8-year-old me: Draco Malfoy
10-year-old me: Edward Cullen
13-year-old me: Prince Caspian from Narnia
19-year-old me: Thomas Shelby
22-year-old me, an intellect: Jef Costello 💦💦😋😍
8-year-old me: Draco Malfoy
10-year-old me: Edward Cullen
13-year-old me: Prince Caspian from Narnia
19-year-old me: Thomas Shelby
22-year-old me, an intellect: Jef Costello 💦💦😋😍
Oh fuck.
I wasn’t ready for this. During the last sequence of the film, I was bawling my eyes out.
Cinema Paradiso is nostalgia incarnate. It is about friendship, love, beauty, art, and above all, cinema. There is nothing left to be said that hasn’t been said about this movie before. If I praise this film, it will only be added upon the thousands, millions of voices that have sung admiration for Tornatore’s well-crafted Italian classic.
During the…
Quick story before my thoughts on the film.
I have a childhood friend who constantly brags on his social media about all the girls he brings home and what a “player” he is. Lately, he posted a Facebook story saying “Yes, I’m a playboy. But I have respect for women. That's why I can always take a NO” followed by the words “NoToRape," "AttractTheRightMen," and "Surround yourself with good guys.”
It’s these stupid fucking microaggressions that make movies…
“When you’re in love with a married man, you shouldn’t wear mascara.”
Iconic. Timeless. Moving. Yes, the quote and the movie.
The Apartment is not like other classic movies, which you know just doesn’t work anymore. I can count on my finger the number of classic movies that age beautifully, and this makes it to the list. The Apartment has everything; it is a romance, a comedy (that works, I rarely find myself laughing out loud to…
It is criminal how I find more praises (and simping 😡) for Marlon Brando than Vivien Leigh in this film, especially when you consider her virtuoso portrayal of Blanche DuBois and the fact that he turned out to be a rapist (in real life.)
I find that there is nothing much to say (I’m too angry at life and Marlon Brando right now) except that A Streetcar Named Desire is absolutely heartbreaking and whisks you away into a…
“I'm not homeless, I'm just houseless."
Nomadland is an intimate portrait of the times, and I promise you that there is greatness in Chloe Zhao’s filmmaking. Her technical prowess is able to capture a gorgeous dreamlike landscape in the unconventional life of Fern. The way that the film is stunningly beautiful but still captures the grim and dirt underneath its fingernails is a staple in Zhao’s expertise. There is irony in the fact that you can find peace in a…
This movie made me want to move to Argentina with someone i have a toxic relationship with and then id cry myself to sleep every night til i get sick and my partner will ask me to cook for him cos i spoil ppl like that and id shout at him asking him if hes human, why is he asking a sick person to cook for him then id end up cooking for him anyway while crying as i cook…
Would I still allow Takeshi Kaneshiro to run his hands over my body, caress my face, and hold me close despite him having to massage a dead pig for five minutes?
Yes, yes, I would. 🥰
(Will edit this wt a better review later on.)
EDIT: Super tired from acads and orgs so this thirst review stays. 😂
Would you kill baby Hitler?
Come and See a superior category cinema that will strip war into the very fibre of its being and will show you authentic horror through flawlessly filmed imagery. You will witness something that is both invigorating and abhorrent in its unwavering realism. Come and See a powerfully rendered cinematic piece by Klimov that will leave you disgusted, angry, and melancholy all at the same time as it captures the aesthetic of this period’s emotion with…
There are women who should not be mothers. My mother is unfortunately one of them.
I see so much of my relationship between my mother and I in this film. It came closer to what we have than Lady Bird did. I Killed my Mother is a combination of unrestrained hate and melting sentimentality and I love how Dolan was able to capture that. Never during the duration of watching this did I think that the movie exaggerated or was…
An all time favorite.
Minari is like a warm sunlight passing through the windowpane on a Sunday morning. It is the sensation of a tear rolling down your cheek. It is the sound of a soft breeze passing through acres of trees.
No matter how many times you read songs of praise for Lee Isaac Chung’s masterpiece, your expectations will never be too high a feat that Minari can’t reach. From the lingering melancholy of…