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Refluxus gastrooesophageus

E Vicipaedia

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Refluxus gastrooesophageus non raro simplicius refluxus dictus est morbus chronicus, quo acida gastrica ab stomacho retrorsum in oesophagum fluunt. Symptoma principale est pyrosis, sed alia observantur, etiam asthma, laryngitis, tussis[1]. Tractatio per inhibitorem antliae protonicae fit.

  1. Fass R., Achem, S. R., et al. (Dec 2004). "Review article: supra-oesophageal manifestations of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and the role of night-time gastro-oesophageal reflux". Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics Suppl. 9: 26-38 

Nexus interni

Nexus externi

[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Definitio refluxus (Anglice)
  • NIH de refluxus acidi (Anglice)

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