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All the movies exhibited on Shudder's show THE LAST DRIVE-IN WITH JOE BOB BRIGGS (2018-). I think I only ever saw four or five episodes of Joe Bob's Drive-In Theater on The Movie Channel back in the 1980s, but they stuck with me. (Surprisingly I never saw Monstervision.) So when I noticed this on Shudder, I was intrigued, and found a new favorite show.
Not depicted: In October 2021 they celebrated THE WALKING DEAD by showing a double feature of S1E1 and S1E2. Those TV eps aren't listed in Letterboxd, so they're not here. But if they were, they'd be wedged between TERROR TRAIN and ICE CREAM MAN.
Other such anomalies include: TWD: Dead City S1E1: Mid 2023 TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E1: Late 2023 TV-edit of HALLOWEEN for Fear Fest: Late 2023 TWD: The Ones Who Live S1E1: Early 2024