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Deleting tags…
- 2024 84
- masterpiece 71
- short 65
- website 61
- lb250 55
- october24 53
- netflix 51
- japanese 49
- beautiful 40
- youtube 39
- visually stunning 38
- japanuary 31
- cried 26
- amazon 25
- documentary 25
- in theatres 24
- w/ mom 23
- christmas 22
- oscar-worthy 19
- w/ family 19
- dvd 18
- peak 17
- french 15
- tv 15
- colors 12
- silent 12
- tubi 9
- comfort 8
- disney+ 8
- spanish 8
- adam elliot 7
- anyataylorjoy 7
- german 7
- peacock 7
- w/ dad 7
- adrien brody 6
- ghibil 6
- hayaomiyazaki 6
- w/ friends 6
- kobayashi 5
- villeneuve 5
- brother 4
- davidlynch 4
- hulu 4
- tarkovsky 4
- italian 3
- kurosawa 3
- lotr 3
- max 3
- max (rent) 3
- pta 3
- roberteggers 3
- russian 3
- trilogy 3
- ukrainian 3
- 3rd watch 2
- bergman 2
- billywilder 2
- cailee spaeny 2
- christophernolan 2
- clairedenis 2
- criterion disc 2
- czech 2
- elemklimov 2
- francisfordcoppola 2
- gasparnoe 2
- hitchcock 2
- korean 2
- kubrick 2
- musicbox 2
- portuguese 2
- seanbaker 2
- swedish 2
- w/ grandma 2
- wesanderson 2
- 2nd watch
- 70mm
- ackerman
- agnesvarda
- aki kaurismaki
- appletv
- arabic
- busterkeaton
- cantonese
- croatian
- danieldaylewis
- dutch
- friends
- fxm
- hindi
- holiday
- imax
- in class
- irish
- marlonbrando
- mgm
- michael fassbender
- musical
- orsonwelles
- paramount (rent)
- polish
- profile
- satoshikon
- sony (rent)
- wongkarwai
- xhosa
- zuławaski