Speedymcfly’s review published on Letterboxd:
Kept you waiting huh?
It’s been a while my friends, I felt a tad bit obligated to make this lengthy update post as it’s been 3 months since my last major review. That might not sound like a long time but in internet time that’s like 3 years worth of internet drama and content, so sit back, relax and read this lengthy ass post on this monday night.
Or if you want the TLDR basically I wasn’t really happy or satisfied with my reviews and didn’t feel like posting due to burnout or writers block or my addiction to the internet and wanted to cut that out, among other things in the background I’ve been working on, I couldn’t really post a lot both here and on the Backloggd.
Or even briefer I’ve been addicted to playing Persona 5 Royal on my switch, it’s pretty good.
But I feel this is a gross oversimplification of my reasoning as to why I went on a hiatus, so in classic Speedy fashion, I’m gonna make a long stink about it :)
1. Burnout and Writers Block
This might sound stupid but Burnout??? Your ass barely posted and that do I say, yeah. But this was more on writing the reviews rather than posting them.
Ever since I started my Letterboxd and Backlogged, I felt like I needed to have an obligation to making reviews on the content I make. Not just simple short reviews but lengthy analyses, no matter how much I liked the content or how attached I was to it.
From movies that I had a lot to say like Kung Fu Panda 4 to things that I just think were pretty cool such as John Wick 2 or Angry Birds, the sense of me producing something inadequate always crept up. It’s not that I hate my reviews. Far from it, I’ve written a lot great stuff that I think people are at the very least enjoy. But there was this attitude that I can do better. It feel as is there was a need to top myself with every thing I played or watched, and it got trying quickly. Anytime I went to writing a review, I would get to one Paragraph, and then, stop, either by boredom or shame. I don’t really want this to be a daily grind that I don’t enjoy even though it would be nice to have this as a Job at some time. I don’t want to be obligated to write, whether it be something new I watched or a new film/game. Now, I sorta I want to? That’s the big difference.
Instead of stressing myself in making reviews I feel as if I needed to, now I want to. No matter the length or film, I’ll write whenever I’m satisfied with doing it instead of writing long for the sake of it being long. To clarify, I’ll still write reviews, maybe the long ones but inbetween them I’ll just write smaller stuff or log films instead, I had the need to make everything a review which just didn’t work in my books, leading to me not really wanting to watch movies or play anything since I felt like I needed to write something to share my thoughts on it. To finish, it’s important to keep the brain and mind healthy in order to write, which at the time wasn’t, but I think I feel better, speaking of.
2. Speedy hates the internet!!! (AND drama)
I feel as if I sorta needed a detox majorly from the internet, it wasn’t good for the soul. Everyday I’d scroll on Twitter not really doing much and no joke, my day and mood was worse because of it. I don’t think Twitter is awakes, but like most things, it should be used in moderation. For the past few months I’ve been learning to control my usage on Social Media, which included Letterboxd.
Also just like, so many people I knew hell even close friends on this site being exposed as horrible people, or people online that I considered my friends leaving the internet, really had a damper on my mood. I won’t disclose although so of you may now but a lot things happened both between when I was active and on break that sadly disappointed me. It was too much of a headache to see everyday, both the drama and just the internet in general. I mostly wanna focus on just, making people laugh or inspiring others both in real life and here, maintaining the audience I’ve gathered here and creating a new one (surprisingly my follower count has grown even after I left lol).
3. Shit happens
My third point is that I was mostly just interested in doing other things. Things that were a tad bit more ambitious than this little station. For one, I’ve starting writing scripts and ideas for my YouTube channel, I’ll be trying to translate my writing style there and will share when my videos release. Expect Sorta Schaffrillas or LS Mark videos but with my own flair and editing style that will, probably be pretty long. A big video idea that I’m gonna share throughout the summer was how racism is presented in animated movies, I’m currently still in the writing process of that and I haven’t gone through the list of movies I wanted to talk about yet, but expect to release around December this year. Maybe a few smaller reviews on games and movies sprinkled here but I won’t promise anything.
There were some other things, such as me focusing on having my game featured at this years SAGE (if you wanna play it go find it 👀), working on a few original ideas for something I’m not ready to share yet among just working on myself. I feel as if I’m at a state where I’m ready to return to the site, I’ve got a review or even video lined up that should be a slight companion piece to this soonish so I hope you stay tuned.
Anyway, thank you for reading. I’ll see y’all soon