My sofa and I would no doubt have some riveting conversations about the shit I watch
]]>Need a Tin plushie so bad
]]>I laughed 0 times
]]>Holy fucking shit
]]>Everyone is already talking about the similarities to Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, Terminator, etc. So I'm here to say the city in this is a dead ringer for the city in Xenoblade Chronicles X, which is cool as hell!
]]>Everything was really scary except the rats. Idk for some reason they looked very huggable
]]>David Tennant plays Jim Carrey playing Hamlet
]]>Very fun! Couldn't help but feel like most aspects of the film, from the villains to the central friendship to the abrupt ending, would have benefitted from another draft. Even so, a nice time with some unexpectedly killer fight scenes. Excited to see the sequel which is the highest grossing animated film of all time, apparently!
]]>Couch gag genuinely one of the top 10 Family Guy jokes ever
]]>The monkey didn't even kill people! This is a load of baloney.
]]>Haven't laughed this hard at an animated film in so damn long. Bursting at the seams with unchecked creativity and lunacy. William and Hal will love this, Buster and Olivia will hate this, Yinsed, Puff, and Robyn could go either way but I'm leaning towards a positive reaction
]]>I bet that dude who got whacked in the balls by Miss Piggy was so happy
]]>Holy shit dude lmfao
]]>It is finished. Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit.
]]>In the course of his brilliant career, Robert De Niro has teamed with Tim Hill to bring us a wide range of uniquely complicated villains. His latest performance in "The War With Grandpa" delivers a different type of evil, not of a mobster or a psychotic loner, but of a grandpa consumed by greed and his lust for power. Mr. De Niro, in an Oscar-winning...uh, Oscar-worthy performance, gives us a reminder of the heart of darkness within our ancestral blood. Congratulations to an acting legend.
]]>I visibly pogged when I saw the Patty Wagon
]]>Ruined my fucking Monday
]]>Much better than I expected!
]]>Fascinating and ethereal. Albert's work has such a consistent mystical feel and this is yet another engaging entry in his body of work. It's kind of my least favorite of his, mainly due to pacing and a bit of a difficult emotional core to connect with, and yet it's still very good and unlike anything I've seen in a while visually. Albert's performance is especially staggering in this.
]]>Bro, are you flirting with my cousin?
]]>Unbearably devastating. I can see why every single one of my Brazilian fans wanted me to watch this
]]>Funniest ending of all time. I got nothing out of anything else that happened
]]>Didn't understand a word of this but hell yea brother Emilia Perez found dead in a ditch
]]>It's difficult to articulate why this didn't fully work for me. The performances and direction were solid but the story felt like a rather stock deconstruction of the American Dream, one that rarely surprised or engaged me. I'll take this over an Emilia Perez win in any category however.
]]>Kinda like a dark fucked up version of Princess Kaguya. So terrifying at times I started crying. Fun for the whole family
]]>This is still one of Austin Butler's top 8 most popular films on Letterboxd
]]>I still remember getting invited to the Jim Thorpe Film Festival in 2023 and experiencing this comedic marvel with a huge crowd who laughed like crazy and loved every second. I distinctly remember thinking, "God, the general public is gonna adore this as long as they actually get to see it."
Nearly 2 years and 112,000 Letterboxd logs later, I couldn't be prouder of what Mike and Ryland have achieved. :)
]]>Occasionally difficult to emotionally connect with due to the first person perspective, but equally difficult to deny how bold its storytelling style truly is. How the hell was this not in the conversation for Best Director, Editing, and Sound?!
]]>A fascinating rewatch in a post Hundreds of Beavers world. Compared to that movie's universally appealing sense of humor, this one is so ultra specific and so niche that I can see why it only majorly took off among my circle of friends. A couple stretches are a bit dryer than I remember (looking at you, cruise ship bit) and while there are so many comedic swings that still hit home runs for me, there are a surprising number of ones that fall a bit short. I was always enamored with the low-budget wit and ingenuity of this one, but now that I've seen those same elements on a much grander scale from the same team, it's hard to justify keeping this one at the same score. But it's still great! Captain Seafield still remains one of the funniest cinematic protagonists I've ever seen, this movie inarguably has the better song compared to its successor, and don't even get me started on the damn ghost army
]]>The best movie I've seen where two horse figurines make out
]]>Gabriel LaBelle is so damn electric in this!! So glad he wasn't a one-hit wonder after Fabelmans, he's the glue that holds this together. Little too self-congratulatory at times, little too inauthentic, and I would never feel an ounce of empathy for Chevy Chase no matter how hard a movie makes me try, but after a while I really got into the chaotic theater kid energy this movie radiates. I'd like that kid who played Billy Crystal to be in more stuff too!
]]>Wanted a slightly more interesting conflict in the second half but overall an immaculate vibe to this one! Like if Challengers was just a chill hangout movie
]]>Definitely didn't make the best use of an amazing premise but hey at least it had JK Simmons for like 20 minutes!
]]>A little too standard music biopic-y once you look past the pretty creative monkey business, but the saving grace is how it locks the fuck in during the musical sequences. Let Michael Gracey direct a film adaptation of Pippin or something god damn
]]>Pump up the jam, pump it up
While your feet are stomping
And the jam is pumping
Look ahead, the crowd is jumpin'
Pump it up a little more
Get the party goin' on the dance floor
See, 'cause that's where the party's at
And you'd find out if you do that
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Make my day
Make my day
Make my day
Make my day
Yo, pump up the jam, pump it up
While your feet are stomping
And the jam is pumping
Look ahead, the crowd is jumpin'
Pump it up a little more
Get the party goin' on the dance floor
See, 'cause that's where the party's at
And you'd find out if you do that
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Make my day
Make my, make my day
Make my day
Make my day
Make my, make my make my day
Yo! Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up
Yo! Pump it!
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up
Yo! Pump it
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up
Yo! Pump it
Pump up the jam
Pump it
Pump up the jam
Pump up the jam
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it
Pump it
Pump it
Pump up the jam
Pump up the jam
Pump up the jam
Pump it
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
While your feet are stomping
And the jam is pumping
Look at here the crowd is jumpin'
Pump it up a little more
Get the party goin' on the dance floor
See, 'cause that's where the party's at
And you'll find out if you're too bad
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up Yo! Pump it!
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up
Yo! Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up Yo! Pump it!
Pump up the jam Pump it
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up Yo! Pump it!
Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up
Yo! Pump up the jam
Pump it up
Pump it up Yo! Pump it!
Pump up the jam Pump it
Pump it up
Pump it up
Make my day
Make my day
Make my, make my, make
Make my day
Make my day
Make my day
Make my, make my, make
Make my day, yo
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Awa, a place to stay
Get your booty on the floor tonight
Make my day
Better musical than Emilia Perez! By that logic it should have 7 Golden Globes
]]>Love the idea of Kieran Culkin probably winning the Oscar but in terms of my actual Ken baby
]]>Philadelphia City Hall is never that uncrowded, I don't gaf if it's 4am and the 70s
]]>I didn't really know anything about Bob Dylan beforehand and after watching it I still feel like I don't. Timmy good
]]>Impressive! A musical with zero (0) good songs!
If Selena Gomez gets nominated for an Oscar for this performance I am keying the Academy's cars
]]>Very fun, very Kaufman-esque. Adam Pearson radiates a blinding level of charisma and Sebastian Stan in the final scene of this movie specifically is the hottest I've seen a man look in a while
]]>Sweet, Gromit! I've invented man-made horrors beyond our comprehension!
]]>Why do they not just sent the invisible mom to infiltrate the lab??? She's invisible??????? HELLO??????????????
]]>This review may contain spoilers.
I'm Wilford Brimley and I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes about aiding and abetting the mafia
]]>This review may contain spoilers.
So glad the little minion who floated up to the moon made it home 🤧
]]>Awww she didn't go on her date with Spark Brushel from Ace Attorney 😞
]]>Happy New Year bubbies
]]>The way Mary just shatters that record is so fucking cool
]]>WHERE THE HELL DID THIS ONE COME FROM? Right from the get-go it's easy to tell what a staggering directorial improvement this is over the first two, on top of having an actual consistent story with genuinely high stakes and danger, without sacrificing the quirky charm of our two protagonists. The best of the trilogy by far; the other two are cute and fun, but for a series that's basically "John Wick meets iCarly", I'm glad we finally got an installment that took more from the former instead of the latter.
]]>Watched 11 more movies than last year, I'm a cinephile again! 102 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>In case you missed my video on the subject: 34 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>I WISH I remembered to make this a year ago 53 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Fine here it is. I did this from memory without checking my video so nobody correct me if I got it wrong 18 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>In case you missed my video on the subject: 13 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Yeesh I barely hit 100 this year 91 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Ghibli movies are good usually 14 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>I watched movies! Here they are 32 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>I've seen em all
]]>I watched a LOT of garbage this year 113 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>2021 was a pretty epic year for movies I think 29 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Every movie I watched in 2021 that wasn't made in 2021, ranked! 101 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>I skipped 2018 because it kinda sucked
Baby Driver and Lady Bird are kinda tied 26 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>I didn't see many lol 14 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>My ranking of the 2019 movies, of which I need to see more of. 28 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Surprised more people don't do this! Here's a list of every non-2020 movie I kicked off my backlog this year. 44 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>My DreamWorks ranking video is taking forever to get done so I figured I'd just post the list on Letterboxd. I only included the movies I actually care about though.
]]>Everything I watch while under self-imposed house arrest! Don't have a ton of time to watch movies in the midst of online schoolwork and Animal Crossing, but I figured it'd be fun to document what I do watch.
First viewings and repeat viewings will both be included. Suggestions welcome! 7 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Star Wars sucks and I love it 1 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>This is the first year all decade where I've actually liked every Best Picture nominee! (Even though Joker is kind of on thin ice in that regard!)
]]>A list dedicated to those movies with an ending and/or themes that rocked me to my core, to the point where I needed to sit in the theater for an extended period of time, alone with my thoughts, trying to process everything I just witnessed on screen.
Not necessarily a list of my favorite films (a lot of films I adore don't quite fit this criteria), but I think it's safe to say that I liked every film on this list to some extent. In addition, there's only recent releases since older movies don't fit the "watching the theaters" criteria.
Lady Bird is the queen of this list cause the post-movie introspection continued throughout the car ride home and well into the evening hours 15 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>There aren't as many as I first thought lol
]]>I rank the Spider-Boy movies. Spider-Man 3 is that high for ironic enjoyment.