German Expressionism

jcmaltez 44 films
Expressionism was a trend in the old Weimar Republic between 1919 and the early 1930's. Light and shadow, unconventional angles,…

RustyPatriot957 65 films
Doing something artistic with it, not just lazily making a quip about the current thing you're watching.
Arrabal ranked

Alexandre Schink 6 films
Fernando Arrabal's movies ranked
My favourite to least favourite, which is pretty much his most surreal to least surreal
Black Wave: Yugoslavia; Crni talas: Jugoslavija

Djela 58 films
Yugoslav Black Wave is a blanket term for a Yugoslav film movement of the 1960s and early 1970s.
Notable directors…
Twenty Experimental Films That Are Better Than "Meshes of the Afternoon"

Michael Votto 20 films
In response to Maya Deren's film "Meshes of the Afternoon" being the highest-ranked experimental film on Sight & Sound's Greatest Films…
Japanese Films That Will Blow Your Mind And Make You Reevaluate The Possibilities Of The Cinematic Artform

Hibiscus 66 films
These are just some examples of personal favorites, but honestly, this list could be endless!
Long, Weird List of Movies

OB-GYN Kenobi 4,372 films
Step One: Go to Step Two: Pick a Number. Step Three: GET WEIRD!* *Nobody cares if you think the…
The Chronological History of the Cinematic Macabre

Rocky LaForge 18,653 films
As it reads on the tin.