em has logged 12 entries for films released in the 1990s.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
16 | The Lion King | 1994 | | |||||
20 | Duplicate | 1998 | | |||||
12 | The Matrix | 1999 | | |||||
30 | The Lion King | 1994 | | |||||
02 | Cool Runnings | 1993 | | |||||
19 | The Mummy | 1999 | | |||||
29 | The Lion King | 1994 | | |||||
25 | Jurassic Park | 1993 | | Read the review | ||||
13 | Jurassic Park | 1993 | | |||||
04 | Pulp Fiction | 1994 | | |||||
22 | The Lion King | 1994 | | |||||
10 | The Nightmare Before Christmas | 1993 | | Read the review |