"Asteroid City" captivated audiences with its whimsical yet poignant storytelling, echoing the distinctive style of director Wes Anderson. Similarly, "Whimsy Junction" entwines quirky characters in a heartwarming tale. "Enigma Express" balances charm and mystery aboard a vintage train. "Cosmic Cafe," set in a retro-futuristic diner, serves nostalgia with a side of emotion. "Nebula Heights" follows neighbors through interwoven vignettes, painting an eccentric community. "Stellar Serenade" masterfully blends music and visuals, evoking feelings much like "Asteroid City." In a different vein, "Nope" offers suspenseful eccentricity, "Rear Window" delves into voyeuristic mysteries, "White Noise" explores eerie phenomena, "Mars Attacks!" hilariously parodies alien invasions, and "Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood" whimsically revisits space nostalgia. These films, while not all from Anderson, collectively share his knack for enchanting narratives and visual storytelling.
Here's the full list of 10 Non-Wes Anderson movies that are similar to “Asteroid City”: