Movies are good22’s review published on Letterboxd:
Please go read this HERE about a person on this site called Kyler
& I even have a little story of my own about him
On May 14th of this year
I said a hot take I had for a movie
That being I didn't like Into The Spider-Verse (PS my opinion has changed I now think it's a good movie but not the best)
Kyler didn't like the take at all & decided to block me for it
& my friends JLL & Misja were on my side & got into a big fight with him
& I don't know how but out of the blue the conversation went from being
Fuck you (to me)
To threatening someone on this site named Emilia
who at this time I didn't know who she was
But again go read this HERE
It goes into more detail on why he's a dick