iank has logged 9 entries for films released in the 1990s during January 2024.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
12 | Tarzan | 1999 | | Read the review | ||||
12 | Mulan | 1998 | | Read the review | ||||
11 | Hercules | 1997 | | Read the review | ||||
11 | The Hunchback of Notre Dame | 1996 | | Read the review | ||||
10 | Pocahontas | 1995 | | Read the review | ||||
10 | The Lion King | 1994 | | Read the review | ||||
09 | Aladdin | 1992 | | Read the review | ||||
09 | Beauty and the Beast | 1991 | | Read the review | ||||
01 | Edward Scissorhands | 1990 | | Read the review |