Joy has logged 11 entries for films in multiple genres during 2012.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
27 | How to Get Ahead in Advertising | 1989 | | |||||
29 | The Adventures of Baron Munchausen | 1988 | | |||||
11 | Kung Fu Hustle | 2004 | | |||||
23 | Dark Shadows | 2012 | | |||||
17 | Cool World | 1992 | | |||||
27 | Dark Shadows | 2012 | | Read the review | ||||
13 | Big Trouble in Little China | 1986 | | |||||
10 | Dark Shadows | 2012 | | |||||
25 | GWAR: Phallus in Wonderland | 1992 | | |||||
25 | Mary Poppins | 1964 | | |||||
12 | The Adventures of Baron Munchausen | 1988 | |