They eat and they are eaten!
A New York University professor returns from a rescue mission to the Amazon rainforest with the footage shot by a lost team of documentarians who were making a film about the area's local cannibal tribes.
A New York University professor returns from a rescue mission to the Amazon rainforest with the footage shot by a lost team of documentarians who were making a film about the area's local cannibal tribes.
Robert Kerman Francesca Ciardi Perry Pirkanen Luca Barbareschi Salvatore Basile Ricardo Fuentes Carl Gabriel Yorke Paolo Paoloni Lionello Pio Di Savoia Luigina Rocchi Mauricio Rodríguez Ricardo Ramírez Guillermo Bueno William Sánchez Ángel Manuel García Edgardo Maza Anaya Lucia Costantini Ruggero Deodato Enrico Papa David Sage
Ruggero Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust, Kannibalmassakren, Пекло канібалів, Canibal Holocausto, เปรตเดินดินกินเนื้อคน, 人食人实录, 残酷食人族, Holocausto caníbal, Nackt und zerfleischt, Kanibalové, Ад каннибалов, Holocausto Canibal, Kannibal Massakren, 홀로코스트, Kannibaalien polttouhrit, Голокост канібалів, Holocausto Caníbal, Nadzy i rozszarpani, 食人族, Holocaust caníbal, Το Ολοκαύτωμα των Κανίβαλων, 人食人實錄, Holokavst kanibalov
Dear turtles,
I apologize on behalf of the human race.
Sally Jane Black
"Hey, intentionally malicious and violent acts are being done on camera to shock audiences these days - let's make a movie to point out this exploitation!"
*intentionally does malicious and violent acts that are being done to shock the audience for a movie about how that's supposed to be wrong*
The native performers weren't paid. They were berated and treated like shit. The other actors were barely paid and also treated horribly, and everyone was subjected to acts of violence no one should have been experienced. The way the tribes were portrayed is inaccurate and inhumane, racist caricatures. The director's attempt at a meaningful critique of Western culture, media, and capitalism is lost in the execution of the film.
Other films in this genre tried to derive the horror from sympathy with the victims. In this, the filmmakers wanted to make a film that derives horror from sympathy with the cannibals. It's an idea that is both trite and profound at once, too obvious to work and too accurate not…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
they literally went to an island for no reason other than to see a bunch of cannibals then were surprised when they got cannibalized
there is not a single redeemable quality about this entire film, fuck this utter garbage, it is disgusting
What an appropriately titled film.
This is a movie about sensationalized news and the bloodthirsty trends of modern media (at the time, but certainly applicable now), about the morally bankrupt approach society bent toward in this era. It is an indictment, a scathing one, that asked where the line was. In the wake of the Vietnam War, Tobe Hooper made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre in part as a visceral reaction to the news reports from the war (and the lies contained therein). Cannibal Holocaust is its spiritual successor, responding to a media further degraded by a blind reliance on violence and sex to sell itself rather than any sort of journalistic integrity.
This film is one that I would…
Cannibal Holocaust was a formative experience for me in the same way that a lot of movies were for 14-year-old me. I'd scavenge lists like "top 50 most DISTURBING films EVER made" and "the WORST of the VIDEO NASTIES", as I thought that a lot of what made cinema 'adult' was gore, sex, and, gasp, explicit content. In hindsight, some of those films I've left behind as adolescent exercises in brutality. Often, movies like A Serbian Film and The Human Centipede have the hallmarks of exploitation classics, but they're all nasty surface - just pushing the envelope further so viewers don't notice how shallow it all is.
But in returning to Cannibal Holocaust, a film that once terrified an…
This movie is like doing dangerous drugs in a place you’ve never been to with people you don’t trust, but they have great taste in music.
It assaults your senses mercilessly! It offends on every level! You'd be justified to call the script crap! And the acting subpar!
But in the end the amateurish approach actually lent a kind of authenticity, a sense of realism to it if you will.. that really struck a chord with audiences worldwide! The kills and carnage looked a little too close to the real thing.. so much so that charges were actually leveled against them for filming what appeared to be a snuff film!
Filming in the Amazon rainforest and including indigenous tribes in the film was pure genius! The Found Footage style really seemed to work in the films favor!
A lot of controversy surrounds this film due to…
I've never felt so convinced to go vegan before in my life.
Umm i don’t think that was the timothee chalamet movie
Apocalypse NOW.
Unsettling ultra shock loaded with disturbing images, gratuitous violence, despicable acts, lush cinematography, and tons of commentary on the duality of man (amongst other things).
First time I watched this was in the mid 90’s via bootleg vhs and even after all the bootlegs, DVD’s, and blu rays it still hits just as hard or even harder now. I feel like this movie exists in its own world where time stands still and just grows more powerful in its ageless menagerie. I totally get why people hate or love this—Everything’s already been said about this so I’ll just end this by saying this is soundwaved with some of the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard, it’s usage is so utterly haunting that I can’t separate it from this movie.
Heart of Darkness.