14 films 23 Edit
ranking the 2025 released films/ limited series’ that I’ve watched this year (so far) *based on my own personal…
1,487 films 1.8K Edit
edit: upcoming 2024/2025/2026 most anticipated films (haven’t taken out alot of the 2022/2023 releases I haven’t seen I know)
944 films 263 Edit
this isn’t in any order it sucks that letterboxd narrows it down to 4 favorites :( I add to this…
553 films 31 Edit
lead or supporting performances by actress I love & appreciate
247 films 125 Edit
ranking the 2024 released films/ limited series’ that I’ve watched this year *based on my own personal enjoyment*
874 films 28 Edit
films I NEED to watch/rewatch
244 films 141 Edit
female directed films/limited series’ that I love/ watched (not in any order)
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