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All the films listed in the popular 1001 Movies... book series. Contains more than 1001 titles because every new edition adds new titles and removes others. Also, some single entries in the book consist of multiple titles on Letterboxd. This list covers all the films in the English language editions published from 2003 to 2021, presently totalling 1245.
This is not my personal selection of films and I have no affiliation with the books or publisher. I have just put this list on Letterboxd because the lists here are a really convenient way of seeing how many you've watched or finding films to try out. I'd recommend seeking out one of the published books if you want to read up…
All the films listed in the popular 1001 Movies... book series. Contains more than 1001 titles because every new edition adds new titles and removes others. Also, some single entries in the book consist of multiple titles on Letterboxd. This list covers all the films in the English language editions published from 2003 to 2021, presently totalling 1245.
This is not my personal selection of films and I have no affiliation with the books or publisher. I have just put this list on Letterboxd because the lists here are a really convenient way of seeing how many you've watched or finding films to try out. I'd recommend seeking out one of the published books if you want to read up on the reasoning behind any particular film's inclusion or find out more about the list.
I've tried to be as accurate and complete as possible, but if you spot any errors or omissions, please, do let me know. Currently in chronological order of release.
RIP Chip Lary @tipsfromchip. Thanks for all the help, encouragement and enthusiasm in putting this list on Letterboxd.