Seven laughs a minute!
Struggling stockbroker Jimmie Shannon learns that, if he gets married by 7 p.m. on his 27th birthday -- which is today -- he'll inherit $7 million from an eccentric relative.
Struggling stockbroker Jimmie Shannon learns that, if he gets married by 7 p.m. on his 27th birthday -- which is today -- he'll inherit $7 million from an eccentric relative.
Buster Keaton der Mann mit den 1000 Bräuten, Sete Oportunidades, Kone søges, Siete ocasiones, Busterin miljoonat, Fiancées en folie, O tyheros, Hét esély, Le sette probabilità, Szczesliwa siódemka, Семь шансов, Seitsemän mahdollisuutta, Les Fiancées en folie, Yedi Şans, 七次机会, Sieben Chancen, As Sete Ocasiões de Pamplinas, Οι Εφτά Ευκαιρίες, Седем шанса, Busters millioner, 七次機會, 일곱 번의 기회, Сім шансів, キートンのセブン・チャンス, Szczęśliwa siódemka, Șapte șanse
Like Buster Keaton would have such a hard time finding a wife...
A nearly perfect film, and for my money the only Keaton feature that sustains the invention and exuberance of his best shorts. For one thing, it's neatly divided in half, with the first 30 or so minutes devoted to precise, small-scale comedy (favorite bit this time: Keaton twice retrieving the lawyer's spectacles as the will is read and the page is turned to reveal the sum bequeathed, then transferring them to his own face when he can't believe it's $7 million) and the next 30 constituting the medium's greatest (mostly) foot chase. There's admittedly a tinge of sexism to the premise—it's hard to imagine a woman running frantically from hundreds of angry men in tuxedos being very funny—but I can't hold that sort of relatively benign prejudice against the 1920's. For more, take a look at the Scenic Routes column I wrote some time back.
i'd like to know what perfume Buster Keaton used to have so many women chasing him
Given the amount of full-speed sprinting Buster does in this one, it’s genuinely surprising this movie’s modern remake stars Chris O’Donnell and not Tom Cruise.
Contains some of Buster’s best face acting. The premise gives him ample opportunity to explore the different ways a “stone face” can register frustration, embarrassment, anxiety, fear, etc. The city of Los Angeles becomes like the train in The General and the boat in The Navigator - a great big prop. Not quite as good as The General and Sherlock Jr but it’s still a five-bagger. I mean come on. Look at how beautiful the scene with the boulders is. If a five-bagger always had to be exactly as good as Sherlock Jr then they simply wouldn’t exist.
Notable as the inspiration for Brideless Groom (1947) and, even more importantly, Husbands Beware (1956).
Buster Keaton and Tom Cruise run the same way
The title is quite fitting because I felt like I was giving this movie seven chances to not be bad.
The premise is fun with the lead needing to get married before 7pm to earn seven million dollars. About 15 minutes in we get introduced to the Hired Hand who is a white actor doing blackface. He isn't a one scene character but rather a character we check on throughout the film to remind me how horrible this is.
Then we have the lead character. He is desperate to find any woman desperate enough to get married but has some lines he will not cross. He first finds a woman interested in him but notices she has a child. He…
Hatcheck girl whats ur @
Keaton running is sheer grace and utter hilarity rolled up into one.
(Also, as an American football hater, surrounded by rabid 12th men, I could not have taken more pleasure from the would-be brides mowing down the football team.)
Makes Indiana Jones look like a charlatan in the boulder-avoidance department.
Buster Keaton totally should have made a movie with 250 minutes of him just running. I would have eaten that shit up like a madwoman with heart-shaped loony eyes.
extremely questionable jokes and overall plot (we love to hear that buster thought it was garbage too and only made it to settle a debt) but who am i to say the avalanche scene doesn't absolutely bang