Dan ‘s Litter Box’s review published on Letterboxd:
A childhood Xmas staple that I got to see at the movies this season. One of many that I have the option to as well.
Though, if only it was a double-bill alongside Lost In New York as like with Wayne's World or Grumpy/Grumpier Old Men I simply cannot have one without the other. And before anyone thinks "why didn't you just put on 2 when you got home?" Well, I have the option to see it at the movies as well next weekend.
That being said, like A New Hope, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Wayne's World 1 and Grumpy Old Men among many, many first installments it does work has a standalone, but, if you prefer the sequel then you're naturally gonna wanna see it immediately after like you usually do.
But, that's completely negating this silver tuna of a gem. Yes, in some aspects I do feel a little old for this every time I put it on round this time of year (Kevin sure does scream way too much, in danger or not.) But there are some winning adult performances (John Candy, Roberts Blossom, Joe Pesci, and Daniel Stern especially,) lovely score by John Williams, great violence, and most importantly some perfect Christmas feels that I'll never not be into wanting to watch this usually home alone every December.
And, like George Costanza, I'm also usually close to a blubbering mess at the emotional conclusion.
Keep the change, ya filthy animal.