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A group of teenagers capture a man-eating monster.
Shu-wei is an unpopular student who is a constant target for the school bullies, but he ends up joining forces with them when they encounter two demonic sisters who feast on human flesh in the middle of the night. The gang manage to capture one, but the other demon is angry and starts killing anyone wearing a school uniform.
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Executive Producer
Exec. Producer
Production Design
Production Design
Visual Effects
Visual Effects
Costume Design
Costume Design
Alternative Titles
몬몬몬 몬스터, 怪怪怪怪物!:2017, 报告老师!怪怪怪怪物!, Monstros de Segunda a Segunda, 怪怪怪怪物!, Мон мон мон монстры!
27 Jul 2017
Hong Kong
28 Jul 2017
26 Oct 2017
Last year when Don't Breathe was released I said that I would really like to see a horror movie from the villains' point of view. I take it back.
In Mon Mon Mon Monsters a group of bullies forces their victim to rob an old man. As they're about to leave they encounter two monsters and when one of them gets injured while trying to escape the boys decide to abduct her and turn their hideout into a torture chamber where they torment the monster (who turns out to be a child who was turned into a demon) for almost the entire runtime.
I get the point the movie is trying to make – that humans are the real monsters.…
This is a...you are going to feel bad film, it keeps taking you down down down.
The bully boys antics get worse and worse. It pisses you off, I wanted to pause and move all the characters around like the gods in Jason and the Argonauts. The demon child in these guys clutches, oh my love its heart wrenching,
Its hard to like anyone in this film, except the demon sisters. There are no ups..... mmm well there is the big lassie. I guarantee you'll want to let out a demon scream!!!!
I do like dismal, so yes it very much hits the note. I need to go and hug my dog now.
love when they blamed america for the creature but this is 100% something the american government might do
„Mon Mon Mon Monsters“ tarnt sich mit seinem launigen Titel und dem Feelgood-Plakat als leichtfüßige Horror-Comedy, aber die Wahrheit könnte kaum weiter entfernt sein: Das ist hier ein unglaublich fieser und düsterer Film ohne eine einzige positive Identifikationsfigur, der Mobbing als systemisches Problem der (taiwanischen) Leistungs-Gesellschaft und des gnadenlosen Schulsystems darstellt und die einzige Lösung im Niederbrennen des gesamten Patriarchats sieht.
Um diese ernüchternde Erkenntnis strickt Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Gidens Ko eine ebenso wüste wie wütende Story um eine Gruppe von Mobbern, in deren Hände ein weibliches Monsterkind fällt – und weil sie kein menschliches Wesen ist, steht für die Gruppe schnell fest, dass sie mit ihr tun können, was immer sie wollen. Sie wird zum Aufbewahrungsort und Projektionsfläche für…
Wenn man sich den Titel und das Plakat von Mon Mon Mon Monsters anschaut, könnte man meinen, es handele sich um eine Highschool-Mystery-Comedy. Und das führt ganz schön in die Irre. Denn der Film ist ganz im Gegenteil ein finsteres, depressives Mobbing-Horror-Drama, bei dem es keine wirklichen Identifikationsfiguren gibt.
Der Film ergründet Mobbing in der Schule, wie aus Opfern selbst Täter werden und wie die Hierarchie des "nach unten Tretens" in der Taiwanesischen Gesellschaft funktioniert. Mobbing ist eigentlich noch Horror genug, aber dazu gesellt sich aber dann eben noch ein "echter" Horror-Part, als zwei Vampir-ähnliche Schwestern ins Spiel kommen, die sich im Blut der Menschen laben. Als eine Gruppe Schüler eine der beiden Kidnapped, geht die andere auf einen blutigen…
Started off with some fun energy (despite the annoyingly overblown bullying bit). I thought it was going to lead into a more humorous, adventure kind of film. The childish, playful score and the kids on bikes gave me some old school vibes. But it just continues to hammer in these exaggerated tropes and tired, overdone concepts. Yes, man is the real monster, we get it. Not a single likeable character in the film, and the more charming original score is often subbed out for an obnoxious array of licensed songs.
I didn't hate every aspect. The film mostly looked nice, with a few really creative shots (typically around the kills). I also thought the monster makeup was pretty good at…
I was pretty wrong about that!
Based on the Title of the Film, I thought it was a Horror Comedy.
However, the Film from Taiwan is about a few High School Bullies and their Bullying Victim why accidentally meet a Monster in a Run-Down Senior Residence, manage to capture it and Torture it in their Hiding Place.
However, the Monster also has a Sister who goes looking for her.
As you can Imagine from the Story, this is NOT a Comedy.
Not only is the Film quite Brutal and Radical at Times, the Film also deals with Topics such as Bullying, Social Hierarchies, Drives, Compulsions and the Brutalization of Society.
I really liked the Film and I can Recommend it to any Horror Fan who also likes Movies with a good Dose of Social Criticism.
You can watch the Film here :
Darkly comedic, absurdly crazy and anything but expected, this is a unique horror movie in which the despicable characters are far worse than the monsters. It's uncomfortable as hell, yet wildly entertaining, and although the set-up is mainly of a psychological nature, it's providing some memorable bloody mayhem later into it, too. A distinctive horror movie that won't be for everyone due the truly appalling nature the main characters, and yet fairly memorable for those who are able to see the pitch black humour and absurdism that's been put into it. I can't say I ever saw something quite like it.
ЧОС: Челлендж Октябрьских Страшилок
№ 13 — Остров проклятых
Дичайшее неуютная трагикомедия ужасов с мощным антибуллинг-подтекстом, в которой ни одно живое существо не удостаивается любви или жалости, зато все с горочкой отхватывают боли и печали. Люди с повадками монстров мало чем отличаются от монстров с людскими качествами. Все друг друга жрут, лишь изредка позволяя себе подобие рефлексии. Сабверсия без сабверсии, только чистый цинизм, от которого скручиваются внутренности.
В полыхающем костре насилия и травли сгорят абсолютно все и ни у кого не будет шанса на искупление или какое-то подобие счастливого конца. И даже спасительный рассвет зальётся кроваво-красным фильтром, обрекая всех на печальный финал (который абсолютно бэнгерный).
Давно таких нигилистичных фильмов не видел. И я говорю это в самой положительной коннотации.
i agree its the americans fault
Love and Massacre: October Watchlist
Drink blood sodas responsibly. The monsters (victims). Creepy-crawls from juvenile humor to hyper-stylized supernatural slashing. The execution of the catharsis restrains itself too much for pure satisfaction, like unsubtle anger dampened by a torn apart towel that extinguishes half of it. However, there's some delicious dishes of red to be found here. Whether it will be hard to digest for you, will depend on the amount of cruelty you will be able to handle. There's a little bit of something for everyone in this Fire Fire Fire School! on fire!