RIP Olivia Hussey 💕
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Black Christmas 2006
Black Xmas 06 is high art. Gory, fucked up, full of twists, and most of all is super cunty… I can’t believe I’m saying this because i normally hate remakes but i actually like this more than the original? (Which I also loved btw)
This was a hell of a ride. The ultimate Christmas movie. Why did I wait a full year to watch this after the original??? This is gonna be a new tradition for me. Legitimately one of my favorite movies now. I’m blown away.
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Traces Of Death III 1995
If Traces of Death got a modern day reboot, here’s the soundtrack i’d give it:
1. Internal Bleeding - This Day I Fight
2. Fuming Mouth - The Great Equalizer
3. Blazing Tomb - Written in Entrails
4. Momentum - 7 Lives
5. Dying Fetus - Wrong One To Fuck With
6. 10 Sluggz - Forced to Attack
7. Deluzion - Seething
8. Torment - The Seventh Drop
9. Infernal Gaze - Perils of the Warp
10. Ulamog - Unconquerable… -
Junk 2000
The Topless Zombie Queen gets shot in the head and re-reanimates, only to have a different hairstyle (a cunty silver bob) and a (cunty) jacket and some (cunty) boots… she literally is “LIFE, SERVING CUNT, DEATH, RESURRECTION, SERVING CUNT 2.0” maybe they should’ve called this movie CUNT instead…
JUNK will never not be a fun movie
“You’ll be able to afford a topless nurse!”
- 28
- Black Christmas
- 25
- Black Christmas
- 25
- Heretic
- 23
- Gate to Another World: Street View
- 15
- StageFright
- 13
- Faces Of Gore 2
- 5
- Joker
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