They Won't Take Any Shih Tzu.
A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu.
A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu.
Colin Farrell Sam Rockwell Woody Harrelson Christopher Walken Olga Kurylenko Tom Waits Abbie Cornish Michael Stuhlbarg Kevin Corrigan Zeljko Ivanek Michael Pitt Linda Bright Clay Joseph Lyle Taylor Gabourey Sidibe Amanda Warren Helena Mattsson Harry Dean Stanton James Landry Hébert Christopher Gehrman Christian Barillas Long Nguyen Christine Marzano Frank Alvarez Brendan Sexton III John Bishop Richard Wharton Johnny Bolton Ronnie Gene Blevins Tai Chan Ngo Show All…
Scott Wilder Tim Gilbert Laura Albert Lance Gilbert Gregory J. Barnett Freddy Bouciegues Mike Smith Ronn Surels Spike Silver
Geoffrey Patterson Chris Burdon Joakim Sundström Doug Cooper Tomas Krantz Ulf Olausson Christer Melén
Семь психопатов, 7 Psychopathes, Sept Psychopathes, Sie7e psicópatas, Sete Psicopatas e um Shih Tzu, Seitse psühhopaati, Siete psicópatas, 7 психопатів, 세븐 싸이코패스, Sieben Psychos, 七个变态, 7 psychopatów, Siedmiu psychopatów, 七个神经病, 7 psicopatici, 7 Psychos, Sete Psicopatas, Yedi Psikopat, A hét pszichopata és a Si-cu, Sedm psychopatů, Seitsemän psykopaattia, שבעה פסיכופטים, Επτά Ψυχοπαθείς, Șapte psihopați și un câine, Седемте психопата, Сім психопатів, Les psychopathes, Sedem psihopatov in shih tzu, 瘋狗綁票令, Седам психопата, Siete Psicópatas, Sedem psychopatov, Septyni psichopatai, セブン・サイコパス, Bảy Kẻ Tâm Thần, 癲狗喪七, Set psicòpates, งานป่วนฮาแสบรวมดาว
my favorite part was how colin farrell was hot the whole time and didn't turn into johnny depp at the end
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
i relate to woody harrelson in seven psychopaths and keanu reeves in john wick because i, too, would go on a killing rampage for a dog
wow... sam rockwell was really in love with colin farrell the whole time
Put your hands up!
I said no
Why not?
I don’t want to
But I’ve got a gun!
I don’t care
But that doesn’t make any sense!
Too bad
the shootout scene with the gunshot sounds voiced over by sam rockwell is peak cinema
colin farrell sad eyebrows compilation
In a perfect world, Sam Rockwell would be in everything.
every single facial expression colin farrell pulled in this film deserved its own oscar
"Gandhi was wrong."
Seven Psychopaths is nothing more than a sun-baked mess, and that's precisely why it continues to surprise, astonish, move, and bring moments of sidesplitting laughter. It is nothing less than a meta masterwork, piecing together fragments of character and emotional tangents until the conclusion releases a strange sense of catharsis. The side stories involving the titular psychopaths are overloaded with hazy lines of dialogue that hit hard, and Ben Davis' cinematography seeks the melancholy within every shadowy corner.
The emotional layers ("I like it, It's got layers...") rise because of the sublime dose of humor, all coming from a brilliant script delivered by a unspeakably great cast. Seeing Colin Farrell, Sam Rockwell, and Christopher Walken argue with each other is…
it’s so insane that martin mcdonough thinks colin farrell is his stand in but that aside and the writer torturing himself aside and mm (playfully) excusing the holes in his own writing ASIDE, it’s so fun and full of some really memorable moments and performances
I wish 3 billboards was never born!!! 😔
the only things that truly matter to me are sam rockwell and dogs