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Hot-tempered and fiercely independent gearhead Julia meets a crew of dirt riders who fly along at full speed and perform stunts. She sets about infiltrating their male-dominated world, until an accident jeopardizes her ability to fit in.
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vroom vroom bitches know they can't catch me
encore une jeune fille en feu
Voila c'est ça que j'appelle la culture du vide. Tabarnak si t'as voulu faire passer un message féministe avec ta vidange c'est raté girl. Le cinéma français par moment y'a une bourgeoise totalement déconnectée de la réalité qui débarque de nulle part pour sortir la pire niaiserie de 2022 c'est encore plus cave qu'Athena de Romain Gavras. Faire l'éloge d'ostie d'mongoles qui volent des motos avec une jolie mise en scène pour etre dans la vibe de la route cheveux en l'air pour rendre hommage a tes chums pirates qui tuent des gens pendant des rodéos sauvages et le pire c'est que c'est que ce genre de marde c'est sélectionné dans des festivals. Restez dans vos soirées mondaines par pitié et touchez pas de camera ce genre de réal c'est juste une honte.
(too lazy to translate this French poop )
Rodeo won the Jury's Coup de Coeur in the Un Certain Regard section at Cannes last year, so I'm pretty excited to watch this.
It's like a better version of Fast & Furious??? A girl finding "another family" type of movie, but this time it’s about motorcycles. Considering it's a debut feature, it's shot pretty well, but there have been quite a few movies on this topic in recent years, especially in France where there are many outstanding works. However, emotionally, this film didn't move me like some others have, so I'm a bit disappointed.
*They included X's "Look at Me" in this 🐐🐐🐐
"Right, hookah time!"
I was not expecting a movie about dirt-bike riding vagabonds to be so personal and dreamy. I saw this at The Music Box with director Lola Quivoron in attendance. That woman knows how to incorporate evocative imagery and moody ambiance into her movies, let me tell you!
Rodeo isn't so much a crime thriller as it is a deeply personal and introspective tale about a woman seeking a family, and who is eventually destroyed by her lack of family. The character study of Julie (played fantastically by Julie Ledru) is an examination of a person who lives between the lines of male and female, life and death, dreaming and reality. The surrealist "weird west" elements of this…
Technically this is the second francophone film with this title I have seen this year, neither involving an actual rodeo competition:
The Quebecois one was renamed STAMPEDE and chronicled a disgruntled father stealing his daughter for a ride across the countryside, while this French RODEO chronicles a disgruntled grown-up daughter racing across the countryside on stolen dirt bikes.
This film is a frustrated feminist backroads indie mixing Fast & the Furious vibes with Emily the Criminal, as a classic cautionary tale of live by the sword / die by the sword... Or if you carry down this road, you'll get burned.
Between this and Titane, the French really love their motor vehicles right now.