

画像 1986年のチェルノブイリ事故後、汚染されたウクライナのNarodichesky地域の子供は、毎年医学的スクリーニングに参加することを義務づけられた。土地、空気、食物がセシウム137(137Cs;半減期30年)に汚染されている。

Environ Health Perspect 118:720.725 (2010). doi:10.1289/ehp.0901412 [Online 25 January 2010]

137Cesium Exposure and Spirometry Measures in Ukrainian Children Affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear Incident

Erik R. Svendsen,1 Igor E. Kolpakov,2 Yevgenia I. Stepanova,2 Vitaliy Y. Vdovenko,2 Maryna V. Naboka,3 Timothy A. Mousseau,1 Lawrence C. Mohr,4 David G. Hoel,4 and Wilfried J.J. Karmaus1
1University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA; 2Research Center for Radiation Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine; 3Radioecological Center, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine; 4Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Background: After the Chernobyl accident in 1986, children of the contaminated Narodichesky region of Ukraine were obliged to participate in a yearly medical screening. They have been exposed to 137cesium (137Cs; half-life = 30 years) in contaminated soils, air, and food.
Objective: Using a “natural experiment” approach and a longitudinal prospective cohort study design, we investigated the association of soil 137Cs and spirometry measures for 415 children using 1,888 repeated measurements from 1993 to 1998.
Methods: Mean baseline village soil 137Cs measurements, which varied from 29.0 to 879 kBq/m2, were used as exposure indicators. A standardized spirometry protocol and prediction equations specific to Ukrainian children were used by the same pulmonologist in all screenings.
Results: Children living in villages with the highest quintile of soil 137Cs were 2.60 times more likely to have forced vital capacity (FVC) < 80% of predicted [95% confidence interval (CI),] and 5.08 times more likely to have a ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) to FVC% < 80% (95% CI, We found statistically significant evidence of both airway obstruction (FEV1/FVC%, peak expiratory flow, and maximum expiratory flow at 25%, 50%, and 75% of FVC) and restriction (FVC) with increasing soil 137Cs.
Conclusions: These findings are unique and suggest significant airway obstruction and restriction consequences for children chronically exposed to low-dose radioactive contaminants such as those found downwind of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
Key words: 137cesium, Chernobyl, children, environmental, epidemiology, ionizing radiation, pulmonary, spirometry.


2011年07月24日 10:13
