Chris Gilman

Chris Gilman

The Skeleton Twins is the worst movie I have ever seen

Favorite films

  • Gates of Heaven
  • Jackass Number Two
  • Climax
  • Billy the Kid

Recent activity

  • Frankenhooker

  • Halloween Kills


  • Clifford


  • Cure


Recent reviews

  • Halloween Kills

    Halloween Kills


    Look literally all the Halloween sequels are terrible this is the most fun they’ll ever be just kick back and relax Michael Myers rocks tf out here he’s charred up and on his flu game, go watch boring-ass Halloweens 4-8 (2’s fine) and tell me this one’s not the best of them 

    (also watched-but-didn’t-log recently:
    The Many Saints Of Newark, 2.75 stars
    Bottle Rocket, 5 stars
    Jennifer’s Body, 4 stars
    New Nightmare, 4 stars
    Nightmare On Elm Street: Dream Warriors, 3 stars
    Titane, 4.5 stars
    Interview With A Vampire, 4 stars
    Jackie Brown, 5 stars)

  • Clifford



    watched the trailer for Beethoven (1992) immediately afterwards (five stars) (apparently a VHS of Beethoven cost $24.98 in 1992)

Popular reviews

  • Jacob's Ladder

    Jacob's Ladder


    The scene where Tim Robbins suddenly holds up a polaroid photo of Macaulay Culkin, who was not in the movie at all prior to that point, and begins hysterically weeping, was my favorite part, out of context.

  • The Swimmer

    The Swimmer


    There's no funnier plot twist than to have the main character—who does not mention hot dogs or have any affiliation with hot dogs at all prior to that point in the film—suddenly run up to a hot dog cart crying and yelling "HEY, THAT'S MINE!”


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