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The Shining 1980
Iconic as Nicholson's performance is and big as he goes, Wendy's the one really journeying into madness, Jack is insane from the beginning. Shelly Duvall carries the undertones of their turbulent relationship in the way she moves and tentatively tiptoes around Jack who looks for any excuse to blame her for his creative impotence and when he fully snaps, her reactive performance is just as terrifying.
Dragons Forever 1988
Yuen Biao: the thinking man's Jackie Chan.
Sammo Hung: the drinking man's Yuen Biao.
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Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981
Raiders really moves but towards the end there's a slight change in rhythm when Spielberg taps the brake, creating a momentary sense that the film is setting up for a possible anti climax. Then two faces melt and a head explodes and it's one of the greatest climaxes ever. The final image of the ark being put into storage with who knows what other treasures leaves you wanting a story for every item in those crates.
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Cube 2: Hypercube 2002
Like Cube, but... Hyper, you know? Where doors are automatic instead of manual.
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