

    loads assets

    v0.0.17 400 #assets #limnus #game-engine #bug #welcome #contributions #systems
  48. limnus-asset-registry

    keeps track of asset lifetimes

    v0.0.17 390 #assets #limnus #track #lifetime #keeps #game-engine #bug
  49. twemoji-assets

    A sophisticated crate that provides the assets from Twemoji

    v1.3.0+15.1.0 #emoji #assets #twemoji #twitter #graphics #documentation-generator
  50. iyes_progress

    Bevy plugin to help implement loading states

    v0.13.1 2.2K #bevy-plugin #loading #assets #game-development #states #screen #state-transition
  51. chuot

    AGPL licensed and opinionated game engine for pixel-art games

    v0.3.1 #pixel-art #game-engine #2d-game #assets #shader #gamedev #utility
  52. ratatui-wgpu

    A wgpu based backend for ratatui

    v0.2.1 250 #tui #back-end #wgpu #rendering #ratatui #assets
  53. leafwing_manifest

    A flexible crate for managing game assets that share a common structure. Manifests are generated from on-disk data, and offer a straightforward way to quickly look-up and generate game objects.

    v0.3.0 #assets #game-assets #bevy #unique-identifier #manifest #loading #look-up
  54. test-assets-ureq

    Download test assets with ureq, managing them outside of git

    v0.5.0 2.4K #assets #https #toml #test
  55. bevy_image_font

    Render pixel fonts from PNGs in Bevy

    v0.8.0 #text-image #bevy #sprite #gamedev #png #assets #pixel
  56. assets-common

    Assets common utilities

    v0.19.0 27K #assets #utilities #polkadot #sdk #stable
  57. bevy-histrion-packer

    A Bevy Plugin to pack all your game assets into a single common PAK like file format

    v0.6.0-rc.1 110 #game-assets #bevy-plugin #assets #bundler #packer #zlib #single-file
  58. playdate-build

    Utils that help to build package for Playdate

    v0.4.4 120 #assets #playdate #encoding
  59. griffin-wallet

    Test wallet based on Tuxedo

    v0.2.0 #wallet #script #address #assets #griffin #tuxedo #run
  60. keket-redb

    REDB asset fetch for Keket toolkit

    v0.12.3 #assets #ecs #fetch #redb #database #keket #top
  61. shrimple

    Minimal CLI for static website generation, supercharged with Lua

    v0.3.1 #static-site-generator #template-engine #lua #website-generator #assets #static-website #supercharged
  62. pixel-game-lib

    AGPL licensed and opinionated game engine for pixel-art games

    v0.9.0-alpha.6 #pixel-art #game-engine #assets #2d-game #pixel-perfect #utility #audio-playback
  63. farmfe_plugin_static_assets

    Static assets plugin of farm

    v0.0.15 100 #farm #plugin #vite-compatible #build-tool #assets #bundler #typescript
  64. lindera-assets

    A helper crate to fetch assets and build dictionary for lindera

    v0.32.3 8.3K #morphological-analysis #japanese-morphological #dictionary #assets #helper
  65. bevy_trickfilm

    Bevy plugin for spritesheet manifest loading

    v0.9.0 110 #bevy-plugin #sprite-sheet #animation #assets #spritesheet #gamedev
  66. vapore

    Vangaurd portfolio rebalancing algorithm

    v0.6.3 420 #portfolio #assets #allocation #investment #account #bond #vanguard
  67. hyperdrive-wrappers

    Generated Rust types for the Hyperdrive Solidity smart contracts

    v0.18.1 850 #smart-contracts #hyperdrive #amm #terms #liquidity #assets #defi
  68. limnus-asset-id

    ownership asset ids

    v0.0.17 430 #game-assets #asset #assets #storage #game
  69. bevy_cursor_kit

    A Bevy plugin for working with cursors

    v0.4.2 #cursor #assets #animation #ani #cur #bevy #ron
  70. vach-cli

    A command-line tool to work with .vach files

    v0.7.0 #vach #archive #game-assets #assets #key-value
  71. mclr

    run mc in rust

    v2.4.0 #assets #java #mc #game-assets #jar #home #download
  72. salvo-serve-static

    Serve static assets for salvo web server framework

    v0.77.1 179K #web-framework #salvo #serve-static #server-framework #server #http-server #assets
  73. embin

    Embed binary or text files into source code of a specific language

    v1.1.4 #embed #assets #deployment #xxd
  74. limnus-loader

    Loads assets for limnus

    v0.0.17 400 #loader #assets #blob #limnus #content #file-path #send
  75. bevy_mod_skinned_aabb

    A Bevy plugin that automatically calculates AABBs for skinned meshes

    v0.1.0 #bevy-plugin #aa-bb #mesh #skinned #automatically #assets
  76. bevy_gltf_components

    Allows you to define Bevy components direclty inside gltf files and instanciate the components on the Bevy side

    v0.6.0 500 #gltf #assets #bevy #gamedev #components
  77. blenvy

    Allows you to define Bevy components direclty inside gltf files and instanciate the components on the Bevy side

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 140 #gltf #assets #gamedev #game-engine
  78. embed-bytes

    embed assets

    v0.1.0-alpha6 550 #byte-array #assets #embed #generated
  79. tf-asset-loader

    loading assets from tf2 data files

    v0.2.0 170 #loader #tf2 #assets #steam #texture #bsp #env-vars
  80. bollard-buildkit-proto

    Protobuf definitions to interact with buildkit using Bollard

    v0.5.0 5.1K #buildkit #protobuf #bollard #docker #assets #definition #interact
  81. rafx-base

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 160 #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #assets #back-end #shader #rafx #renderer
  82. fast-assets

    Easy to use Assets Manager

    v0.1.7 #zip #assets #compression #downloader #checker #csv #save
  83. gta-img

    reading IMG/DIR files from the 3D universe-era of Grand Theft Auto IMG/DIR games

    v0.2.0 #archive #directory #auto #grand #gta #entries #assets
  84. statisk

    opinionated static site generator

    v0.2.4 410 #static-site-generator #opinionated #assets #content
  85. bevy_titan

    Bevy plugin for spritesheet manifest loading

    v0.9.0 #sprite-sheet #bevy-plugin #assets #hot-reloading #spritesheet #textureatlas #gamedev
  86. bevy_easy_localize

    Lightweight localization in bevy

    v0.6.0 #localization #csv #hot-reloading #translation #updating #assets #language
  87. bevy_libgdx_atlas

    Support loading libgdx.atlas files (used for sprite sheets and such) as Bevy assets

    v0.3.2 #assets #asset #bevy #texture-atlas #gamedev
  88. cacheb

    Compile time cache busting for static assets in web applications

    v0.1.0 110 #web-apps #compile-time #assets #cache #busting #hash #directory
  89. ty_map_gen

    A type projecting map generator

    v0.1.6 300 #generator #typemap #assets #hash-map #types #generics #partial-eq
  90. digifi

    General purpose financial library and framework for financial modelling, portfolio optimization, and asset pricing

    v2.1.2 #portfolio #stochastic #assets #asset #investment #pricing
  91. sycamore-template

    Generates sycamore templates

    v0.1.2 150 #sycamore #assets #css #template #template-generator #directory #version
  92. limnus-assets

    store assets in a slot map

    v0.0.17 440 #game-assets #assets #asset #storage #game
  93. godam

    (Godot Asset Manager) is an unofficial minimal command-line tool to install and manage addons from the Godot Asset Library

    v0.1.1 #asset-manager #godot #add-on #assets #addon-manager #install #unofficial
  94. stac-api

    SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) API specification

    v0.7.1 #stac #geospatial #assets #api-server #metadata
  95. valorant-assets-api

    API Wrapper for valorant-api.com

    v0.1.6 #http-client #client-send #valorant #wrapper #assets
  96. remodel

    read, modify, and write Roblox objects

    v0.10.0 #roblox #read-write #instance #place #lua-script #assets #scriptable
  97. swamp-assets-loader

    loads assets

    v0.0.10 #swamp #assets #2d-game #welcome #bug #contributions #free
  98. swamp-asset-registry

    keeps track of asset lifetimes

    v0.0.10 #swamp #assets #lifetime #keeps #2d-rendering #welcome #bug
  99. rafx-api

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 150 #graphics-api #graphics-pipeline #assets #rendering #rafx #shader #renderer
  100. manage

    assets and other resources

    v0.9.0 310 #refs #assets #resources
  101. wasmdev

    web development server library

    v0.1.7 #web-frontend #assets #web-dev #web-server #wasm #html #run
  102. include-flate

    A variant of include_bytes!/include_str! with compile-time deflation and runtime lazy inflation

    v0.3.0 56K #compression #assets #deflate #macro #include
  103. vapore-gui

    Vangaurd portfolio rebalancing algorithm

    v0.8.5 230 #stocks #portfolio #assets #allocation #bond #vanguard #etf
  104. ex3-core-registry-client

    Core registry canister client-rs/client-canister

    v0.17.20 190 #canister #registry #assets
  105. rantz_proto

    An opinionated rust library for transforming on-disk assets into Entities in Bevy

    v1.2.4 280 #assets #gamedev #bevy #hot-reloading #on-disk #prototypes #manifest
  106. apollo-cw-asset

    Helper library for interacting with Cosmos assets (SDK coins and CW20 tokens)

    v0.1.2 350 #coin #assets #helper #tokens #cw20 #native #tax
  107. tauri-plugin-ota-updater

    Over-the-air updates for the Web assets in a Tauri app

    v2.0.0 450 #updater #tauri-plugin #assets #ota #cloud #crab-nebula #over-the-air
  108. glace

    A type-safe, user-friendly proc macro for embedding a file tree into your code

    v0.3.0 140 #assets #file-tree #gamedev #directory-tree
  109. astroport-pair-xyk-sale-tax

    The Astroport constant product pool contract implementation

    v2.1.0 #amount #pool #assets #swap #pair #constant #config
  110. seldom_singleton

    Helper SystemParam for when you have a resource containing a handle

    v0.3.0 #bevy #assets #game-dev #system-resources #parameters
  111. rafx-framework

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 160 #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #rafx #assets #renderer #shader #built
  112. hephae-locale

    Hephae's localization module

    v0.7.1 340 #localization #hephae #module #plugin #assets #formatted #maps
  113. rspack_plugin_asset

    rspack asset plugin

    v0.2.0 #rspack #assets #bundler #javascript #webpack #compatibility #rstack
  114. reinda

    Easily embed and manage your assets for your web application to build standalone-executables. Offers filename hashing, templating, compression and more.

    v0.3.0 240 #web-apps #assets #asset #standalone #debug-mode #embed #debugging
  115. bevy_tiled_loader

    Asset loader for the Tiled data parsed

    v0.1.1 #tiled #bevy #parse #tmx #assets
  116. hephae-atlas

    Hephae's texture atlas rendering and asset module

    v0.7.1 320 #texture-atlas #bevy-plugin #bind-group #assets #page #batching #hephae
  117. treasury-import

    FFI for treasury importers

    v0.2.0 #treasury #assets #importer #pipeline #gamedev #engine #set
  118. rafx-renderer

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 #graphics-api #rafx #assets #renderer #shader #distill #vulkan
  119. keket-http

    HTTP asset fetch engine for Keket toolkit

    v0.12.3 #assets #ecs #fetch #keket #fetching #endpoint #top
  120. bevy_file_asset

    bevy file asset plugin

    v0.1.0 210 #bevy-plugin #asset #assets #graphics
  121. celesteloader

    Code for working with Maps, Assets, and Mods for the game Celeste

    v0.4.0 #celeste #maps #assets #mod #game-assets #lobby #dialog
  122. ron_asset_manager

    A dead simple crate to manage Ron based assets which depend on other assets

    v0.5.3 #assets #ron #config #asset-manager #bevy
  123. micro_games_macros

    macros to make it easier to build complex systems with Bevy

    v0.6.0 #macro-derive #bevy #assets #loader #cargo-toml #systems #build
  124. trillium-static-compiled

    compile-time static assets for trillium.rs

    v0.5.2 650 #trillium #compile-time #assets #toolkit #static
  125. embed_it_utils

    The utils for [embed_it]

    v6.0.0 170 #directory #embed #assets #embed-it #traits
  126. rafx-visibility

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 150 #graphics-pipeline #assets #rafx #visibility #vulkan #rendering #built
  127. rpgm-asset-decrypter-lib

    decrypting/encrypting RPG Maker MV/MZ audio and image assets

    v1.0.0 #assets #rpg #maker #image #audio #decrypter #lib
  128. minetest-gltf

    glTF 2.0 loader with an easy to use output. Modified extensively for the minetest-rust engine.

    v3.0.1 #3d-model #gltf #asset #assets #minetest #3d
  129. rafx-shader-processor

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 260 #graphics-api #assets #shader #rafx #rendering #renderer #built
  130. abstract-core

    Abstract contract interfaces and storage layouts

    v0.21.0 #abstract #layout #framework #smart-contracts #assets #state #import
  131. keket-client

    Asset server client fetch engine for Keket toolkit

    v0.12.3 #assets #ecs #fetch #keket #server-client #top #database-like
  132. rafx-assets

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #assets #rafx #renderer #shader #extensible
  133. ira_cli

    Command line interface for preparing assets for Ira

    v0.3.0 120 #game-engine #assets #gltf #game-assets #ira #command-line-interface #drum
  134. bva_cli

    Bevy Vach Assets CLI

    v0.1.5 #game-assets #bevy-plugin #assets #archive #vach
  135. swamp-assets

    store assets in a slot map

    v0.0.10 #assets #asset #game-assets #unique-identifier #storage #slot-map #game-engine
  136. treasury-api

    API for treasury server

    v0.2.0 #assets #treasury #gamedev #configuration #server-api #pipeline #url
  137. assetinfo

    watch for versions of assets and their end-of-life date

    v0.12.0 #assets #date #database #end-of-life #docker #watch #programs
  138. treasury-server

    Treasury server

    v0.2.0 #game-assets #assets #treasury #server #pipeline #game-engine #gamedev
  139. bevy_registry_export

    Allows you to create a Json export of all your components/ registered types of your Bevy app/game

    v0.4.0 470 #bevy-plugin #registry #assets #components #gamedev
  140. trillium-static

    filesystem-backed static assets for trillium.rs

    v0.4.2 #trillium #assets #async #filesystem-backed #static #building #toolkit
  141. load_file

    Macros to help conveniently load the contents of files during development

    v1.0.1 5.7K #assets #run-time #include-str #include-bytes #macro #loading #content
  142. pallet-proxy-bonding

    A FRAME pallet that facilitates token bonding operations with fee management capabilities

    v0.9.0-beta.0 #pallet #fee #bonding #facilitate #token #assets #management
  143. pagetop-build

    Facilita la integración de recursos directamente en los binarios de las aplicaciones desarrolladas con PageTop

    v0.0.16 #page-top #resources #assets #build #html-css #static
  144. yazi-prebuilt

    Used to place the pre-built assets of yazi (https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi)

    v0.1.0 150 #yazi #pre-built #assets #place #github #build-deps #com-sxyazi-yazi
  145. manganis-common

    Ergonomic, automatic, cross crate asset collection and optimization

    v0.3.0-alpha.3 1.8K #assets #optimization #build-time #tailwind #class #automatic #manganis
  146. gate

    A specialized 2D game library

    v0.6.3 #pixel-art #resource #2d-game #audio #game-logic #specialized #assets
  147. configure-semantic-release-assets

    CLI to configure GitHub release assets in your semantic-release manifest

    v1.1.57 #configure #semantic-release #assets #github #manifest
  148. wg-toolkit-cli

    Command line utility for interacting with codecs distributed by Wargaming.net

    v0.4.1 #deserialization #serialize-deserialize #wargaming #assets #net #tanks #world
  149. distill

    Asset framework for game engines & editor suites

    v0.0.3 #assets #game-engine #pipeline #hot-reloading #game-framework #loading #cache
  150. treasury-cli

    Command Line Interface for treasury client

    v0.2.0 #treasury #game-assets #assets #server-client #gamedev #pipeline #command-line-interface
  151. precompress

    directory of assets

    v0.3.0 480 #compression #brotli #assets #gzip #deflate #walk-dir
  152. syntect-assets

    syntect syntax and theme assets from bat

    v0.23.6 #syntax-highlighting #syntect #themes #assets #github #bat #updated
  153. swamp-loader

    Loads assets for swamp

    v0.0.10 #assets #loader #swamp #blob #content
  154. urex

    wip UnityRustExtractor and patcher

    v0.0.3 #unity #assets #objects #extractor
  155. treasury-id

    ID generator for treasury

    v0.1.0 #treasury #assets #gamedev #pipeline #packing #set
  156. rgraph

    A task graph library

    v0.2.2 #directed-acyclic-graph #tasks #solver #input #defined #define #assets
  157. uasset

    Parsing of Unreal Engine asset files (uassets)

    v0.5.0 #unreal-engine #unreal #assets #ue4 #own #uassets #pure
  158. libretro-rs

    High-level abstractions for the libretro API

    v0.1.3 #libretro #emulation #abstraction #high #expose #assets #retro-core
  159. repak

    asset library format support

    v0.1.0 110 #assets #game #format
  160. manganis-cli-support

    Ergonomic, automatic, cross crate asset collection and optimization

    v0.3.0-alpha.3 #assets #build-tool #optimization #automatic #collection #build-system #manganis
  161. bevy_tileset_map

    An extension to bevy_ecs_tilemap, allowing for configurable tilesets, auto tiling, and more using the bevy_tileset crate

    v0.5.0 #tileset #tilemap #auto #variant #animation #bevy #assets
  162. treasury-store

    Treasury storage

    v0.2.2 #asset #game-assets #assets #treasury #pipeline #gamedev #server
  163. airline

    No dependancy web server

    v0.1.12 #web-server #multi-threading #run-time #production #ready #intended #assets
  164. daikokucli

    A CLI to create and build WASM binaries

    v1.0.0 #wasm-build #wasm #api-version #cms #assets #developer #import
  165. bevy_vach_assets

    Bevy Vach Assets is a plugin for Bevy Engine that allows you to load assets from Vach archives

    v0.1.5 #bevy-plugin #game-assets #archive #assets #vach
  166. wasmdev_server

    wasmdev server implementation

    v0.1.7 #wasmdev #assets #web-server #web-frontend #wasm #dev-server #minification
  167. assets_manager-kira

    kira support for assets_manager

    v0.5.0 #kira #hot-reloading #audio #cache #assets
  168. minecraft-assets

    Parsing Minecraft asset files and resource packs in Rust

    v0.0.6 #minecraft #gamedev #assets #resource-pack
  169. bothan-core

    Core library for Bothan

    v0.0.1-beta.1 #cryptocurrency #docker-compose #price #bothan #querying #collection #assets
  170. bevy_assets_bundler

    Assets Bundler for bevy, with content encryption support

    v0.6.0 #assets #asset #bundler #bevy #tar-archive #filenames
  171. nifty-asset-interface

    Interface for Nifty Asset program

    v0.6.0 #assets #instructions #interface #nifty #transfer #update #programs
  172. tarmac

    Resource compiler and asset manager for Roblox projects

    v0.5.0 #asset-manager #assets #roblox #game #resource #projects #builds
  173. traduki

    Integrate translated assets into your application or library

    v0.1.2 #translation #assets #run-time #application #translated #toolkit #integrate
  174. bones_framework

    The Bones game development framework

    v0.4.0 #ecs #scripting #bones #multi-player #game-framework #assets #2d-rendering
  175. wasset

    Embed external assets into WASM modules

    v0.1.2 #wasm-module #assets #wasm-plugin #text-image #section #loading #embedding
  176. invariants

    Assertions for normal and invariant based development

    v0.1.3 #debugging #assertions #debugging-logging #assets #testing #trace-logging #testing-debugging
  177. libparted

    Rust wrappers for libparted

    v0.1.5 250 #pop #assets #source #os #wrapper #management
  178. rabex

    wip UnityRustExtractor and patcher

    v0.0.3 #unity #assets #objects #extractor
  179. moc3

    reading models from binary .moc3 files

    v0.1.0 #models #assets #run-time #v-tuber #reading
  180. fenpix

    that converts FEN strings into pixel chess boards

    v0.2.4 #chess-board #fen #convert #pixel #string #assets #instance
  181. bevy_serialization_assemble

    assembling assets from entities and components

    v0.2.0 240 #assets #plugin #entities #urdf #bevy-serialization-extras #assembling #singular
  182. bevy_dev

    Dev tools for Bevy Engine

    v0.3.1 #dev-tools #prototype #texture #assets #debugging
  183. goods

    Async assets system

    v0.12.1 #macro-derive #assets #game-assets #derive-macro #async #game-engine
  184. xwt-test-assets

    Static test assets for xwt

    v0.2.0 #xwt #web-transport #testing #networking #cross-platform #assets #browser
  185. axum-embed

    Serve embedded files with axum

    v0.1.0 6.0K #file-serving #axum #http-response #serve #compile-time #assets #compression
  186. xwt-test-assets-build

    A static assets generation utility

    v0.4.0 #xwt #assets #cross-platform #web-transport #utility #generation #wasm
  187. assets_manager-rodio

    rodio support for assets_manager

    v0.4.0 #hot-reloading #rodio #cache #audio #assets
  188. immich-tools

    Small command-line utilities to work with an Immich server

    v0.2.0 #immich #command-line-utilities #server #assets #offline #delete #vcard
  189. yew_assets

    Assets Icon components for yew

    v0.1.2 230 #yew-component #assets #icons #svg-icons #ux-assets #graphics #multimedia-assets
  190. thousand_birds_bevy_embedded_assets

    A Bevy plugin to embed assets in your game

    v0.11.5 #assets #bevy-plugin #embed #game #embedded #default #source
  191. ggez-assets_manager

    assets_manager integration for ggez

    v0.7.0 600 #ggez #hot-reloading #assets #resources #cache
  192. unreal_asset

    Unreal Engine 4/5 game asset serialization library

    v0.1.16 #unreal-engine #assets #compression #game-assets #modding #serialization #version
  193. runway-rbx

    Asset manager for Roblox projects

    v0.2.0 #roblox #asset-manager #assets #local #projects #cloud #runway
  194. dexter-stable-pool

    A Dexter DEX pool implementing the stableswap and metastable AMM models

    v1.1.1 #pool #assets #config #price #compute #dexter #amount
  195. treasury-client

    Client for treasury

    v0.2.0 #assets #treasury #gamedev #game-assets #importer #client #local
  196. bbox-asset-server

    Serving static and templated files

    v0.6.1 #assets #config #server #serving #tile #bbox #font
  197. ars-server

    Asset RS - Package with Zero-copy deserialization

    v0.0.10 #assets #zero-copy #deserialize #package
  198. mugltf

    Minimal glTF 2.0 asset loader for Rust

    v0.1.2 #gltf #asset #assets #3d #scene #muge #graphics
  199. include_directory

    Embed the contents of a directory in your binary

    v0.1.1 800 #directory #embed #assets #glob-pattern #file-metadata #include #search-pattern
  200. dedust_api_client

    API client for Dedust

    v0.1.1 #address #dedust #assets #metadata #symbol #trade #api-service
  201. basyx-rs

    work with Asset Administration Shells

    v0.2.1 430 #aas #shell #assets #basyx #administration #sdk #version
  202. stac-async

    Asynchronous I/O for stac-rs

    v0.5.4 #geospatial #stac #raster #metadata #async-io #assets
  203. stac-validate

    Validate STAC objects with jsonschema

    v0.3.0 430 #stac #geospatial #metadata #raster #assets
  204. nifty-asset-types

    Types for Nifty Asset program

    v0.6.0 #assets #extension #nifty #types #store #define #standard
  205. webpacker

    wrapper for using Webpacker to manage assets

    v0.3.4 #web-apps #webpack #assets #management #webpacker-cli #web-framework
  206. bevy_blob_loader

    Bevy plugin for loading assets from JavaScript blob URLs

    v0.0.6 #bevy-plugin #assets #loader #blob #wasm-bindgen #web #browser
  207. tower-serve-static

    Tower service that serves static files

    v0.1.1 2.4K #serve-static #serve-file #static-file #http-middleware #assets
  208. cosmos-cli

    CLI tool to get information about resources in the Cosmos network

    v0.1.0 #cosmos #blockchain #assets #information #resources #ibc #astroport
  209. comfy_include_dir

    Embed the contents of a directory in your binary

    v0.7.3 380 #file-search #embed #assets #directory #glob-pattern #file-metadata #compile-time
  210. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  211. bevy_assetio_zip_bundler

    An asset bundler for the bevy_assetio_zip crate

    v0.1.0 #zip #asset #assets #io
  212. manganis-core

    core for manganis

    v0.6.2 17K #assets #ui #ui-framework #dom #html-css #gui #state-management
  213. figma-asset-downloader

    Small utility to help you download Figma assets directly to your computer

    v0.9.1 #figma #assets #image
  214. hpl-asset-manager

    Honeycomb protocol library asset manager program

    v0.0.77 370 #asset-manager #honeycomb #assets #protocols
  215. gltf-importer

    Reference importer for the gltf crate

    v0.10.1 #gltf #importer #reference #3d #assets #name #load
  216. hyperscale


    v0.1.6 #bundler #hyperscale #assets
  217. bevy_tmx

    Scene loader for .tmx files created by the Tiled map editor

    v0.2.0 #tiled #scene #assets #asset #tmx #map-editor #bevy-plugin
  218. yazi-prebuild

    Used to place the pre-built assets of yazi (https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi)

    v0.1.2 8.7K #yazi #pre-built #assets #place #cargo #build-deps #prebuild
  219. rafx-resources

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.2 #graphics-pipeline #assets #rendering #renderer #resources #graphics-api #lifetime
  220. bevy_blender_utils

    Bevy companion plugin for bevy_blender_utils Blender addon

    v0.2.0 #blender #asset #bevy #assets #gamedev #add-on
  221. bones_render

    Core rendering types for bones_lib

    v0.2.0 #ecs #rendering-engine #2d-rendering #game-engine #assets #multi-player #bones
  222. goods-fs

    File source for 'goods' asset manager

    v0.1.0 #assets #asset-manager #async #source #goods
  223. orphism

    interacting with a certain format sometimes used for VTuber model assets

    v0.3.0 #model #format #assets #v-tuber #run-time #types
  224. tenable

    API abstraction for rust

    v0.1.1 #assets #abstraction #endpoint #reason #add
  225. mytiki-core-trail-storage

    Generic storage libaray for interacting with the raw mytiki.com trail assets

    v0.1.3 140 #trail #storage #assets #object-storage #com #mytiki #raw
  226. static_dir

    embedding static assets into warp webservers

    v0.2.0 400K #static #assets #warp #include #web
  227. mpl-core-candy-machine-core

    NFT Candy Machine Core: programmatic and trustless NFT drops

    v0.2.1 #nft #mint #metadata #assets #candy #machine #config
  228. blade-asset

    Asset manager for Blade

    v0.2.0 #asset-manager #asset #assets #graphics-pipeline #blade #choir #integrated
  229. dotent

    handling Entry File(.ent)

    v0.2.10 #entry #assets #ent
  230. pallet-asset-conversion

    FRAME asset conversion pallet

    v21.0.0 66K #assets #pool #pallet #swap #tokens #price #path
  231. reactor_proto

    An opinionated rust library for transforming on-disk assets into Entities in Bevy

    v1.0.0 #assets #bevy #prototypes #manifests #hot-reloading #entities #gamedev
  232. memory-serve-core

    Shared code for memory-serve and memory-serve-macros

    v1.1.0 700 #brotli #memory-serve #assets #compression #serving #web-apps #axum
  233. bevy_u8_assets

    Allows one to write u8 bytes of an asset with a fake file path to bevy

    v0.1.0 #assets #bevy #game #vr #byte #write #fake
  234. ryot

    MMORPG library based on the concepts of open tibia written in rust and bevy

    v0.2.2 #game-assets #game-engine #assets #bevy #gamedev #otbr
  235. goods-reqwest

    'reqwest' based source for 'goods' asset manager

    v0.1.0 #assets #asset-manager #reqwest #goods #source #fetch
  236. mpl-candy-machine-core

    NFT Candy Machine Core: programmatic and trustless NFT drops

    v3.0.1 270 #solana #nft #mint #metadata #candy #assets #collection
  237. asset-derive

    asset handling derive macro for enums, and a proc-macro learning resource!

    v0.1.4 #assets #macro-derive #asset #proc-macro
  238. goods-json

    JSON format for 'goods' asset manager

    v0.1.0 #assets #asset-manager #async #goods #json
  239. inline_assets

    inlining Javascript, CSS, and font files into your html files for easy distribution

    v0.5.0 #inline #assets #build #html