Dan Abel’s review published on Letterboxd:
The Barker family is a well-off family in the suburbs who invite Pilgrim reenactors to stay with them for the few days surrounding Thanksgiving. The goal is to teach family unity and experience the hardships of their ancestors. The invited Pilgrims are very serious about their roles, even building their own dwelling in the backyard. The daughter, Cody, has been pampered her entire life and is in her rebellious phase, in which she lashes out against her family and tradition. She is the first one to realize that something isn't right about these "actors." In fact, there is something very much wrong about them.
Into the Dark was a short-lived series on Hulu that featured two seasons of Hulu Original horror films, each dedicated to a holiday. I intend to eventually review them all one day, but since it's the day after Thanksgiving, I figured this would be a good one to tackle.
Pilgrim. Ah fuck. Within the first three or four minutes, I was punched in the face with ham-fisted social commentary from that obnoxious character that we all have in our families. In fact, she is probably one of the most unlikable "protagonists" in cinema history. Knowing that this was a horror flick at its core, I was immediately a fan of the "antagonists" and wanted to see what they could do. What horror hound doesn't like to see unlikable characters get what's coming to them?
Well... that didn't last long because the antagonists were also unlikable. In fact, I found every single one of the characters to either suck or be totally unlikable. This film sucks. Blumhouse has dropped its share of turds on the sidewalk without picking them up over the years, and this is one of the worst examples of those.
With that being said, I did enjoy the final ten minutes or so because mostly an annoyance of a film finally kicked up the gross ridiculousness and violence to a level I did not expect. Kudos to them for that, but it wasn't enough to save this mostly bland flick overall. While I grew to appreciate it more as it went on, I still wouldn't recommend Pilgrim. If you're looking for a strong Thanksgiving horror join stick to something like Blood Feast. Hell, I'd even watch Thankskilling again before I'd ever give this one another go.