Hoop Dreams

Where to watch

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Hoop Dreams

Directed by Steve James

An Extraordinary True Story.

Every school day, African-American teenagers William Gates and Arthur Agee travel 90 minutes each way from inner-city Chicago to St. Joseph High School in Westchester, Illinois, a predominately white suburban school well-known for the excellence of its basketball program. Gates and Agee dream of NBA stardom, and with the support of their close-knit families, they battle the social and physical obstacles that stand in their way. This acclaimed documentary was shot over the course of five years.

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Steve James





Executive Producer






Alternative Titles

Kosaras álmok, Basquete Blues, Büyük Düşler, 篮球梦, 후프 드림스, Баскетбольные мечты, フープ・ドリームス

Releases by Date

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20 Jan 1994
  • Flag for the USA USA Sundance Film Festival


12 Sep 1994
  • Flag for the USA USAPG-13
28 Mar 1995
  • Flag for the UK UK12
14 Dec 1995
  • Flag for the Netherlands Netherlands12
05 Sep 1996
  • Flag for Australia AustraliaM

Releases by Country

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05 Sep 1996
  • TheatricalM
14 Dec 1995
  • Theatrical12
28 Mar 1995
  • Theatrical12
20 Jan 1994
  • Premiere Sundance Film Festival
12 Sep 1994
  • TheatricalPG-13

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