Fidah has logged 10 entries for films released in the 1940s.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
10 | Bicycle Thieves | 1948 | | |||||
26 | Citizen Kane | 1941 | | |||||
11 | A Study in Choreography for Camera | 1945 | | |||||
23 | The Shop Around the Corner | 1940 | | Read the review | ||||
22 | Pinocchio | 1940 | | |||||
06 | It's a Wonderful Life | 1946 | | |||||
17 | Pluto's Sweater | 1949 | | |||||
02 | Casablanca | 1942 | | |||||
20 | Pinocchio | 1940 | | |||||
10 | Bambi | 1942 | |