One evening, Dalva is suddenly taken away from her father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age.
One evening, Dalva is suddenly taken away from her father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age.
Zelda Samson Alexis Manenti Fanta Guirassy Sandrine Blancke Marie Denarnaud Jean-Louis Coulloc'h Maïa Sandoz Charlie Drach Roman Coustère Hachez Diego Murgia Yasmina Maiza Abdelmounim Snoussi Babetida Sadjo Gilles David Romane Mouyal Anne-Laure Penninck Trancillia Bokungu Zaire Souchi Delphine Bibet Eva Azevedo de Sousa Joséphine Lucic Alain Eloy Laetitia Hogday Jérôme Lanvin Fayçal Benbahmed Caroline Vonville
Julie Esparbes Delphine Schmit Olivier Père Sibylle Seys Smets Rémi Burah Tanguy Dekeyser Arlette Zylberberg
L'amour selon Dalva, 러브 달바, Tapt barndom, 达尔瓦, L'amore secondo Dalva, 愛的缺口, אהבה על־פי דאלבה, الحب بحسب دالفا, Με τα μάτια της Ντάλβα, Miłość według Dalvy, Далва, 錯愛的教育, Dalva și dragostea
the psychologization of an abused child. has a lot of fine observations in it - the sexualized behaviour, the repeating patterns etc - but is eventually a quite simple coming-of-age drama with an hopeful touch to it.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
so so good and powerful. the shots of her realizing that her father dyed her hair to match her mothers hair left me speechless. a knockout directorial debut
Of course it's French/Belgian Cinema that has the courage's to showcase this sensitive and shocking topic of incest.
This movie is raw and distressing but at the same time showcases moments of great hope and jubilation. It depics coming of age stories of less fortunate children that really manages to emotionally engage the audience. This is not only done through a great script and metaculous direction but also by allowing the story to be told through images and actors facial expressions.
A very impressive deput feature film by director/writer Emmanuelle Nicot.
#4 Filmfestival Hamburg
A very delicate transitory film but that's all it needed to be. I'm so impressed by the way Zelda Samson embodied her difficult character with such maturity and compulsion.
C'est extrêmement difficile de parler de ce film puisque qu'il est lui-même très dur... Ce long-métrage est un véritable coup de massue que l'on ne voit pas venir, le hors-champ et les dialogues s'occupent de tout. Rien n'est véritablement montré mais tout est dit, à travers les paroles lourdes de cette jeune fille, à travers la mise en scène étouffante, serrée et intime, mais surtout à travers cette épreuve qu'aucun enfant ne devrait avoir à vivre... Le film marque par son sujet et comment il est abordé, il marque par ses personnages et par ses scènes parfois dures et parfois légères sans jamais tomber dans un tire-larmes ennuyeux. C'est à voir absolument, bien que le sujet soit difficile, ce genre de films donnent foi envers le cinéma français et restent gravés pour toujours...
Le petit mec meilleur personnage
bon c’est tjrs un peu cliché de dire « han ui ce film est vrm important » MAIS je suis navrée je vais le dire : ce film est important.
pk me diras-tu :
1) pcq ça parle d’inceste, et que c’est encore un sujet trop tabou.
2) pcq ça parle d’inceste, mais surtout, d’emprise : quand on parle de violences sexuelles, on imagine souvent des victimes « conscientes » d’être des victimes. OR ici, c’est tout le contraire : Dalva pense que sa relation avec son père est belle, que les rapports sexuels sont juste une preuve de l’intensité de leur amour, et que de toute façon, l’amour, ça ne va pas sans sexe. c’est glauque à en crever,…
I can’t believe this is Emmanuelle Nicot‘s directorial debut! The style is unique and fresh and the story is unlike anything I’ve seen onscreen. Highly recommend!
i wish with all my heart i could settle for a simple and short review that feels like a slap in the face. a kind of « ouch ».
because that’s what i’d have liked to feel………
dalva is a very intelligent and overwhelming film, carried by a young actress completely virtuoso.
obviously, talking about this subject, and let’s name it, let’s not give it the privilege of taboo, so, the subject of incest is a very very hard one to deal with. you have to know how to stay at a distance so as not to fall into something too cliché or too nauseating, which shows off too much.
if the aspect of the hold is perfectly well treated:…
Wow. What an outstanding debut by Emmanuelle Nicot. Belgian drama cinema is flying at the moment and this co-production with France (in French) is more of the same. The content is bleak at times but there is nothing disturbing image wise, it is purely about the drama.
Synopsis: "One evening, Dalva is suddenly taken away from her father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age."
Zelda Samson gives not just one of the best young performances of recent times but perhaps the performance of the year as the titular character who is suffering…
Qué experiencia tan horrenda. Es una mierda que tantas personas tengan que vivir situaciones así. La película logra arrojar esperanza aún en las situaciones más innombrables y eso es hermoso. Hay una parte reconfortante en el camino a recuperar la inocencia, a permitirnos sanar el dolor, a conectar y aprender de otros. Pero nunca se muestra a expensas de la cruda realidad.
Gran película. Hermosa y horrible a partes iguales.
Un film qui attrape par le col, assène une droite et son revers, et marque la révélation d'une grande actrice en puissance. À voir absolument.