Evil holds the key to freedom...
After mankind moved into space, the old planet Earth is forgotten, a polluted wasteland where only expelled prisoners still survive.
After mankind moved into space, the old planet Earth is forgotten, a polluted wasteland where only expelled prisoners still survive.
Terminal Force 2, Terminal Force II, Terminal Force 2 - The Survivor, Terminal Force II - The Survivor, El Superviviente, Побег с Земли, Terminal Force 2 - A túlélő, Terra - O Último Refúgio, Ucieczka z planety Ziemia
I cant wrap my brain around how this is connected to Galaxis besides having one character in between the 2 films. Completely different story wise but equally as bad. I think I would choose Galaxis over this one though as that at least has some more personality to it. This was extremely dull and felt long even though it is under 90 minutes in length. Just another schlocky 90s scifi film
Oh, man... I thought parts of this looked familiar.
When the President of the Universe (Richard Herd) is marooned on the filthy orbital supermax formerly known as Earth, he is captured by Kyla (Richard Moll), the global warlord who has plans for his special guest. Meanwhile, the president's entourage, who crashed nearby, meets up with a former doctor/current asskicker called Tarkin (Xavier Declie) who will guide them through the local population in order to find the president and their way off this horrible, polluted rock.
So it's basically Escape from New York crossed with After Earth, except...this is obviously better than After Earth. I'd been told, on good authority, that this is a boring slog and that's not wrong, but…
I'm glad I'm not an expelled prisoner because, after a while, I would get bored of gladiatorial combat. That and I would likely find that I don't serve much of a purpose other than entertaining spectators, in which case I would feel empty inside and have an existential crisis. I never thought a low-budget sci-fi film like this one would leave me with that impression, but what can I say? Sometimes I find inspiration in the unlikeliest of places. That isn't to say that I enjoyed The Survivor; if anything, I found it bland overall. I couldn't deny that, even if I were the pawn of an evil ruler. Thankfully, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon, although I kind…
Believe it or not, this is supposed to be a sequel/prequel to GALAXIS (Terminal Force) starring Brigitte Nielsen.
Not to be confused with the other film, also called Survivor, which also stars Bull Shannon/Richard Moll in essentially the same role/same character... none of these movies make any sense, but you should probably start with Survivor 1987
then watch Galaxis, and then finally this movie. No, none of it makes sense, I think he dies in each film at the end, and there is a character named Tarkin in two of them, and yes, they're all shit, but by knowing this is some demented Richard Moll sci-fi trilogy, it should add to the entertainment value, that you could be…
The movie poster for The Survivor (and not the poster for Terminal Force II, which is still not great, but competent) disturbs the shit out of me. Am I mistaken in that there is never a head covered in straw in this entire movie? What is this? Why? IS it straw? God, it's a horrendous uncanny valley Photoshop mess, I hate it.
The movie itself was fine tho
Not a bad movie. I love Richard mull being the baddie. His monologues and his little one liners had me tuned in. His comedy was another good aspect. I didnt know it was suppose to be funny but it was to me. He had one part that really stood out to me. The part where he was telling his father about all the bad he had done and was sorry. He still wanted love from him but his dad was not having it. That was some real shit. Never would've thought a shitty post earth from the 80s early 90 give me the feels. Also I figured the fat weasel dude was bad. Fat weasel dudes are always bad in movies man was I wrong. Anyway good flick.
For all the things that were happening, not much was happening. Worth watching and playing a drinking game for every movie you can name that this cribs something from. You will get wasted.