victoria has logged 10 entries for films during October 2019.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
30 | Ghost World | 2001 | | |||||
22 | Burning | 2018 | | |||||
18 | The Night of the Hunter | 1955 | | |||||
16 | 3 Wicked Witches | 2014 | | |||||
15 | A Talking Cat!?! | 2013 | | Read the review | ||||
14 | Princess Cyd | 2017 | | |||||
13 | Falling Inn Love | 2019 | | |||||
12 | Mala Mala | 2014 | | |||||
10 | The Big Short | 2015 | | |||||
08 | Ready to Mingle | 2019 | |