There’s a slipping on a banana peel joke, but not much else noteworthy here. I might have laughed more when the mother-in-law fell in the mud and got her comeuppance if Arbuckle hadn’t threatened her in a drunken rage earlier.
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The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 1943
I can’t think of any other movie this early with this emotional depth and developed characters, maybe only Citizen Kane. Clive and especially Theo have a couple amazing monologues. The photo album going from happy pictures and party invitations to blank black pages was a gut punch. Plus there was an orchestra that took requests that you could bribe with beer.
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Roman Holiday 1953
I’m guessing it was a pretty small period of time where you could show your American press ID to the Italian police and get special treatment. This was a great movie with such a joyful innocence yet not overly sweet. Can’t image anyone but Hepburn as the princess, her expression and reactions in just walking around the market would warm any heart.
Mission: Impossible – Fallout 2018
Very cleverly mixes in some elements of bad luck (the French lady cop finding them, the helicopter payload missing the target) that both raises the stakes and also make the good luck in some of the action set pieces not seem so ridiculous/Fast & Furious-y. Great action and constantly throws moral dilemmas at Ethan.
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