Absolutely riveting in parts, while being a bit tedious in others. I'm happy that something like this exists though.
~~ My list of 2024 Favourites ~~
]]>I wasn't bored, so at least that counts for something.
]]>Rooney Mara innocent.
]]>Dupieux, you mad man.
~~ My list of 2024 Favourites ~~
Probably would've worked better as a series.
]]>I was more interested in the housekeeper and butler.
]]>I need more films with Kristen Stewart and Jena Malone playing sisters, like one in every genre..
~~ My list of 2024 Favourites ~~
]]>"No, I'll be back" just sends me every damn time lol, I don't know what's better, Blair Underwood's delivery or the line itself.
Just one of the many examples of pure dark comedy peppered throughout the film.
~~ My list of 2024 Favourites ~~
]]>Felt like one of the weaker episodes of an otherwise alright series.
]]>For neither ever, nor never
A lot to learn from this, mostly how not to make a movie.
]]>Meticulously crafted, inspired and existential piece of cinema. A lot of this was right up my alley, especially the last half hour.
Special props to Kristen Stewart who has been for quite a few years now the most incredible screen actor to watch, and she just keeps getting better and better each time.
]]>People who say shit like beep-boop are walking red flags.
]]>Would've been better if it didn't look so soulless and paced so horrendously... And the songs... no comment.
]]>Here's to Jean Purdy.
]]>They almost had me with the "situationship" in the first half ngl..
]]>Had a charm to it in the first hour which kept fading away as it progressed.
]]>sweet, but not satisfying..
]]>"I have seen things in this world that would make Isaac Newton crawl back into his mother's womb."
]]>Has two good scenes in it, bouncing betty and muted mask.
]]>Didn't care about it.
]]>Has moments of Vasan's directorial prowess but overall doesn't leave the impact it probably thinks it does.
]]>"Your sleep seems even less agreeable than your waking hours."
]]>Still has the similar repetitive beats, but this is leagues better than the first one.
]]>excruciatingly boring
]]>Airports don't turn people into dickheads, it's where all the dickheads assemble.
]]>"I'll have celery tonic on the rocks."
A lot of unbridled creativity and comedic gold on display here.
]]>Mrs. Baylock was locked the fuck in.
]]>the vision is admirable but the execution is tedious.
]]>A complete mixed bag for me.
]]>Felt familiar and original at the same time, and similarly both an eerie yet fascinating screenplay to watch unfold.
~~ My list of 2024 Favourites ~~
]]>Perhaps emotional intelligence is the higher form of intelligence.
]]>"She's something, man. She is really something."
As good as the first viewing, real edge of the seat stuff anchored by a fantastic Audrey Hepburn performance. Would make for a great double feature with Fincher's Panic Room.
]]>The character dynamics are fun, and that's about it..
]]>shockingly underwhelming..
]]>"I don't know where Mr. Lynch is.. He was here a little while ago."
]]>best part was the men telling their wives to come back home early lol..
]]>Of course this is adapted from a book..
]]>Shirley MacLaine is as amazing as ever. Will be thinking a lot about that shot towards the end when Lucy sees herself in the mirror with one contact lens on.
Also I don't know if this was a direct inspiration for Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (a movie I absolutely adore) in any way but there are quite a few similarities; would make for a decent double feature.
]]>Worth watching for Elizabeth Banks, but should've been bolder or less formulaic.
]]>Even calling it mediocre would be a disservice to the word mediocrity.
]]>Hugh Grant, that's it.. that's the review.
]]>Can't take your eyes off Eddie Redmayne, he's one of the great actors of our time.
]]>~ Please, forgive me.
~ I already have.
The way Shirley MacLaine yearns for Audrey Hepburn is just absolutely soul-crushing. But it's understandable I guess, its Audrey!
Miracle movie honestly, still can't believe something like this existed back in the day, especially with such a mainstream lead cast.
]]>Included in the list of films I consider are a Treat for your soul
"Funny how gentle people get with you once you're dead."
]]>Alright now give me a whole feature film starring Leos Carax directed by Alice Rohrwacher
]]>world would be better if we cared more about farmers than annoying billionaires.
]]>Watching an Olivier Assayas masterpiece on Netflix really felt sacrilegious.
]]>Writer's block can be soul-destroying.
]]>...plus 2 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Films that transcend their purpose of entertainment to constantly rekindle your parched soul.
...plus 68 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>...plus 7 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>...plus 8 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>...plus 9 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>...plus 5 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.