Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki


Using this resource, Megumin can pay to be strong enough to defeat an army and its General. Pay to win at its finest, and Kazuma was saying it all along.


Prior to learning explosion magic, she was impoverished and often took care of her younger sister whilst their parents were away. Both would rarely get any food due to their aforementioned poverty. Regardless, Megumin possessed great reserves of natural mana, giving her the potential to be one of the stronger mages of her generation. Together with her compulsory education on magic and its related fields, Megumin had been projected to be her generation's number one archmage.

Despite herself, Megumin had seemed prideful and thus seemed to push others away, based on Funifura and Dodonko's words. As a result, she had few friends growing up, a small list of just Yunyun and Arue. She did have several acquaintances such as the aforementioned Funifura and Dodonko, her neighbor Bukkororii, some other students, and a few other adults in her neighborhood.

Megumin had some degree of confidence in herself finding work, even after dedicating herself to explosion magic. After struggling to find any work that she could retain, in spite of her short temper and pride, in Alcanretia, she eventually arrived in Axel. There, Megumin was once again disillusioned with her own greatness, having limited success in getting accepted into a party, rejecting the only party invitation offered to her as they were going to the capital.