"Geschwafel darf nicht ausreden!
Auch wenn die Handlung dieses Films zweifellos Firlefanz ist und in einer unechten Welt spielt, empfand ich das Ausbleiben von schmalztriefenden Kitsch-Szenen als wirklich angenehm. Außerdem sind mir die Figuren durchweg sympathisch. Daher kommt der ganze Streifen bei mir ausgesprochen gut weg. Es ist keine konventionelle aber eine harmlose RomCom. Aber warum sollte ein Film dieses Genres auch nicht harmlos sein?
]]>Moonshot was definitely the sci-fi film for me, that contained the most talking. Cole Sprouse just did, what he is famous for and couldn't stop emitting noises from his mouth. Even the other characters noticed, how annoying he is. Unfortunately, it's not only this annoyance, that's pulling lowering my opinion of the film, because the story also is pretty boring.
Between all the sad scenes inside of space ships, there's one shot, that's actually great. The two principles floating in space in front of the huge red globe of Mars - beautiful!
Well from a streaming-stuff point of view, the year could have started worse. I've definitely seen much crappier films on Netflix. Diaz and Foxx had a good chemistry together and also to the child actors.
However, there are of course enough spy comedies and nothing of this plot shows any own idea. Though it's not as bad as I thought it would be, I'm about to forget it within a week or so.
This review may contain spoilers.
Phonetisch ist zumindest die deutsche Fassung von Anatomie eines Falls zeitweise nervtötend. Das mag beabsichtigt sein, dennoch hätte ich gut auf die überlaut abgespielten und mit schiefen Tönen versehenen Rotz-Songs verzichten können.
Das ist nun aber wirklich der einzige Kritikpunkt, den ich finden konnte. Schauspielerisch ist der Film eine absolute Wucht. Auch die Dramaturgie überzeugt indem aus einem Gerichtsdrama ein emotionales Familiendrama wird. Die Unsicherheiten zum Prozessende sind dabei der richtige Weg, um diesen Film zu beenden. Der Zuschauer kann gewissermaßen selbst entscheiden, ob er dem Urteil zustimmt oder nicht. Das macht den Film auf besondere Weise einzigartig.
"...ich glaube sie ist meine Schwester."
"...wie ein Bruder, nur das man sich gegenseitig frisiert."
Leslie Nielsens Filme verlangen nach einer unverblümt albernen Art von Humor. Meistens kann ich mich darauf einlassen und auch dieser Film hat seine Momente aber insgesamt ist er selbst für Nielsens Verhältnisse zu kindisch und strukturlos.
]]>Even though I disliked the scenes with (elephant) feces, urin, vomit and Maguire, the rest of the film pretty much hit some of my sweet spots. It's a kind of history tale, that not only celebrates Hollywood but also mocks on and critizises the dream factory relentlessly. The whole movie is full of curiosities. There's always plenty to see not only in the foreground. The story doesn't follow a typical arc but it underlines, how change can bring possibilities to some people, while it terminates careers of others (which is not only true for showbiz).
No doubt it's a long movie, but I enjoyed almost every second of it - except for those mentioned in the first phrase.
Watched on Monday January 13, 2025.
]]>Vengeance Most Fowl was my first encounter with these two clay characters and it's a great film. I loved the animations and the humor. The story is not revolutionary but you don't need inventive stuff to create a family freindly movie. There are many imaginative details to find everywhere on the screen, though.
]]>Nuevas historias del mundo plástico. Esas tienen más sexo con ropa pero también están más increíbles y avergonzadas como en el primero parte.
]]>"¡Por el olvido!"
Auch beim zweiten Ansehen, empfand ich Der Pate II als durchaus anstrengend, bisweilen schwer zu folgen und natürlich unendlich lang. Trotzdem sind die Stärken des Prequel-Sequel-Mixes unübersehbar. Es ist ein Film, der mir beim zweiten Ansehen mehr Zugang verschaffte. Neben der Schauspieler-Zusammenstellung ist vor allem die Tragik rund um die Familie Corleone die treibende Kraft für den verdienten Ruhm dieser Filme.
]]>Zum ersten mal habe ich Der Pate jetzt auch komplett mit deutscher Synchro gesehen. Diese beraubt Marlon Brando/Vito Corleone natürlich seiner leidend herauskratzenden Worte. Seine fantastische Qualität und Atmosphäre behält der Streifen dennoch.
]]>"You can't run from freedom!!
This felt the most like a video game. Actually, that was a good aspect about it.
]]>"If the tide rolled in and drowned your parents, would you seek revenge against the moon?"
Finally, something suits my taste.
]]>Pseudo-Inzest in einer durch und durch unglaubwürdigen Welt.
Qué alegria!
I've almost made it to the end of this first season of Secret Level shorts and honestly, I am disappointed by most of the episodes. They look awsome but the plots are very shallow and boring. Tale of the Implacable is among the three best episodes so far, though.
]]>Watched on Wednesday January 1, 2025.
]]>Watched on Wednesday January 1, 2025.
]]>Protagonist Charlie fragt die wenigen Mitmenschen, die ihn in seinem Zuhause (das wie in einem Kammerspiel den einzigen Spielort des ganzen Films darstellt) von Zeit zu Zeit, ob sie sich vor ihm ekeln. Und ich glaube auf diese Ebene wollte sich Aronofsky in erster Linie fokussieren. Es geht nicht so sehr um die Essstörung an sich oder die Umstände die zum starken Übergewicht führten, sondern um den Umgang mit den Begleitproblemen der Erkrankung. Neben somatischen Körperschäden und Unbeweglichkeit sind vor allem auch Scham und die Angst vor Ablehnung Faktoren, die zum sozialen Rückzug und zur Einsamkeit führen. Diese sozialen Einschnitte werden durch die Handlung auf jeden Fall gut herausgestellt. Auch die Beziehung zu seinen Mitmenschen wirkt auf mich authentisch. Charlie ist sympathisch und durchaus positiv charakterisiert und natürlich durch Brendan Fraser grandios verkörpert (auch wenn die Figur tatsächlich nur zur Hälfte wirklich von Fraser ausgefüllt wird).
Zwar mochte ich die abschließende Szene mit dem Dialog mit Charlies Tochter aufgrund überbordender, unauthentischer Emotionalität nicht, dennoch würde ich den Film ohne Bedenken empfehlen. Denn auch eine gewisse Aussage am Ende ist für mich nachvollziehbar: Die Angst des Protagonisten, dass Mitmenschen mit Ablehnung oder sogar Ekelgefühlen auf ihn reagieren, ist sicher nicht unberechtigt.
Maybe Arrival doesn't fit with the ideas of many other Sci-Fi fantasy plots with aliens visiting earth for the first time. You might expect the aim for conquering, aggression or domination. Let's say this movie plays with these clichés but doesn't serve as a satisfactory source for this aim.
However Arrival is about it's atmosphere. The excitement about meeting this other species is almost the same as the fear for them. Denis Villeneuve has this special sense for expressing contoversial feelings. This may be his best film.
Watched on Monday December 30, 2024.
]]>I stopped writing anything about those episodes, because most of them felt dull and they didn't seem to have any story to tell.
This one is a little different, because it has a character, that got at least a little bit of personality. Though he is about to loose many parts of his body, this episode isn't only about putting holes in people. And that makes it stand out.
Watched on Sunday December 29, 2024.
]]>Watched on Sunday December 29, 2024.
]]>Beinahe so hässlich, wie die üppig gelockten Perücken des englischen Adels im 17. Jahrhundert, zeigt sich The Libertine quasi in Gänze. Dieser Film ist nicht nur ständig dunkel, sondern setzt zusätzlich auch auf entsättigende Filter, damit alles recht traurig aussieht. Dazu dann noch ein Bombardement von dauertristem Gefasel und schon kann auch die prominente und garnichtmal schlechte Besetzung den Streifen nicht mehr aus dem Morast der Ödnis ziehen. Im Gegensatz zur Stimmung im Film wirkt Johnny Depp auf dem Filmplakat als wäre er der Frontmann einer Glam Rock-Band.
]]>Watched on Saturday December 28, 2024.
]]>Watched on Saturday December 28, 2024.
]]>Das Setting und die Historie dahinter gefielen mir schon immer an Pakt der Wölfe. Nach dem ersten Tod zieht sich die erste Hälfte des Films allerdings schon ordentlich, was häufig dazu führte, dass ich den Film nicht ganz zu Ende schaute. Zudem war auch früher schon (und heute noch viel mehr) die Enthüllung der Bestie eine optische Enttäuschung. Trotzdem mag ich den Film sehr. Atmosphärisch ist es wohl einer der stärksten europäischen Horrorfilme.
]]>A little rebellion of the machines, some gunslingers of different races - there isn't so much to tell about an arena shooter. For a fun short, this is enough, though.
]]>If it wasn't for Arnie's voice, this would have been as generic as every MMORPG. But hey, this is kinda sweet.
]]>In meiner ersten Review von vor mehr als fünf Jahren schrieb ich, dass Nur ein kleiner Gefallen wohl nur zum einmaligen Ansehen okay sei. Jetzt habe ich ihn ein zweites Mal angesehen und er hat mir tatsächlich besser gefallen als damals. Ein Grund dafür könnte in dem größeren zeitlichen Abstand zu Filmen wie Gone Girl (an den dieser Streifen aber weiterhin stark erinnerte) liegen. Auch die Tatsache, dass ich mich nicht mehr an den Ausgang der Handlung erinnern konnte (genaugenommen kein Kompliment für einen Film), hat sicher geholfen. Obwohl mich die stark überzeichneten Figuren wieder genervt haben, fand ich das Schauspiel von Lively und Kendrick amüsant. Der Plot hat mit seinen Twists unübersehbare Schwächen und Fehler aber diese konnte ich dieses Mal dank eines recht entspannten Grundtons verzeihen.
]]>Das Original von 1987 habe ich nie gesehen und kann daher nicht sagen, ob diese Neuverfilmung seiner Inspirationsquelle gerecht wird. Vorstellen kann ich es mir aber eigentlich nicht. Dieser Film fällt dank eines wirklich schlechten Hauptdarstellers Dylan Walsh mächtig auf die Fresse. Von der ersten Minute fällt dieser durch unübersehbare Wieselhaftigkeit auf, als ob er die ganze Zeit hinausposaunen möchte: "Hey, ich bin irre!"
Der Subplot rund um das Einschleichen in die Familie wird damit unglaubwürdig und unsinnig.
Mehrere Male schon in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten hatte ich Highlander begonnen, nur um den Film nach etwa 30 Minuten abzubrechen. Zu wenig passte das New York der 1980er zum mittelalterlichen Schottland, zu trashig waren die Darbietungen der Darsteller. Jetzt habe ich den Film tatsächlich bis zur letzten Minute ausgehalten und muss konstatieren, dass mich auch der Rest des Films eher verwirrt. Die Handlung erscheint mir als völliger Käse. Wieso kann es nur einen geben? Und was hat der letzte Unsterbliche dann gewonnen? Was ist der Preis? Und wieso warten sie jahundertelang, um die Entscheidung herbeizuführen? Das wirkt doch alles sehr, sehr undurchdacht.
Auch die Darbietungen von Lambert und Brown werden im Verlauf des Films eher schlechter als besser. Einziger Lichtblick ist hier natürlich Connery, der aber zu kurz zu sehen ist.
Trotzdem kann ich einen gewissen (trashigen) Charme an dem Streifen erkennen. Das ganze ist schon unterhaltsam und war damals beim Erscheinen sicher einzigartig. Und allein der Soundtrack von Queen reicht für einen gewissen Legenden-Status.
Journalism thrillers are always dry stuff, because they mostly seem to portray the office life of people clinging to their computers and phones. She Said has those parts in it, too. Yet it isn't as boring as Spotlight (at least that was my impression about this praised movie), because there's a constant thread graspable, that may harm these journalists and furthermore their sources, who are about to share their violent experiences. This menace, that Weinstein put on them via his lawyers let them remain silent despite all injustice and he could go on unpunished for more than two decades. The film is able to underline this, just because the difficult work, finding sources and getting the article together remains the only center of the plot. All characters, even the investigative journalists are modestly portrayed. The acting is very good by all involving actors. Though, you probably know the outcome of this famous and important article, the film managed to stay compelling.
]]>This short story style is the perfect setting for a quick revenge killing spree. The animations are great again but I've seen enough of those fighting scenes for more than one life. At least, there was a nice fantasy gimmick involved. But to be honest, I liked the first and the last minute of it best.
]]>This first episode of Amazon's anthology called "Secret Level" was realized by the French studio Unit Image, which is also responsible for two good and visually impressive episodes of Love, Death & Robots. And like in those shorts, the animations in this little piece out of the Dungoens & Dragons-universe are beautiful.
I don't know anything about D&D but that's absolutely not necessary, because the story is very very simple. Enough for a decent start into the anthology.
Airports still are an interesting scenery for movies, just because they ain't the main spot in many of them. This thriller is good because of this place, that is a weak point, when it comes to criminal action and threads. But Carry-On is also watchable, because Jason Bateman is much more talented in being evil, than in being the handsome gentleman. It's quite an old-style action-thriller and that's an advantage too. You just have to dissipate the idea, that Taron Egerton just had to throw away that earpiece in the first place and the story wouldn't work. But if you forget about that, the film is perfectly enjoyable.
]]>"Do I look human?" [the elf Dwayne Johnson]
Dwayne Johnson as a giant elf, jet fighters patroling Santa's sledge - if there was any Christmas spirit in me, Red One killed it within minutes. And then, after about an hour of generic storytelling, Johnson gave me the rest by trying to pronounce the word Glaskäfig multiple times.
But this has to be said: J. K. Simmons is a real great Santa.
Artists talking about their own films, in my ears often seem a little on the edge of talking the movie to death. But this one was enjoyable. It is a challenge putting a stage play into a movie and that is comprehensible after watching this.
]]>Stage plays, that were made into a film, mostly turn out to be difficult. Naturally, those have to be very text-heavy and chances are high, that they are chamber dramas. The script of The Piano Lesson tries to avoid this one room film by having some scenes outside. However, the main part still plays in the room, where the piano stands and of course all the characters are constantly talking. That's not so bad, because the actors are good. John David Washington got an annoying role but he is delivering this annoyance reputably and rapidly. Danielle Deadwyler stands out from the cast, because of her striking good acting.
The plot from the early post-slavery-era is interesting but because of the underlying play script, it was also tiring for me.
The cheap satirical concept is heavily lacking atmosphere and it's trying to veil this by showing excessive brutality and making fun of everyone. Actually, it still is entertaining but it's not worth to search for meaning in it. The poster is the best part of the film.
]]>Even though, this certainly isn't Carell's best role, I liked the trashy comedy for it's actors. It's all light and fluffy but not boring.
]]>Watched on Monday December 9, 2024.
]]>There is no hiding about copying Disney's style in creating an animated adventure for Netflix. With their next attempt in finding the magical mixture between having nice and children-friendly animations and a touching story, they ended up with a mediocre result. Spellbound has some great animations, especially the characters and creatures look awsome. But if you concentrade on the background or watch out for details, you will find that the world is rather empty. This depth of animation, that is so wonderfully given in many Disney movies (e.g. Zootopia), doesn't seem to be reachable for Netflix at the moment.
The problem with the storyline is similar. The fantasy plot is easy and all appearing problems get carelessly wiped away as if nothing is required to overcome them. This seems lame even for a film, that was meant to be for children. And yet it is a colorful and partially magical trip.
The animations are simple but okay and the christmas spirit was graspable, especially in the end...and yet there is something odd about That Christmas something feels a little wrong. I would guess, it is the number of characters giving the impression, that the script was spreaded all over the place. And for such a cozy tale, that Christmas films (and especially Christmas animated films) usually are, this aimless approach feels just a little bit off.
]]>Apparently, Lindsay Lohan is Netflix' new queen of cheesy shitty romcoms. The low quality of Falling for Christmas (2022), Irish Wish (2024) and this new entry wasn't her fault, in my opinion. She fell for very poor scripting and embarassing roles. Our Little Secret is the best of these three, though. It's a little less cheesy and definately less annoying than the other two films. And thinking about it, I hesitantly concede, that I liked seeing Lohan in every of these.
]]>Though I wouldn't buy most of the characters' decisions, I must admit, that I enjoyed Ben Affleck's The Town. It displays a certain level of roughness, that the city of Charlestown presumeably not deserves. Most acting performances were pretty good. Maybe Jeremy Renner did his best job besides Wind River.
All the romance lacks credibility and also the relentless crime ongoing is a weak point of the script. I allways assumed, the gang would try to fly under the radar for a longer time. And finally it seems, that the city of Charlestown is presented as a remote island, because some of the characters hope to find peace and freedom by leaving and also the police doesnt seem to have possibilities outside the town.
However, it's a strong cast giving a rough scene enough luster to conceal all script weaknesses.
"Jesus! What happened to you?"
This was a fun ride. Even though, I never really feared for the characters, because the script failed in personalizing them at the beginning. However, Samara Weaving did a quite good job, being the hunting prey. Some surprisingly bloody and nasty scenes will be lingering in my memory for some time - the film as a whole not so much. It's only a cheap comedy plot after all.
]]>This is a pretty standard Christmas RomCom with likeable characters but thin storyline out of a perfect world. Give it a try, if you have nothing better to do.
]]>"...those folks do not know talent."
]]>"Are you not entertained?"
Well, I've always been entertained by this. Actually, I was blown away, when I first saw it in the theatre with all my friends back then. It's still one of my two greatest cinema experiences and besides Jurassic Park Ridley Scott's masterpiece is my favourite movie. I haven't had seen it since I started logging films here but finally it can take it's rightful spot in the list of My Untouchables.
]]>Expect the shabby...
...plus 61 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>On the hunt for the most unprobable pearl...
]]>...plus 52 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>... will be continued...
Former list members:
Get Out (Jordan Peele, 2017) 2020-2024
...plus 85 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Let's say I'm a drea..uhm...streamer...
...plus 60 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>...plus 5 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Maybe not so shabby this time...?
...plus 57 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Films of less than 60 minutes.
Edit (December 2024): I removed all episodes of the three anthologies Love, Death & Robots, Black Mirror and Secret Level from this list, just to prevent the list getting littered by them. They all got their own Anthology-Rankings.
Love, Death & Robots
Black Mirror
Secret Level
...plus 29 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>...plus 25 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Road movies and other vehicle-centered features.
...plus 15 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Films, that made me fall asleep.
...plus 3 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>The slimy, the sticky and the bouncy...
...plus 27 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Arthouse flicks, that I just don't understand - at least not entirely.
...plus 34 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Just the biopics (or similar movies) I've seen...
...plus 51 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Meistens inspirationsloser als die Gesetzestexte des BGB, dafür aber fast immer mit Wiedererkennungswert dank erdrückender Schwerfälligkeit oder schenkelklopfendem Humor...naja der ein oder andere akzeptable Film ist auch dabei...
English translation: German films.
...plus 81 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>There are man-eating sharks to find in the sea. Let's take a dive!
]]>I love this show, but all of these posters are even better than the episodes.
...plus 18 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Directors, who cast the principle roles of their own films were always suspicious to me. The RomComs by Emmanuel Mouret are allways soft and awkward, like he must be awkward himself.