A teenage girl is captured by a giant mutated squid-like creature that appears from Seoul's Han River after toxic waste was dumped in it, prompting her family into a frantic search for her.
A teenage girl is captured by a giant mutated squid-like creature that appears from Seoul's Han River after toxic waste was dumped in it, prompting her family into a frantic search for her.
Song Kang-ho Byun Hee-bong Park Hae-il Bae Doona Ko A-sung Oh Dal-su Lee Jae-eung Lee Dong-ho Yoon Je-moon Yim Pil-sung Kim Roi-ha Koh Soo-hee Kim Hak-seon Scott Wilson Brian Rhee Paul Lazar David Anselmo Baek Do-bin Martin Lord Cayce Choi Dae-sung Choi Doo-yeong Choi Jae-sup Jung Seo-yoon Philip Hersh Jeong In-gi Jeong Hyeong-Ho Ji Ha-geon Moon Hee-Ra Jeong Kang-hee Show All…
Seo Myeong-seok Yang Hae-gil Kim Won-jung Kwon Tae-ho Lee Tae-yeong Seo Ji-oh Yang Gil-yeong Kim Won-jung Bae Jae-il
Gwoemul, グエムル-漢江の怪物-, Вторжение динозавра, المضيف, O Hospedeiro, 韓流怪嚇, Thủy Quái, 汉江怪物, Yaratık, The Host - A Criatura, The Host: Salaisuus pinnan alta, The Host: Potwór, A gazdatest, 괴물, グエムル -漢江の怪物-, میزبان, המארח, Ο Επισκέπτης, L’hoste, Вторгнення динозавра, 駭人怪物, Чудовището, Mutant, El Huésped, L'hôte, Quái Vật Sông Hàn, อสูรนรกกลายพันธุ์, Domaćin, სტუმარი, Gazda, المُضيف المرعب, Isand
(No explicit spoilers, but spoiler-sensitive readers should watch the movie first and come back after.)
A monstrous crisis in South Korean national identity.
On the surface, The Host looks a lot like any other monster movie. It showcases an evil beast hell-bent on the destruction of the local population. And yet, even here director Joon-ho Bong refuses the conventions of the genre he’s working within. He shows us the monster right from the start (almost in the first scene) and almost always in broad daylight rather than hiding the special effects in dark nighttime shots. Rather than glorifying the monster’s destruction (the disaster porn model) or reveling in the fear it creates (the horror model), he pitches the film at…
will consider not dumping chemicals in the river moving forward
the real virus is america amirite folks
bong joon-ho said of course i support america’s rights... america’s rights to shut the fuck up!
Early on when the Steve Buscemi monster is attacking people in the park there’s a quick shot of a dog just going to town on its owner. Seems unrelated to the monster, the dog was just looking for an opening to kill its master. Right on.
hits every single time
All of Bong Joon-ho’s movies are about monsters, some more literally than others. In “Memories of Murder,” the monster is the boogeyman, ripped from the headlines and hiding in the darkness. In “Snowpiercer,” the monster is the abstract force of capitalism, rotting us from the inside out as we eat each other to survive and maintain some semblance of order at the end of the world. And in “The Host,” the wild 2006 genre mash-up that firmly established Bong as a creative force of nature and afforded him the cache to make “Mother” in 2009, the monster is… well, it’s an actual fucking monster, with slimy skin and a prehensile tail and a sweet tooth for small children.
The special…
why am i crying over a monster movie, bong joon-ho you have done it again!
I will never dump formaldehyde down the sink again
this movie been around since 2006 and some humans still litter smh hope y'all get eaten by giant catfish monster
There are monsters and then there are monsters.
Only one of them consciously make decisions that destroys communities and it’s not the one that lives in the sewer.
What do you do if you're Bong Joon-ho and you've just made Memories of Murder, one of the single most devastating portrayals of police brutality and serial killers ever put to screen? (seriously, my eyes are welling up thinking about it. Watch it.)
The answer is go for an insane comedy-drama monster movie about a fucked up family who're on a mission to hunt down a monster causing mayhem and murder on the banks of the Han river in Seoul.
Throw in some clever political commentary about police incompetence in Korea, the US military's flippantly arrogant policies abroad (and how the Korean government typically kowtows to them), and government bunglings in general for good measure.
Test the family at every…