The Saw franchise has always been the bratty little brother of the more prestigious horror series such as A Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween. No, the Saw movies are more like the Friday the 13th movies, often cheap, nasty, and seemingly never-ending. Indeed, in that spirit, and to celebrate the forthcoming release of Saw X – the tenth film in the franchise – here is a list ranking all the Saw movies from worst to best. There will be blood. There will be overly convoluted plotting. And there will undoubtedly be various depraved and delectable torture devices. Buckle up… and of course, spoilers ahead…So where do you think we rank "Saw," "Saw II," "Saw III," "Saw IV," or maybe "Saw X"
Let us take a look at this list of All 10 ‘Saw’ Movies, Ranked from Worst to Best: