Jarrel Montes’s review published on Letterboxd:
Light switch.
Oh boy, I wasn't expecting much going into this and turns out I didn't get much after watching this. Felt like it was trying too hard at uniting the three that for some reason I totally forgot that it's supposed to be a hype team up, instead two of the three's personalities got a little revamped and even though I'm totally fine with it, I just couldn't help notice inconsistencies with the tone along with some awkward sequences. I can't fully blame the performances since they had to spew out some weak and semi corny lines, but if I had to pick I'd say the kid did the best... but that's not saying much lol.
There were some emotional scenes but they all felt very rushed and inserted in the most randomest moments, like there was no proper build up which really softened a lot of the intended impact. The graphics are a hit and miss, some moments look really good while other times it's blatantly clear that it's CGI. The action scenes were well choreographed, the switching made it a bit confusing sometimes but the chaos added some fun within the fighting. The antagonist is just another cardboard cutout character out for revenge, I don't even remember her name lol. The plot was a little hard to keep track of, not the bigger picture but the intergalactic jargon that gets riddled around every time they try to explain space time stuff. The final act goes for the generic united route with a hint of self sacrifice, but at least the end credits scenes are good!
Overall not too bad, it's not the weakest movie in this phase at least, offers some fun but I don't see myself recommending this left and right.