Crime and Punishment 1983
On his first installment, Kaurismäki adapts one of the greatest works of literature and takes it to modern day Helsinki. He cements what is going to be his style imbued with rock and roll soundtracks and a fine balance between comedy and drama; and manages to elaborate a character that upholds the internal struggles and ambiguities that stem from radical actions like murder in order to achieve higher goals in life.
Timescape 1992
Twohy to me feels like an innovator even though he's never credited. His films were made at a time when small/mid-budgets could be made for a larger audience and can get by because good stories and great execution. Though now they seem to be what cable networks try to make at a lessor final product. With this flick the build up (even though it's indicated it won't be good) is subtle with focus on characters, and then the payoff is…
Emitaï 1971
Em Emitai, Sembène trabalha com a questão do alistamento senegalês forçado pela França, transformando os nativos em inimigos de seu próprio povo, fazendo-os reprimir, prender e atirar em qualquer rebelde. A narrativa em tom de crônica nos apresenta o cotidiano da vila de Casamance, com o seu Conselho de Anciãos, o plantio e colheita do arroz, a resistência das mulheres e o final que critica veementemente a repressão colonial aos africanos.
O filme está repleto de motivos cinematográficos tipicamente africanos,…
A Serious Man 2009
The intro had me wondering if I even had the right movie. It also turned out to be the best scene in the whole film. The Coen Brothers are directors that I like but I don’t love. Admittedly they haven’t missed with any movie I’ve seen from them yet but nothing has really been amazing besides Fargo. Looking at the rest of their filmography I’m not sure anything can reach the level of Fargo but hopefully I’m wrong. A Serious…
Being John Malkovich 1999
It's rare for a film to be genuinely weird. Many indie movies may present a superficial layer of oddness and quirkiness, as a stylistic choice. However, "Being John Malkovich" is truly strange to its core.
This movie makes me feel deeply uncomfortable, but I consider that a compliment. Like anyone else, I enjoy cozy films filled with likable characters that I love to spend time with.
However, detestable characters can be even more intriguing to analyze. They force me to…
We Live in Time 2024
quem poderia imaginar que alguém poderia se apaixonar por alguém que o atropelou com um carro