Synopsis |
Volume 5[]
Chapter 1[]
- May There Be Resolution Because of This Grave Letter!
- この由由しい手紙に決断を!'
Chapter 2[]
- May I Make a Harem of These Lustful Beast-Eared Girls!
- この姦しい獣耳少女達とハーレムを!
Chapter 3[]
- May We Get Some R&-R in This Pitiful Village!
- この痛ましい里で休息を!
Chapter 4[]
- May I Have a Just Cause for This Sleepless Night!
- この寝苦しい夜に大義名分を!
Chapter 5[]
- May There Be an Explosion for This Hateful Relic!
- この恨めしい遺物に爆焔を!
Chapter 6[]
- "I Want the Strongest Wizard"
- 『欲しいのは最強の魔法使い』
Animate Bonus Short[]
- Do you want to join the Axis Church?
- アクシズ教に入りませんか?
Toranoana Bonus Short[]
- We should have an Explosive Date once in a while
- たまにはこんな爆裂デートを
Gamers Bonus Short[]
- It's your friend, Lady Lalatina
- お友達ですよ、ララティーナお嬢様
E-book Bonus Short[]
- Normal Cat and Loner Girl
- 普通の猫とぼっち少女