TajLV’s review published on Letterboxd:
This was worth waiting for. Tom Cruise delivers as only he can in reprising his "Top Gun" (1986) role as Captain Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, now a Navy test pilot and looking much younger and more buff than his real age (59). By contrast, Val Kilmer looks every day of his real age (61) as Maverick's friend and former rival Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, now an Admiral in command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. In fact, Kilmer looks even older than Ed Harris (71) playing Rear Admiral Chester 'Hammer' Cain, who wants to ground Maverick in favor of drones.
Of course, there is plenty of new blood here, too. Especially capable is Miles Teller as Lieutenant Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, the son of Maverick's late best friend Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards). A new love interest is added, with Jennifer Connelly playing bar owner Penny Benjamin, and there is Madmen's Jon Hamm as Admiral Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson. He is Maverick's new boss when Iceman gets the pilot assigned as the Top Gun trainer for a clandestine mission to destroy a weapons-grade uranium enrichment facility before it goes online.
Plenty of nifty flying footage makes this a summer blockbuster you won't want to miss in theaters. In fact, the matinee I attended was sold out except for the very front two rows nearest the screen... the first large audience I've been part of since COVID shuttered cinemas more than two years ago. Huzzah! Boo-Rah! Yippee-kai-yay! See this bad boy at your favorite theater, for sure!