Dan Abel’s review published on Letterboxd:
Hey look, it's Chester Bennington from Linkin Park!
Bobby is a professional liar. He has made his fortune by weaving a tale about being a Jigsaw survivor. Jigsaw's apprentice is now known to the police and they're on full alert. Gibson works in internal affairs and Jigsaw's ex wife is feeding him information for immunity. There's one major problem. Another game has begun and stopping it is simple. Hand over Jigsaw's wife and everyone will live.
Since the first film, five have followed, and now we're here with the seventh. That entire time my mind was on one character whose plot was never resolved. Here we see the answer. It symbolizes one of the two things that I genuinely love about this franchise and that's how for better or for worse it never forgets where it started. At this point Saw 3D feels like Saw season seven and I think I finally understand why it made so much money. People need to see this plot continue and a fifteen dollar movie ticket is well worth the price of possibly receiving closure.
Saw 3D had double the budget of the previous one yet still looks like the cheapest of them all. Another product of the most recent 3D fad results in a film with fake looking pink blood with laughable CGI FX and a weird grainy tint to the overall picture. It almost feels low budget in spite of the twenty million dollars that went into making it. Anytime I see "3D" in a title I cringe and for good reason and this was no exception. Gibson is by far the worst lead in this series. Everything is the worst. His level of acting prowess is on par with fan made cosplay films. He is that guy that you saw twice in the 1990s and forgot about with good reason. Chad Donella sucks. Plain and simple.
I am still impressed by how they bring Tobin Bell into this even though he's been dead since Saw III but that's the only thing left with any redeemable value. Saw finally hit the wall of awful for me. The plot twists finally stop being awesome and fall flat with heavy thuds. Even a major comeback appearance from a certain character couldn't save this pile. I totally understand why the franchise went on hiatus after this film in spite of it's financial success as it wasn't enough to beat the franchise fatigue. It would be seven years before we saw another entry in what was once an annual affair. Good.
Saw 3D has achieved the rare feat of making me rethink my ratings for the previous entries. Most of them have earned a half star boost after this shit.
The traps suck too. Everything sucks. Go away. Especially YOU, Chad Donella.