🔮 dana danger 🔮

🔮 dana danger 🔮  Pro

i don’t watch many movies anymore :(

Favorite films

  • Diary of a Pregnant Woman
  • Kaldalon
  • We Have Many Names
  • Window Painting

Recent activity

  • The Last Showgirl


  • The Vampire's Coffin

  • Five Shaolin Masters

  • The Vampire

Recent reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    that’s the stuff i like. movies are back!

  • Gabbeh



    this movie has everything i love: baby animals, colors, water, flowers, fiber art

Popular reviews

  • Baby Driver

    Baby Driver


    one of my many gripes: why even have female characters in your movie if this is how you write them?

  • The Neon Demon

    The Neon Demon

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    this is a terrible movie. it is deeply condescending and moralizing yet shallow and misogynistic, all at once. it glorifies stylized violence, and then refuses to own up to its own violence (seriously, you're gonna have a cannibal scene and not show any violence, but DO have a very long, male gaze shower scene with two models?). it screams about the exploitation of women, yet constantly mocks the character with plastic surgery and features the violent rape of 13-year-old runaway…

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Recent lists


the library 1,048 films

tubi 343 films

criterion channel watchlist 533 films

